Furwaggle Chapter 20
Chapter 20
A talking stick
The air is alive with the sounds of chatter in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. Because everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of whom or what they are, there is always a lot of banter going on, just like in the real world, today is no exception.A talking stick
There is a small group over by the watering trough talking about the wind, rain and other such stuff. Little Squeaky Mouse is going on and on, “yadda, yadda, yadda”. Zorba jumps in with, “I've traveled a lot and….”. But before he can say more he is interrupted by Hopper the Cricket, “Let me tell you, even a little dew is no good for any jumping”. This goes on and on. Everyone is talking but no one is saying anything for long.
Standing off to one side is Isaac the Owl, Fluffy and Wiggles. Isaac remarks, "What we need is a talking stick". With a puzzled look Fluffy asked, "You got a stick that talks like a parrot"? Wiggles thinks to himself, “You’re going to be sorry Isaac”. With a sigh Isaac said, “No, it’s a stick that you hold when speaking”. “Oh, I see, it’s a puppet”, replied Fluffy. Isaac is now beginning to feel that it was a mistake to bring this up. So, very carefully he begins to explain, “A talking stick is a Native American tradition used to make possible an orderly discussion”. At about that time Zorba comes walking up and asked, “Hi guys. What’s going on”? Before Isaac could say anything, Fluffy blurts out, “We are talking about a stick that you beat others with, so you can talk”. “Hey, that’s not a bad idea”, replies Zorba. Isaac is thinking that this is getting more and more hopeless, and he is beginning to lose control of himself. He starts jumping up and down and shouts, “No, No! The Talking Stick is a stick that is passed around and only the one holding the stick is allowed to talk without interruption. It’s best used when holding a Pow-Wow gathering, or having a storytelling circle”.
Fluffy thinks for a moment and then says, “Don’t sound like much fun to me”. “Maybe instead of a stick, we should use a burning candle for those long winded talkers”, remarks Zorba. “A burning match might be even better”, adds Fluffy. Isaac just shakes his head and without saying a hoot, waddles off toward the sanity of the forest. “What do you think Wiggles”, asked Fluffy? “I think, where is that dinner bell when you need it”, Wiggles replies with a quiet chuckle.
My tiny mind thinks that there are times when a Talking Stick could be a good thing. When all else fails, Fluffy's idea of how to use it, could be right.