This is a family safe and friendly blog.
All comments are welcome and appreciated.

If you are a first time Furwaggle reader then scan down to Chapter 1 to start at the beginning.

Thoughts in my tiny mind.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Furwaggle Chapter 42


Chapter 42
The Cure
There is a wonderful fictitious land called Furwaggle. In this mythical place everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of who or what they are.
It is mid morning and as usual Piggly Wiggly is taking his daily mud bath. One of his favorite
things to do is take a running jump into the deep end of the mud hole. He just finished doing one of his beautiful swan dives, splashing mud high and wide. As he oozes to the mud surface he hears a very angry voice yelling, “Hay, watch it there you little pig. Your getting mud all over everywhere, and some is on me”. Another voice added, “Me too”, which was punctuated with a, “AHCHOO”. This surprised Piggly Wiggly, because he was not accustom to having an audience while he did his morning mud ritual. He spun around and what did he see but Wiggles and Fluff standing over him. After he composed himself he said, “Sorry boys, I didn’t know that you were there. Besides mud is good for the complexion”. Then his eyes got real big and he jumped backward saying, “Stay away, stay away. I don’t want to catch the chicken pox, or duck pox or what ever you got. I just got over the swine flu and I don’t want your sickness too”. Sarcastically Wiggles replied, “I don’t have chicken pox, I just have paint spots. Have you ever seen chicken pox that were blue, orange, pink or yellow”? Fluffy added with a load “AHCHOO”. Wiggles continued with, “and just how did you get that pig flu any way? Were you rubbing noses with your fellow hogs”? Defiantly Piggly snapped back, “No I didn’t catch nothing from my friends, I got the flu from a traveling musician, Whistling George. He was a part of a musical group that came thru here a couple of weeks ago”. With a grin Wiggles said, “That’s what you get from being down wind from a whistle”. Piggly Wiggly had enough insults from this speckled duck so he pointed toward the trail and said, “You should move along now, go pay a visit to Doctor Chicken, just follow the path and you will be at cures door. And take that sneezing sick dog with you”. Fluffy started to yell something at the Piggly but all that came out was another loud “AHCHOO”.
Wiggles and Fluffy started walking off down the path and in a short while they came to Doctor
Chicken’s sign of business. Not seeing anybody around Fluffy let out a big yell, “AHCHOO, is there anyone home, AHCHOO”. From behind the sign, up popped the head of Doctor Chicken. The first thought that the good doctor had was, “AH, suckers, I mean customers”. Out loud he said, “Good morning gentlemen, this is your lucky day. I have a beautiful condo that has just gone on sale. And just for you I will make…”. Wiggles interrupts with, “We aren’t here for real estate, we need some of your doctoring”. Fluffy chimes in with, “Yes, some doctoring, AHCHOO”. Narrowing his eyes to a squint, Doctor Chicken remarks, “Yes Wiggles, I noticed that you look a little on the spotted side. And I hear some strange things coming out of Fluffy”. With a knowing look Wiggles remarks, “I’m glad you remember us. But what can you do about these spots I have”? “How could I forget my two best customers, now let me see what I have”, Doctor Chicken said as he rummages around in his doctor bag. “Ah, here is just the thing”, he said as he pulls a can of spot remover from the bag. As he hands the can to Wiggles he says in his most official doctor voice, “drink two shots of this and call me in the morning”. “Hay wait a minute, I’m not going to drink this stuff”, yells out Wiggles. “Err, I mean rub on your body twice a day and then call me”, mutters Doctor Chicken. While the Doctor is making his correction Wiggles is reading to himself the directions on the can of spot remover then out load he reads, ”… may cause young children to go bald and feathers to fall off ducks”. “Well I guess that’s not to your liking either. Tell me just how did you come by these spots anyway”? Wiggles explains, “Yesterday afternoon I was watching Zorba do some water color painting and he splashed me with some of the paint”. “Oh, then that makes your cure simple, just go over to the water pond and soak for about five minutes and all that paint will wash right off”, announced the good doctor.
Wiggles wattles over to the pond and jumps right into the water. As he comes up for air Wiggles hears a raspy voice say, “Hay there duck, you're
polluting my pond”. Wiggles sees a green thing sitting on the waters bank giving him the evil eye. “Sorry mister toad, I will only be a minute while I wash off this paint”, explains Wiggles. “First of all I’m not a toad. I’m a frog. And second why don’t you go de-paint yourself in your own pond”, snaps Mr. Frog. “Look I’m getting out now. All the paint is washed off now, anyway”, remarks Wiggles as he climes out of the water. He also notices that the water has a slight silver tint and so does he. He thinks to himself, “Oh Well, being a little silver is better than having a lot of bright spots”.
Meanwhile Doctor Chicken has turned his attention to Fluffy and is working on his problem. “Tell me Fluffy when did you first get this Whooping Cough”, asks the doctor. “It's not a Whooping anything. Its an allergy from being in a field of sneezeweed”, explains Fluffy. “Ok, I can fix that”, said the good doctor as he pulls a pocket watch with a chain attached from his doctor bag. He begins swinging the watch back and forth in front of Fluffy and chanting, “You are getting sleepy and you can only hear my voice. When you awake you will not sneeze or cough any more instead you will softly bark”. When the doctor started to sway the watch Fluffy got that dear in the headlights look which went away when the doctor snapped his fingers to bring Fluffy back to normal. “Thank you doctor I feel much better now”, softly barked Fluffy.
Just then Wiggles waddled up and fluffing his feathers asks, “Well doctor, looks like we are all cured, or at least cured enough. What do we owe you for your services”? The doctor replied, “That will be dime for you, Wiggles and a nickel for Fluffy”. As Wiggles hands over the money he asks, “How come I’m charged more than Fluffy”? With a grin the Doctor Chicken says, “Fluffy will be back”. With that Wiggles and Fluffy waved good by and started back to the barnyard. Wiggles was waddling and Fluffy was doing a sequence of soft barks.
My tiny mind also gets spotted sometimes.
Continued… (Maybe).

