Furwaggle Chapter 41
Chapter 41
Little One Lost
The most wonderful place is the dreams of the mind. This is one of those dreams about a fictitious land called Furwaggle. This mythical place has many wonderful features. One of them is that everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of who or what they are. Cats can talk to dogs, fish can talk to mice and even grasshoppers can talk to toads.

Fluffy asked, “Besides doing words, what are you going to do today”? With a thoughtful gaze Wiggles says, “Well I hear that a new herd of horses came in last night and they are over at the corral. So I thought that I would go over and welcome them to Furwaggle”. Fluffy starts jumping up and down on one foot as he asks, “Can I go too, huh, huh”? Hesitantly Wiggles replies, “You can come along if you promise not to do any barking. The last time you did that, there was a stampede and it took almost a week to get everyone rounded up again”. Fluffy tilts his head and says, “Well, it wasn’t my fault, besides it was cows not horses. There is a different, cows have horns and horses have a sense of humor. Ok, I promise, but only if we make a wide detour around Zorba. I don’t want to go and get any paint on me. The last time I got paint on my nose, I sneezed for a week. And my sneeze is much worse than my bark”.
It took much longer than normal to get to the corral because of the wide detour around Zorba and his flying paint. But once there our friends see horses happily chowing down on hay and oats. That is, all but one, a big mare, who is standing over by the corral fence with a sad look on her face. Fluffy walks up to her and says, “What’s the matter lady, don’t you like what is on the bill of fare today”? She answers back, “No, the food is fine. It’s just that I have lost my baby. I’ve looked all over the place and I can’t find him anywhere”. Sympathetically Wiggles asks, “Where did you see him last”? She answers back, “I last saw him last night as we came thru the mountain pass into the land of Furwaggle. He was always running ahead of the herd so I thought I would find him here at the corral but he’s not here”. With a reassuring smile Wiggles tells her, “Don’t you fret young lady, Fluffy and I will find him for you”. With that Fluffy and Wiggles took off on their quest of finding that which is lost.
After they were out of sight of the concerned mother Fluffy asked, “Ok mister bounty hunter, just how do you plan to find one little lost horse”? With a knowing look, Wiggles replies, “All we have to do is follow the horse hoof prints backward from where they came. That and with your super sensitive bloodhound nose, you just sniff out the lost colt”. Fluffy snaps back, “I hate to tell you but I’m not a bloodhound. Not now and never have been”. After about an hour of back tracking the hoof prints disappear into a large field of tall grass. Fluffy comes to a sudden stop and asks Wiggles, “Now what? The tall grass hides the hoof prints and they mess up my allergy”? As Wiggles steps off into the tall grass he tells Fluffy, “Just hold a paw over your hose and breath thru your ears”. After a ways into the field, Fluffy began to huff and puff. Then came the sniffs and sneezes. Wiggles snaps at Fluffy, “Be quite, I think that I hear something”. “I can’t help it, this sneezeweed has got me”, Fluffy sneezed back. Just then there is a little cry, “Mommy, Mommy”. “Yes, I heard that. It came from over this way”, Fluffy reports. After a few careful steps Wiggles pushes aside the crass and

When they arrive at the corral the colt cries out “Mommy, Mommy”. The mare kicks up her heels

My tiny mind also gets lost from time to time.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Stick Maze