Here is a simple little teaser for you
Diamond Maze

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Furwaggle Chapter 41


Chapter 41
Little One Lost
The most wonderful place is the dreams of the mind. This is one of those dreams about a fictitious land called Furwaggle. This mythical place has many wonderful features. One of them is that everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of who or what they are. Cats can talk to dogs, fish can talk to mice and even grasshoppers can talk to toads.
As usual Fluffy is the last one to finish eating breakfast. As he steps out on to the chuck house porch he sees Wiggles sitting in his favorite rocking chair soaking up the morning sun. He is rubbing his belly as he walks down the porch to where Wiggles is rocking. The first thing out of his mouth to Wiggles is a great big burp. Without turning his head or looking up, Wiggles says, “That has to be Fluffy. No else can make such a disgusting sound”. With a little giggle Fluffy says, “Why thank you Wiggles, I’ll take that as a complement". Besides making funny remarks, what else is going on this beautiful morning? “I hear strange sounds coming from the field over by the barn, what is going on Fluffy”, asked Wiggles. With a snort Fluffy says, “If you would wear your eye glasses you could see that Zorba is standing out in the field clutching a brush with his tail and there is one in each hand. He is splashing paint all over himself and on a thing propped up by some kind of a metal contraption”. Wiggles asked, “Is he painting on a canvas that is propped up on an easel”? “Sure, what ever”, replies Fluffy. With a wishful sigh Wiggles says, “Zorba is being artistic by expressing his inter spirit. I would like to have an inspired calling”. With a snort Fluffy shoots back with, “All I know is if you had one paint brush in your beak, let along three, you would have paint all over your self and half of Furwaggle as well”. “Oh no”, replied Wiggles. “I can’t do any painting, my fantasy is more along the line of writing my memoirs”. When Fluffy hears things like that he gets that deer in the headlights look. “You want to write what”, asked Fluffy. With a patient tone Wiggles attempts to explain, “What I mean is I would like to write my autobiography, you know, that’s where you write words on paper about your past”. With a chuckle, Fluffy shoots back, “Well Wiggles, if you run out of words, I have a few spare ones that I’m not using that you can have”. Wiggles doesn’t have a response to that so he just rolls his eyes.
Fluffy asked, “Besides doing words, what are you going to do today”? With a thoughtful gaze Wiggles says, “Well I hear that a new herd of horses came in last night and they are over at the corral. So I thought that I would go over and welcome them to Furwaggle”. Fluffy starts jumping up and down on one foot as he asks, “Can I go too, huh, huh”? Hesitantly Wiggles replies, “You can come along if you promise not to do any barking. The last time you did that, there was a stampede and it took almost a week to get everyone rounded up again”. Fluffy tilts his head and says, “Well, it wasn’t my fault, besides it was cows not horses. There is a different, cows have horns and horses have a sense of humor. Ok, I promise, but only if we make a wide detour around Zorba. I don’t want to go and get any paint on me. The last time I got paint on my nose, I sneezed for a week. And my sneeze is much worse than my bark”.
It took much longer than normal to get to the corral because of the wide detour around Zorba and his flying paint. But once there our friends see horses happily chowing down on hay and oats. That is, all but one, a big mare, who is standing over by the corral fence with a sad look on her face. Fluffy walks up to her and says, “What’s the matter lady, don’t you like what is on the bill of fare today”? She answers back, “No, the food is fine. It’s just that I have lost my baby. I’ve looked all over the place and I can’t find him anywhere”. Sympathetically Wiggles asks, “Where did you see him last”? She answers back, “I last saw him last night as we came thru the mountain pass into the land of Furwaggle. He was always running ahead of the herd so I thought I would find him here at the corral but he’s not here”. With a reassuring smile Wiggles tells her, “Don’t you fret young lady, Fluffy and I will find him for you”. With that Fluffy and Wiggles took off on their quest of finding that which is lost.
After they were out of sight of the concerned mother Fluffy asked, “Ok mister bounty hunter, just how do you plan to find one little lost horse”? With a knowing look, Wiggles replies, “All we have to do is follow the horse hoof prints backward from where they came. That and with your super sensitive bloodhound nose, you just sniff out the lost colt”. Fluffy snaps back, “I hate to tell you but I’m not a bloodhound. Not now and never have been”. After about an hour of back tracking the hoof prints disappear into a large field of tall grass. Fluffy comes to a sudden stop and asks Wiggles, “Now what? The tall grass hides the hoof prints and they mess up my allergy”? As Wiggles steps off into the tall grass he tells Fluffy, “Just hold a paw over your hose and breath thru your ears”. After a ways into the field, Fluffy began to huff and puff. Then came the sniffs and sneezes. Wiggles snaps at Fluffy, “Be quite, I think that I hear something”. “I can’t help it, this sneezeweed has got me”, Fluffy sneezed back. Just then there is a little cry, “Mommy, Mommy”. “Yes, I heard that. It came from over this way”, Fluffy reports. After a few careful steps Wiggles pushes aside the crass and
there is a little colt lying in a nest of crass. Fluffy asks the little horse, “Are you the lost colt that we are looking for”? The little one replies, “My mother told me not to speak to strangers”. Wiggles then tells the colt, “I’m Wiggles and the one that’s sneezing is Fluffy”. With a little grin the colt says, “Then it is ok, we aren’t strangers any more”. Wiggles then remarks, “Come on, let’s get back to the farmyard and your mother”. Between sneezes Fluffy remarks, “I guess we will have to lead him because he’s too little to ride”.
When they arrive at the corral the colt cries out “Mommy, Mommy”. The mare kicks up her heels
and whinnies with glee. Wiggles says, “All's well that ends well”. Fluffy then asks Wiggles, “Well, what are you going to do now”? With a thoughtful look Wiggles says, “I going over to my nest in the barn hay loft and find my eye glasses, so I can have look at Zorba’s painting. What are you going to do Fluffy”? With a little grin Fluffy says, “I’m off to the chuck house for a little snack, all the finding stuff makes me hungry”. With that the two part to go on their separate ways.
My tiny mind also gets lost from time to time.
Continued… (Maybe).

Normal 0
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Stick Maze

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Furwaggle Chapter 40


Chapter 40
Fire in the sky
It’s late in the day; the sun is just about over the horizon in the fictitious land of Furwaggle where animals can talk and understand each other. Our two friends, Wiggles and Fluffy are heading back toward their home at the barnyard. Fluffy has been dragging his feet. He isn’t like his normal preppie self. Wiggles just figured it has been a long day of walking and that Fluffy is just weary but he should be better when they get back to the chuck house and a little snack. At least the day had been uneventful with no surprises.

All of a sudden Fluffy stops dead in his tracks and stands transfixed looking at the sky. He then lets out a little whimper but doesn’t move an inch. His fur stands up and the whimper changes to a low groan. Wiggles starts to ask what is wrong but Fluffy jumps up and runs around to hide behind Wiggles. “Ok Fluffy, what’s the matter with you? ”, asks Wiggles. With a gasp Fluffy whispers, “Did you see that? “ “See what”, asks Wiggles. With a few more whimpers Fluffy again whispers, “Up there, the sky is falling”. “Oh come on”, utters Wiggles, “the sky isn’t falling. You sound like Chicken Little”. With indignation Fluffy snaps back, “I’m not like that little chicken, I got fur not feathers. And I did see a big chunk of the sky fall down over by the orange grove. It was on fire and everything”. “No way”, snorts Wiggles. Then with a little compassion he then said, “Come on let’s get back to the barnyard where you can get a little something to eat. That should calm you down a little”.
The walk continues, with Fluffy looking over his shoulder at the sky from time to time and Wiggles keeping a close eye on Fluffy. They had only gone a few steps when Fluffy yells out, “There it is again, the sky is falling some more, look, look”. This time Wiggles turns and looks where Fluffy is pointing. After a moment he snorts, “The sky isn’t falling, that’s just a falling star”. “See I told you, the sky is falling”, said Fluffy as he jumped up and down on one foot”. Very calmly Wiggles says, “That’s a meteor that’s falling, not the sky”. With glee Fluffy says, “See I knew something was falling. Call it what you want but I seen what I seen and from now on you will believe me when I see something”. With a snort Wiggles turns to continue on the trip home, with Fluffy skipping along behind.
My tiny mind also sees things from time to time.

Continued… (Maybe).

Here is a simple little teaser for you
Spider Maze

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Furwaggle Chapter 39


Chapter 39
Bug in the grass
Today we find our two friends, Wiggles and Fluffy walking across a grassy field toward the barnyard. Actually, Wiggles' walk is more of a waddle and Fluffy is jumping around trying to catch butterflies. Just as Fluffy landed after one of his unsuccessful leaps, there was a deep rumbling sound. Fluffy said to Wiggles, “Did you hear that?” All I hear is your snapping in the air”, replied Wiggles. “No, I mean that deep earth shaking-sound, like a train going by or a fast flying jet airplane”, explained Fluffy. With a chuckle Wiggles asked,” Now tell me Fluffy, have you ever seen a train or a jet airplane”? Sleeplessly Fluffy replied, “Well no, but I bet they make a lot of noise like I just heard". "Well, you let me know the next time you are on to one of those noisy fast movers and I will tell you what it really is”, remarked Wiggles.
Fluffy just shrugged his shoulders and shuffled his feet as he prepared for another butterfly leap. Again there came that deep rumbling sound but this time it was a voice saying, ”Watch it buster, you are about to step on me”. With a high pitch whimper, Fluffy jumped behind Wiggles looking for protection. Wiggles yelled at Fluffy, “Stop that whimpering so we can hear what is making that rumble”. Wiggles began to look around, and Fluffy stayed behind him. Then Wiggles spotted a little movement in the grass. This was unusual due to his very poor eyesight; he rarely saw anything, even his own feet. “There it is”, Wiggles said. Fluffy yelled, “Step on it, step on it, squash it”. Wiggles snapped back, “Do not be foolish, it is just a little creepy-crawly in the grass”. There came another deep rumbling voice from the grass, “I’m not a creepy-crawly, I’m a Bug and I do not want to be stepped on by either of you big-footed monsters”. With an apologetic voice Wiggles said, “Sorry little Bug, we just did not see you down there in the grass”. Back came the rumbling voice, “My name is not little bug, it is just Bug. And by the way, why can we talk and understand each other”? Wiggles puffed up his chest as he explained, “That is because you are in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle where animal’s can talk to each other”. Bug rumbled back, “I figured it was something like that”.
Wiggles then asked, “Tell us Bug where do you come from”? “Well”, Bug rumbled,” I’m just not sure. You see I was up in a tall tree, looking around, when this big gust of wind came along and swept me up. I was blown all over for days. I saw mountains, big lakes and rivers as I was carried along by the wind. I even saw some really big forest. Then today the wind died down and I was dropped into this grassy field. So not only don’t I know where I come from I don’t know where I’m at”. Indignity Fluffy shot back, “Wiggles told you, you are in Furwaggle”. “Yes, but where is that”, rumbled Bug. This time Fluffy puffed up his chest as he explained, “Well, it starts over there and it ends way over there”. All the time pointing with his finger and waving his hand about. “Well, now that I know all that, just how do I get out of here and go on my way”, asked Bug in his normal rumble. “Well”, replied Wiggles, “I figure it should take you about ten or twenty years to walk to the edge of Furwaggle. That is if you don’t stop and talk so much. Then you could fly on the wind like you came here”. “Ok, do you have any big trees around here”, asked Bug. Fluffy pointed across the field and said; “Sure, don’t you see right over there is a tall one at the edge of this field”. Again with a rumble Bug snapped, “I don’t see so well from down here”. With sarcasm Fluffy said, “Then you should either get yourself some seeing glasses or stilts”. Wiggles interrupted with, “Hold on you two, just how high can you jump Bug”? “Well, I can jump all over you that’s for sure”, said the rumbling Bug. Under his breath Fluffy muttered, “See, I told you we should have stepped on him”. Looking down at Bug he said, “Well then, jump up on my back and I will carry you over to the big tree”.
With a mighty jump Bug landed on Wiggles back and the three started off toward the big tree. It was a sight to see, Wiggles with his waddle, Bug hanging on to a bunch of feathers and Fluffy following behind. After a bit they all were at the tree. “Here we are”, remarked Wiggles. Bug said in his normal rumble, “Yes, from up here I can see. Now if you would just stand a little closer to the tree I will go about my business”. Wiggles moved a little and Bug did a big jump, landing on a low hanging branch. Then with a rumbling goodbye, Bug scampered up to the top of the tall tree. With awe Fluffy remarked, “For such a little fellow he sure can climb”. Just then Bug did a leap of faith and was picked up by a light breeze. The last Wiggles and Fluffy heard was a big rumbling, “Yahoo”, as the wind carried Bug out of sight.
“Ok, enough of this bug stuff. It must be time for dinner. With that the two headed back to the barnyard.
My tiny mind also takes wing from time to time.
Continued… (Maybe).

Here is a simple little teaser for you
An Animal Maze

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Furwaggle Chapter 38


Chapter 38
It’s a bright and crisp morning as Wiggles makes his way across the barnyard toward the chuck house for breakfast. To some, like the ant colony over by the old trash heap, it may be a little on the cool side, but to Wiggles it was just right. “There was sure to be a lot of discussion about the weather over breakfast this morning”, thought Wiggles. For in this fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle animal’s talk to each other, even if it was just about unimportant things like the weather or politics.
Wiggles eyesight was not very good even with his eyeglasses. That’s the reason he doesn’t fly for the air force any more, but his hearing was very sharp. He could hear a pin drop a mile off, well at least across the barnyard. This morning Wiggles had been hearing a lot of sniffling and mumbling ever since he had come out of the barn. He was pretty sure who it was making such sounds; no one else could make that high pitch whimper.
Sure enough when Wiggles got to the chuck house there sat Fluffy on the chuck house porch cry into his fur. “What’s the matter Fluffy, got another thorn in your paw”, asked Wiggles? “Oh no, it’s worst than that, the chuck house is closed and it’s not going to be open all day”, whimpered Fluffy. Then with a higher pitch whine he went on, “I’ll starve, that’s what I’ll do, just starve”. “Yes I can see that could be a problem, but why do you think that the chuck house is not going to open for breakfast”, asked Wiggles. “Well for one thing the door is closed and there is a big sign that says closed”, whined Fluffy. “If the pitch of his whine gets any higher my ears are going to pop, thought Wiggles. In an attempt to figure out what Fluffy was saying and to get his hearing back Wiggles asked, “and just where is this sign you’re talking about”? Pointing over his shoulder Fluffy mumbled, “Right there on the locked chuck house door”. Wiggles walked up the steps to the chuck house porch and then on forward until his beak was pressed against the sign on the door. Now he could read the notice that had caused Fluffy to panic. “Yep, you are right Fluffy. It says right here that the chuck house will be closed all day. It states that it is due to some kind of a plumbing problem. But it also says in small print that food will be served over in the apple orchard next to the barnyard all day today and ever one should get there early before Fluffy eats everything”, Wiggles said with a little chuckle. Fluffy jumps up and asked, “Did it say that about me”? “Naw, I just made that part up about you”, laughed Wiggles. “It does sound like there is a real problem, pipes busted, sink leaking and water coming out of the stove”, remarked Wiggles. As Wiggles walked back over the porch steps, Fluffy pronounced, “Anything to do with water is a sure enough problem”.
Just then there was a banging and a screech as the chuck house door began to squeak open. Once fully opened, there stood little Benedict Arnold mouse, the head chef of the chuck house. In his normal high pitch voice Benedict said, “Hello boys. Are you going to just sit around or will you go over to the apple orchard for breakfast?” Not waiting for another invite Fluffy replied with, “I'm off to where the food is.” With that Fluffy was on a dead run.
Wiggles ask Benedict, “How is the repair coming along?” “Well”, answered Benedict, “Squirrel, the maintenance man told me that most everything is about done except the water coming out of the stove. This seems to be puzzling him. Guess he never seen a stove with running water before.” “Oh well”, said Wiggles, “think I will head over to the orchard before Fluffy eats everything up.”
My tiny minds eye has never seen a stove with running water either.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
A Diamond Maze

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 37


Chapter 37
In the real world there is rain. Some times a little and some times a lot, depending on where you’re at. But there is never just the right amount for everyone. In the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle, where animal’s talk to each other, there is always just the right amount of rain. Even this doesn’t please everyone.
Fluffy had finished lunch about two hours ago and decided to take a little stroll while waiting for dinner. As he walked across the barnyard something hit him in the head with a splat. He looks around to see who is it that threw something at him. The only one he sees is Wiggles and he seems to be engrossed in some sort of odd dance. Fluffy started to walk over to Wiggles, just as he got there, Zorba came running by with something over his head. Fluffy said to himself, “This has started out to be a weird day, first Wiggles is acting odd and Zorba has a peculiar thing on his head”. Fluffy started to hail Wiggles, but before he could say anything he was hit again by something that makes a splashing noise. Fluffy quickly looks around but he doesn’t see anyone. He thinks, “If I find out who is throwing things at me they are in for a good biting”.
Wiggles continues doing his little dance. He jumps from foot to foot while fluffing his feathers and holding his beak up in the air. Fluffy tries to get Wiggles attention but no amount of grunting or making sounds of any kind gets his attention. Finally, he lets out the loudest bark he can make and that snaps Wiggles out of his trance. With his eyes still a little glazed, he said, “Well hello, Fluffy, didn’t see you there and why all the barking”? Fluffy responds with, “Well I had to get your attention because I have seen the most unusual thing”. Wiggles replied, “And what unusual thing have you seen now”. Wiggles knew that Fluffy was always on the strange side of things. Fluffy said, “It’s not me that's doing something odd, it’s Zorba. He is running around with something big and black over his head”. Just then something hit Fluffy again. This time it was a double hit, once in the head and once on his tail. With a growl, Fluffy whirled around and barked out, “Ok, whoever is hitting me had better cut it out or I’m going to give you a licking that’s going to hurt, big time”. Wiggles figured that Fluffy had at last gone over the edge and it was best the he humored him. In a very calm voice Wiggles said to Fluffy, “Now Fluffy there is nothing to be upset about, it’s just a little rain, that is why Zorba is carrying that umbrella and that’s why I was doing a rain dance”. Fluffy got a strange look on his face, and his mouth began to move but no sound came. After a moment there was a few more hits on Fluffy and that seemed to be the trigger that set Fluffy into motion. He began to whirl in a small circle and jabber at the same time. “You mean that it’s raining, that’s WATER and it’s
getting all over me”. The whirling got faster and the jabber got louder. “WATER, WATER”. There were a few other gibberish words that could not be understood but it didn’t slow Fluffy down any. Wiggles then realized he had made a big mistake. There were two thing that Fluffy could not stand. One was cats and the other was water in any way, shape or form. Before Wiggles could do anything to calm Fluffy down, the rain started to come down with a flurry. Fluffy must have seen the barn on one of his spins and off he went on a dead run toward it. As he ran he would bark, growl and snap at the raindrops. Lucky for Fluffy the barn door was open just enough for him to slip inside with a final snarl. With a chuckle, Wiggles went back to doing his rain dance.
Later that day after the rain had stopped, Wiggles was sitting in a rocking chair on the chuck house porch when he seen Fluffy making his way across the barnyard. Fluffy was being very careful not to step in any of the mud puddles and at the same time keeping an eye out for any lingering raindrops.
When Fluffy got onto the porch, Wiggles remarked, “Well it looks like you got your bath for this year”. With a snarl Fluffy said, “and I don’t want to ever do that again. Now when are they going to serve dinner”?
My tiny mind now knows that water is wet even if it comes as rain.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
A Pyramid Maze

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 36


Chapter 36
The Thing
Humans are a curious lot in the real world. In fact a whole business has come about to help fulfill this curiosity, it’s call News. There is the newspaper, the TV news, the radio news, and there is even news on the Internet. This inquisitive nature can even be found in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle, where animals talk to each other. The only difference is animals more likely will consider it to be nosy.
Wiggles has just exited the barn where his nest is located. It’s early in the morning; in fact it’s so early that it is still full dark. The darkness doesn’t effect Wiggles much because he can’t see very much anyway due to his poor eyesight. Today he is up early because his stomach is upset from eating sour corn for dinner, the day before. He thinks maybe the chuck house will have something to settle things down. They stay open all the time for just such things as stomach problems, because these kind of things happen often with their type of cooking. Before he has gone far, he stubs his toe on
something, and begins to jump around on one foot. From out of the darkness comes a little voice saying, “That’s a fancy dance you’re doing there Wiggles”. Wiggles stops his hopping and looks into the darkness but sees nothing, so he asked. “Who is it that’s spying on me and my hopping”? A response comes back, “Its me Little Lighting Bug, and watch where you hop, I don’t want to get squashed”. “Well, if you would turn your light on then I can see you and most likely won’t hop on your head”. “All right, I was just trying to save some energy to help fight global warming”, said Little Lighting. With a snap there was a bright light from Little Lighting. He then asked, “Wiggles, is this what you were dancing for”, as he pointed to something on the ground. With a distain look Wiggles said, “I wasn’t dancing, I stubbed my toe on something. What is it anyway”? Little Lighting snapped back, “Don’t ask me you’re the one doing the stubbing”. With some guiding help from Little Lighting, Wiggles was able to reached down and picked up the thing. He brings it up close to his glasses and gives it the once over. In wonderment Wiggles said, “I can’t tell what it is. How about you Little Lighting”? Little Lighting replied, “Beats me, its just a thing that’s round and has bright spots all over. Will I have to go do some Lighting”. With that Little Lighting fluttered his wings and slipped away.
With a shrug Wiggles resumed his walking toward the chuck house carrying the round spotted thing. By the time Wiggles got to the chuck house, the sun had started to rise. The reason it took him so long, was he had walked very slowly and carefully so as not to stub his toe on another thing. He and Fluffy arrived at the chuck house at about the same time. Fluffy always liked to be first in line for breakfast and was somewhat surprised to see Wiggles there that early in the morning. Fluffy snarled at Wiggles, “What you trying to do, beat me out of being first for breakfast”? Wiggles snapped right back, “No, I would never try to get between you and breakfast. I had an upset stomach but the problem seems to be gone now. But on my way over here I stubbed my toe on this thing and…” Fluffy interrupted Wiggles with, “Ok, ok, I get it. But what is that you are carrying”? Wiggles answered back, “That’s what I have been trying to tell you. It’s the thing that I stubbed my toe on this morning”. With a look of uncertainty on his face, Fluffy asked, “Just what kind of a thing is it”? “I don’t know”, responds Wiggles. As Fluffy reaches his paws out he said, “Here let me see it”. Wiggles hands over the thing to Fluffy, who immediately throws it down on to the chuck house porch. The thing lands with a thud and just lies there. Wiggles cries out, “What are you doing Fluffy”? With a smirk Fluffy said, “I was just testing if it would bounce or not. I guess it don’t”. Wiggles replies, “You’re not much help”. At that point the breakfast bell rings and Fluffy said, as he dashes through the chuck house door, “Got to go now, got no time for this thing kind of a game”.
Wiggles decides maybe instead of fooling with the thing, he could set it on the rocking chair, on the chuck house porch and take a little nap. But before he closes his eyes Zorba comes walking by. “Hi there Wiggles . What you up to”, he calls out. “Just resting my eyes a little”, Wiggles replies. Wiggles then asked, “Are you on your way to breakfast”? Zorba then said, “Nope, I ate already. Had some fresh bananas right off the tree”. Wiggles wrinkled up his nose and asked, “Aren’t they kind of green coming straight from the tree like that”? With a big grin Zorba said, “No, they are pretty good if you add a little hot sauce”. He then asked Wiggles, “What is that you have there”? With a little sigh he starts to tell his morning story, “I got up early this morning because I had an upset stomach and on my way here I stubbed my toe on this thing”. Zorba asked back, “How is it now”? With some confusion Wiggle asked, “My upset stomach, or my Toe”? With a little chuckle Zorba said, “Neither, I was asking about the thing you have there. What is it anyway”? Wiggles answered, “I don’t know. It’s just a thing that’s round with bright spots. It’s hard and it don’t bounce”. Zorba rubs his chin and then said, “Why don’t you open it up and see what is inside”. “Ok but how”, asked Wiggles. “I know just the thing. There is an ax over at the woodpile”, said Zorba. With that, the two started off across the barnyard to the woodpile.
It only took a few minutes for them to reach the woodpile, even with Wiggles slight limp. “Ok Wiggles, put that thing down on that old tree stump and I will give it a whack with this ax, “commanded Zorba. Wiggles did as he was told and started to back up saying, “Wait let me get out of the way”. Zorba took a couple of practice swings and then swung the ax at the thing as hard as could. There was a very loud thud but the thing just lay there. The same can’t be said for Zorba, he
and the ax went into a violent vibration. In fact the shaking was so great that Zorba’s teeth was rattling. After a few moments Zorba’s quivering settled down to a slight tremor. Wiggles was in awe but he finally was able to say, “I never seen any thing like that”. Still a little shook up Zorba stammered, “You should have seen it from my point of view”. Wiggles looked down at the thing and reported, “I don’t know about you Zorba but the thing doesn’t have a mark on it”.
Just then Fluffy came running up and asked, “What was that? It was loud enough to he heard all over the land”. Wiggles explains, “That was Zorba trying to open up the thing with an ax”. Fluffy reaches down and picks up the thing and looks it over. I don’t see even a scratch from hitting it with the ax, but I do hear it doing some buzzzzzing”, remarks Fluffy. Wiggles looks up and tells Fluffy and Zorba, “That’s not the thing humming, that’s just Busy Bee flying around us”. Sure enough, Busy makes a couple of circles around the trio and then lands on the tip of Fluffy’s tail. Fluffy goes into a fit
yelling, “Get him off, Get him off. He will sting me”. Zorba has come to normal but he can’t take this yelling, so he yells right back at Fluffy, “Cut it out. Busy can’t sting anyone; he broke his stinger last month. Now stop all this yelling”. Then with a buzz, Busy asked, “What are you three up to with all this noise”. Wiggles turns to Busy and again begins to explain, “We have this thing and we were trying to open it up with an ax but didn’t have much luck. All we know is that it is round, and covered with spots”. Fluffy chimes in with, “and it don’t bounce”. Zorba adds. “and it’s very hard”. Wiggles finishes with, “Do you have any idea what this thing is, Busy”? Busy fly’s down and lands on the thing in Fluffy paws. He walks around the thing a few time, sniffs and then said, “Beats me. I can tell you for sure it’s not a flower”. With that Busy flaps his wings and said, “Well guys, I got to go. There is some new flowers blooming out in the north forty and I got my work cut out for me”. In a flash Busy was gone.
Zorba asked, “Ok, does anyone have any bright ideas about what to do with this thing next”. After a few moments of quiet thinking suddenly Fluffy spurts out, “I know, lets see if it floats”. With a puzzled look Wiggles asked, “What do you mean, floats”. Without hesitation Fluffy replies, “I mean lets see if it floats in water. You know like a boat does”. “Sure”, said Zorba. “We can put it into a bucket of water from the well”. With high spirits they go off toward the well in the middle of the barnyard. Zorba gets to the well first followed by Fluffy and then limping Wiggles is last carrying the thing. Right away Zorba draws a big bucket of water from the well and places it on the well railing. He then tells Wiggles, “Drop the thing into water and lets see if it is a boat or a submarine”. Wiggles limps up to the bucket and throws the thing in with a splash. “Well, what happened”, asked Zorba. With disappointment Wiggles reports, “The thing went right to the bottom and there isn’t even bubbles”. Fluffy said, “Here, let me see”, as he sticks his head into the bucket. In his excitement Fluffy puts his head deep into the bucket, so far that his nose is under the water. There is one thing Fluffy can’t stand, and that is water. Particularly when it’s in his nose. He gives a snort and jerks his head out of the bucket hitting its side and tipping it over. Out pours the water and the thing from the bucket. “Look out”, yells Zorba, but its too late, the thing is gone into the well. There is a moment of stunned silence. They are unable to speak as the three just look at each other. Finally Wiggles said, “Will I guess that’s the end of the thing”. Zorba adds, “There’s no way of getting the thing out of the well”. Fluffy just snorted. With that the three just walked away.
My tiny mind now knows why curiosity is bad for cats.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Mighty Mite Maze

Monday, August 25, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 35


Chapter 35
In the real world humans gather together on various occasions, such as Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and just a family reunion. Most of these get togethers are planned, but there are some that are just spontaneous. But in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle, where animals talk to each other, reunions are rare and never planned.
Today we find Fluffy laying on the chuck house porch taking a little snooze while he waits for the dinner bell. This is his favorite place; he is rarely disturbed because no one else is as devoted to eating as Fluffy. But all of a sudden there is an ear splitting ruckus, causing Fluffy to come out of his slumber and to open one eye part way. Things are a little blurry but Fluffy can make out that there is a
chicken jumping up and down while making the loudest screeching noise he has ever heard. Fluffy gets up and puts his paws to his ears and yells out, “Ok, already. Stop all that screaming you’re hurting my ears”. Fat Chicken yells back, “You would be shrieking too if you had seen what I seen”. Fluffy is wide-awake now and he realized two things. First off, this chicken is gone full mad and second he’s not going to be able to go back to sleep. “Ok”, Fluffy asks, “just what is it that you seen that makes you so outrageously crazy”? Fat Chicken takes a deep breath and starts in, “There is a wacky dog down at the chicken pen snapping at every one, and it’s all your fault”. Fluffy starts to say something in self-defense but then stops and after a moment of thought asked. “Did you say a snapping dog”? “Yes, that’s what I said. Now what are you going to do about it”, replies Fat Chicken. Fluffy yells, “Oh no”. Then he jumps off the porch and breaks into a dead run toward the chicken pens.
On his way toward the chicken coops he passes Zorba high up in a tree yelling something that sounds like, “help…mad dog”. Next he sees Wiggles running toward him and he is yelling, “my tail feathers, my poor tail feathers”. But again Fluffy doesn’t stop to chat. He runs even a little faster if anything. Then the next thing he realizes is that he is at the chicken pen wire fence and he is going too fast to stop. With a bump he hits the wire and is thrown for a full loop and lands with a thud on his back. He is stunned but looking up he sees a familiar face looking down at him. The face is
saying, “You always did like to make a spectacular entrance Fluffy”. As Fluffy stagers to his feet he realized the talking face was his cousin Snapper. Fluffy blurts out, “Snapper, what are you doing here”? Snapper replies, “Why I’m here to see you cousin. I’ve heard so much about this fictitious dreamland that you live in. I just had to see for myself”. Then Fluffy sees thru the chicken wire that there were about half a dozen chickens running around and squawking about their tail feathers. With a stern look Fluffy tells Snapper, “You can’t go around snapping at chicken, duck or any feathered types here”. With a sheepish grin Snapper said, “I’m sorry. I was just trying to be friendly”. Then Fluffy asked, “Just how long are you planning to be here”? While pointing toward the grassy field next to the barnyard, Snapper said, “Well I just don’t rightly know. It all depends when the rest of the in-laws get here”. Fluffy turns in the direction Snapper is pointing and he is shocked at what he sees. The field is full of dogs, all sizes, shapes, and breeds. “What, … what is all this”, Fluffy stutters. Snapper takes a deep breath and starts in naming the relations, “There is cousin Jake and aunt Mary, uncle George and his kids, Manny, Moe and Jack. Then on the off breed side of the family there is Spot, and his two brothers Larry and Larry… blab, blab, blab, and so on…” “Wait, wait”, yells Fluffy. “You mean to tell me that there are brothers with the same name”? With a knowing look Snapper said, “Well sure, it is a big family and they ran out of names”. With a dejected look Fluffy asked again, “How long are you and your pack going to stay here”? Snapper answered, “We will most likely decide that at the family meeting just after the howling contest”. “Oh no”, said Fluffy with a shock. “Just when is this howling going to start”? With a knowing look Snapper said, “Oh, whenever it gets dark enough to see the moon”. Then Snapper asked, “Say isn’t it about time for dinner. It’s been over an hour since we ate last”? Just then the dinner bell rings which triggered a mad rush to the chuck house.
After about an hour of slurping and chomping most of the pack has finished their dinner. Fluffy is about the last one to exit the chuck house and everywhere he looks, he sees a sleeping dog. It seems that being a big eater and after a meal, sleeping is a family trait. Fluffy goes over to his doghouse but it is already full, there is even a large Doberman lying on its roof. Just then, Wiggles
came walking by and asked, “What’s the matter Fluffy”? With a whimper Fluffy replies, “I don’t have any place to sleep. They have taken over my little doghouse”. “Not to worry Fluffy”, said Wiggles. “You can sack out in the hay loft in the barn”. By the time they got to the barn it was almost dark and the howling was starting up. It came from all areas of Furwaggle, a bark here a howl there and each one louder then the last. Inside of the barn Wiggles stuffed cotton in his ears and Fluffy put his head under a bale of hay. Both settled down for a fitful nights sleep.
The next Fluffy knew was he was being shaking awake by Wiggles as he shouted, “Come on Fluffy its wake up time”. Fluffy pulled his head out from under the bale of hay and gave out with a big yawn. Wiggles cheerfully said, “Come on, let’s go greet the sun rise”. They both climbed down the ladder from the hayloft and walked out into the barnyard. All was quiet and calm except for a far off bird chirping. Also there wasn’t a dog in sight. They did
see Zorba walking toward them. He called out, “Hello boys, I see you are up bright and early this morning”. “What happened to all of Fluffy’s relatives”, asked Wiggles. Zorba replied, “Oh they packed up and moved out during the night, right after the howling competition”. “You were at the howling contest”, asked Fluffy. Zorba puffed up his chest and said with pride, “Not only was I there I came-in third place and was awarded a bronze medal”. Wiggles asked, “Howling isn’t an Olympic event is it”? Zorba snapped back. “No it isn’t yet but they have done dummer things like stopping women’s soft ball”. With that both Wiggles and Fluffy nodded their heads in agreement. Then Fluffy asked, “What caused the dog pack to move along”? With a snicker Zorba answered, “Well, at the meeting after the howling, I happened to mention that there was a place past the south mountains called Dogland that was run by dogs. It is a wonderful place where there is plenty to eat and cats for the chasing”. “Huh, I never knew there was such a place”, stammered Fluffy. Fluffy then asked, “Are you sure…”? but before he could ask any thing else Zorba interrupted with, “Say, did you hear that. I think it’s the bell ringing for breakfast”. That was all it took, Fluffy spun on his heel and took off on a run toward the chuck house. He yelled back to Zorba and Wiggles, “See you after breakfast”. Zorba and Wiggles started following Fluffy at a slow pace. Wiggles said to Zorba, “You made that up about Dogland. Didn’t you, you silver tongue devil”? Zorbas response was, “Say, did I ever tell you that I have a sure cure for making duck tail feathers grow”.
My tiny mind thinks that there is an art to communication.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Spider Maze

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 34


Chapter 34
In the real world there are many goals and milestones. One of the most common is retirement. It comes in many different forms and for many different reasons. But in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle, where animals talk to each other, retirement is a personal choice and taken whenever it is desired. All that is required to retire is to say, “I retire”.
Fluffy was limping across the barnyard when he encounters Zorba and Wiggles. Zorba calls out to Fluffy, “Good morning Fluffy, why are you limping?” Wiggles added, “you got another
burr in your paw”? Sheepishly, Fluffy answers back, “No, I don’t have a burr, if you must know, I twisted my ankle coming down the chuck house steps”. “You what?”, said Wiggles. Fluffy snapped back, “I just misjudged the number of steps and so I fell”. “Oh, that explains it, you only walk down those steps four or five times a day. It’s an easy mistake to make by someone with a bad memory”, Zorba, mockingly said, Wiggles just had to add, “He does'nt have a bad memory, he just does'nt use it all the time”. “Ok you guys, stop it all ready. What are you two up to”, said Fluffy. “Well, if you must know, we are going to Annie Owl’s retirement party”, answers Wiggles. “Why do you want to do a dumb thing like that for? Didn’t she just retire about four months ago?”, said Fluffy. “Yes, this is the third time she retired this year. But there will be food for everyone”, informed Zorba. Fluffy’s eyes lit up and he began to hop on three legs while asking, “Can I come, can I, can I”. “Food always gets Fluffys' attention”, remarked Wiggles, as two of them walked and one limped off toward the fowl yard.
Just as the trio reaches their goal, Fluffy jumps up on three legs and shouts out, “Rat, look there is a
rat”. Off to on side comes a growling voice, “I’m no rat, I’m a cat, and I go by the name of Slinky”. “Well you look like a rat to me”, responses Fluffy. “Wait a minute, I know you. You are Fluffy the one that got flunked out of cooking school for eating all of the cooking vittles”, said Slinky. Humble Fluffy replies, “It was all a mistake, I was just hunger”. In an attempt to restore some peace Wiggles asked Slinky, “Were you a student of Annie Owl”? “Yes, I was in the class of ninety nine”, replied Slinky. And then with a smirk toward Fluffy, he continued with, “I graduated at the top of my class”. Fluffy gave a little growl but before he could say anything Zorba jumped in with, “and what have you been up to since then”? With a smile of pride Slinky said, “Well I sleep in the warm sun, prowl at night and generally sneak up on things, you know the normal cat things”. Slinky then added, “Speaking of sneaking, I see Jelly Belly Porky over there, think I will sneak up on him like I did in school”. With that Slinky dropped down to his sneaking possession and began to sneak off toward his unsuspecting prey.
“Well that was interesting”, remarked Wiggles. All of a sudden Fluffy sniffed the air, made a quick turn and struck a hunting dog pose. Wiggles saw that Fluffy was acting a little more weird than normal so he asked, “What are you doing Fluffy, what ever it is, cut it out, you’re embarrassing and it’s making me uncomfortable”. Without moving a hair Fluffy said in a whisper, “Shush, you’ll scare the food away”. Zorba joined in with, “You should have known, when Fluffy goes weird it has something to do with food”. Fluffy didn’t say a word; he dropped down to a three-legged sneaking position and began to creep toward the table where the food was laid out. Seeing Fluffy sneaking up on the food, Wiggles remarked, “Well that will keep Fluffy busy for awhile”.
Then Wiggles seen Annie Owl across the fowl yard he turned to Zorba and said, “Come on Zorba I will introduce you to Annie”. The two friends made their way thru the crowd to where Annie was standing. Wiggles said to Annie, “Annie I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Zorba”. Annie shook Zorba’s hand and asked, “Were you in one of the school class’s that I taught”? “No”, Zorba replied, “I went to circus school in a land far, far away”. “Oh”, Annie said with a shock. “You were one of those that rather play than learn”, Annie continued. With that Annie turned on her heel and walked away. Zorba just stood there with his mouth open. Wiggles reached over and patted Zorba on the shoulder and said, “It’s ok, remember she is retired”.
Just then Fluffy walked up with potato salad dripping from his jowls. He asked, “Are you two about ready to go back home”? With a smile Wiggles ask, “What is the matter, have they run out of food”? Fluffy replied, “How did you guess. Come on, let's go”. Zorba said, “I think I have had about all of the retirement that I can stand for one day. Lets go”. With that the trio started off toward the chuck house, two were walking and one was limping.
My tiny mind thinks that retirement can be a good thing and sometimes not.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Card Maze

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 33


Chapter 33
A leap of faith
While trust and bravery are rare noble qualities, there are many other traits that are not so rare, such as confusion and misunderstanding. These errors can happen even when the same language is spoken between animals such as in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle
Fluffy has finished his breakfast and decided to go out into the barnyard to chase some butterflies.
He just gets started
playing this game of snap and fly when Zorba comes walking by. He calls out to Fluffy, “Good morning Fluffy, what are you up to this fine morning?” Fluffy calls back as he spins around and snaps at a fleeting Butterfly, “I’m playing catch with some friends of mine.” With a puzzled look Zorba said, “Fluffy I don’t think that is the kind of catch that is normally played. Usually it is played with a ball and….” Fluffy interrupts with, “Look you play catch your way and I will play it my way.” Then Fluffy notices something about Zorba that is new. He asked, “What is that you got tied around your neck? It looks like a rope, you planning on making a swing or something?” It is true Zorba did have something wrapped around his neck and draped over one shoulder. With a chuckle Zorba said, “It’s not a rope, it’s a bungee cord.” Smugly Fluffy asked, “You going to tie up a bungee. Don’t think you’re going to have much luck, there aren’t any bungee around here.” Zorba replied, “No, no it’s not for tying up anything it’s for bungee-jumping.” “Oh I see, you’re going to play jump rope”, said Fluffy. “No”, replied Zorba, “It’s for jumping off of things.” With a shocked look Fluffy blurted out, “Sure, that doesn’t sound quite right to me.” “It is.”, protested Zorba. “Come on lets find Wiggles and he will tell you that I’m right.”

The two of them started off toward the barn where they knew Wiggles normally hangs out. And sure
enough there was Wiggles sitting in his favorite rocking chair. Wiggles knew it was too good to be true, that he would have a peaceful morning when he heard Zorba and Fluffy coming in his direction. Sure enough in a few moments Fluffy calls out, “Wiggles wake up, we need you to explain something.” Wiggles slowly opened his eyes and said, “I’m not asleep, I was just resting my eyes. Now what is the problem this time?” Both Fluffy and Zorba started talking at once, one was barking and the other squealing. All that Wiggles could make out was something about jumping rope with a bungee and a few other words that made no sense at all. Wiggles fluffed his feathers and interrupted the two with, “Ok, one at a time. What is it you want to know?” Zorba spurted out before Fluffy could say a word. “Would you please explain to Fluffy what bungee-jumping is?” Wiggles was sure that this was going to lead to no good but he cleared his beak and said, “Bungee jumping is a really dumb sport that involves jumping off of something high while connected to a long, thick, elastic rubber bungee cord.” Then Fluffy asked, “You mean jumping out of the top of a tree or maybe the roof of the barn?” It was Zorba's turn to add something to the explanation, “No Fluffy, something like a real high platform or bridge.” “Well that puts a kink into it.” Remarked Fluffy, “There isn’t anything like that around here.” There was a period of silence then Zorba perked up and with a twinkle in his eye said, “There may not be any tall bridges but there sure are some mountains and they have some very tall cliffs. Come on it's just a short little walk to a Bungee jump.” Wiggles was right, no good would come of this. So he said, “Just so you are clear about this. I will walk along with you but I’m not doing any jumping. I fly but I don’t jump. What about you Fluffy?” Not to be out done by Zorba and a rare chance to show up Wiggles, with gusto Fluffy said, “Not only will I walk along, I’ll Bungee as well.” With that the threesome start the trek to the nearest mountain.
The first mile was easy walking because the ground was pretty level and flat but from there on, it was an up hill climb. By midmorning there was a lot of huffing and puffing coming from the group as they slowly made their way up the mountain. Between wheezes, Fluffy remarked, “There must be a better way. Isn’t there a road or trail or something?” Zorba who was in the lead called back, “Keep you eye out for Hillbillie the Goat, he can put us on the right path.” No sooner had the words got out of
Zorba's mouth than Hillbillie stepped from behind a large bolder chomping on something. He stopped in mid chew and said, “Well, hello boys. Aren’t you a little lost? I don’t normally see valley types this far up on the mountain.” Wiggles flopped down on a rock to get his breath and then said, “You must be Hillbillie the Goat.” Still munching on some grass the goat replied, “Yep, but I prefer to be called Billie. Now just what is it I can do for you lost kids?” By now Fluffy had got enough wind back in his lungs and he starts blurting out, “Well we come up the mountain to do some Bungeeing and we need an easy path to the very top.” With a look of disbelief, Billie said to Fluffy, “I don’t know what a Bungee is, but I’m sure I’ve never seen one up here and as far as going to the top of the mountain, good luck. No one, not even us goats go any higher than we are right now. It’s too steep and you would most likely fall off.” With a tone of self-importance Fluffy barks back, “Oh no, we won’t fall, we are going to jump.” Billie took a step backwards in shock and said, “You mean you’re going to… But you will be… Oh my.” Fluffy butted in with, “Look just tell us how to get to the top.” Billie then realized that no amount of logic or words were going to do any good on these valley types. So he just shook his head and said, “You want to get to the top, well just climb up and when there is no more up then you’re at the top.” With that Billie turned and started down the mountain.
After another hour of climbing and many huffs and puffs the threesome found that there was no more up. In fact they were standing at the very top of the mountain, it was all down from here. Zorba walked over to the edge and looked over. “Yes, this will do just fine”, he remarked. Wiggles and Fluffy joined him and all they could see was a whole lot of straight down. Wiggles took a sharp breath and said, “It sure is a long way down.” But Fluffy didn’t say a word; just a little whimper or two as he flopped down on his belly and began to crawl backwards. Zorba then asked, “Ok, who is going to be the first to Bungee?” Wiggles replied, “Remember, I said I would walk but not jump.” Fluffy could only whine while his paws covered his eyes. “Looks like it’s up to me”, Zorba said as he began to tie one end of the Bungee cord around his waist and the other end to a large rock. He then bravely walked to the edge of the cliff. Wiggles figured he would try to bring some sense to all this madness, but before he could say anything, Zorba had taken a big leap off the cliff. All was silent for a moment then Zorba could be heard, “Yahoooooo”. Wiggles rushed to the cliffs edge and peeked over. By this time the Bungee cord had stretched out to its maximum and had started to bounce Zorba back up toward the mountaintop. All that Wiggles could say was, “Wow”. Fluffy was still rolled up in a ball with his paws over his eyes but he called out, “What’s happening?” Wiggles couldn’t take his eyes off of Zorba as he bounced up and down on the Bungee cord like a Yo-Yo. So Wiggles just called over his shoulder to Fluffy, “Come take a look.” Fluffy whimpered back, “I can’t, tell me what is happening, no don’t tell me.” By now Zorba had stopped his Yo-Yoing and had started climbing up the Bungee cord. This was an easy task for a circus-performing Monkey. When he reached the top where Wiggles and Fluffy were, he said, “What a trip. Anyone else want to give it a go?” There was dead silence. So after a few moments Zorba added, “Ok, might as well pack it up and head back to the barnyard.” Both Wiggles and Fluffy nodded their heads and the threesome started down the mountain. Zorba said, “That was something else.” Then Wiggles chimed in with, “It could have been a disaster.” And Fluffy added, “It was a disaster I missed lunch.”
My tiny mind thinks that bungee jumping belongs in that special group of things like Skydiving, hiccups and running with scissors.

Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Demon Maze