This is a family safe and friendly blog.
All comments are welcome and appreciated.

If you are a first time Furwaggle reader then scan down to Chapter 1 to start at the beginning.

Thoughts in my tiny mind.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 15


Chapter 15
Some Talking

It’s a good thing that everyone in this wonderful fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle can talk to each other. And it’s even better that they can understand each other. If not there would be mass confusion, kinda like in the real world.
Wiggles and Fluffy have been friends for a very long time. Almost since one was just out of the egg and the other was a hairless pup. They first met at the little pond just outside of the barnyard. Fluffy was stuck in the shoreline mud when Wiggles was paddling by and came to his rescue. Wiggles grabbed Fluffy by his ears and with a mighty tug popped him free of the goo that had held him trapped. Then with a twist he flipped Fluffy over his shoulder into the water. Still holding on to Fluffy’s ears he did a high-speed spin, causing Fluffy to be dragged thru the water cleaning off all the mud better than a high price washing machine. Then as a final act he spun Fluffy around over his head like a cowboys lariat, drying Fluffy to a bright clean puppy. Then with a toss, he deposited Fluffy high on to the grassy riverbank. He just sat there for a few moments while his head spun in one direction and his eyes spun in the other direction. Staggering to his feet Fluffy ask Wiggles, “That was fun. Can we do that again, but without the water bit?” Wiggles answered, “No, I think that I pulled something in my neck, by the way my name is Wiggles. Guess that’s because of the way I walk. What’s your name?” Fluffy replied, “My name is Whippethound Jr., but everyone just calls me Fluffy, don’t know why, something about me when I grow hair”. They continued to talk on the way back to the barnyard. And ever after that they became fast friends.
It’s now years later, true to the prediction Fluffy has a full body of scraggly hair that looks like a well used mop. Wiggles has grown bigger around but only a little taller, plus he has a real problem seeing. In fact his vision is so bad that he uses Fluffy as a Seeing Eye dog.
Wiggles and Fluffy are on one of their after breakfast walks. Wiggles calls their walks, exercise, but Fluffy calls them appetite builders. Today they are walking across a very large cornfield on their way toward the tall pine trees near the Furwaggle border. Fluffy was talking up a blue streak, mostly because he liked to talk but also it gave Wiggles a direction to follow. All of a sudden he stopped talking and walking. Wiggles had learned from past experience that when Fluffy got quite then something wasn’t right. Wiggles waited for Fluffy to say something, but nothing. After awhile Wiggles blurted out, “Ok, what’s going on”? “I don't know what this is yet but I hope it's good”, Fluffy whispered back. Then Wiggles could hear something coming through the field directly toward them. This was followed by a sharp intake of air by Fluffy as he jumped behind Wiggles. Wiggles asked, “What’s the matter”? Fluffy whispered again, “It’s very, very big and gray all over, and there is a long snake in the middle of its head.” Then there was a load booming voice, “Hello little fellows, what are you two doing down there?” Fluffy began to shake all over and Wiggles wasn’t all that calm either but he took one step forward and his nose bumped into something that was very big and ruff. After a moment Wiggles eyes focused and he could see what they had found. With relief Wiggles said, “It’s ok Fluffy, it’s an elephant.” With a quiver Fluffy whispered back, “Are you sure it’s not a
huge monster?” Wiggles snapped back, “Of course, I read about them in a book a long time ago.” Not to be out done Fluffy said, “Oh, I know about books, that’s a thing with pictures.” With frustration Wiggles had a number of things he wanted to say about Fluffy and books but before he could open his mouth the big elephant boomed out with, “Say it’s really great that we can all talk together. Back a little bit I had a very interesting conversation with a mosquito. He did a lot of buzzing about bending something and that he can’t suck blood out of my thick hide. By the way my name is Littlepachyderm, but everyone just calls me Pachie”. Wiggles replied, “My name is Wiggles, and this is my friend Fluffy.” With newfound courage but still a little shaky, Fluffy said, “Hello Pachie…please don’t step on me”. With a booming laugh, Packie said, “Not to worry little fellow, I’m very careful when and where I step. Say, maybe you guys can help me. I’m looking for that massive watering hole by the name of Ocean. Any idea where it might be?” Fluffy said, “huh”. Wiggles trying to be a little more helpful said, “Well there isn’t any oceans around here but I hear tell that there is something like that on the other side of those mountains”. With that Packie said, ”Thank you for the help, I got to be going. Want to see that ocean as soon as I can”. He turned toward the mountains and was off with a rush. Just as he approached the first hill he turned and with an ear-splitting blast was out of site.
Fluffy said, “Now that’s something you don’t see every day”. Wiggles and Fluffy decided maybe it was wise to head back to the barnyard just in case Pachie made a wrong turn and a misstep or two.
My tiny mind thinks that it’s a good thing to keep your eyes open and watch where you step.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you:
Circle Maze

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 14


Chapter 14
Some Throbbing

It’s a not a normal day in this wonderful
fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. Even here from time to time there are little obstacles to over come. Like in the real world, into each life a little rain must fall.
Wiggles has just exited the barn when he hears a growling sound. He looks around
and sees Fluffy standing beside a big ball of fur with a ribbon tied around it. Now, not much surprises Wiggles, but this has him at a loss. He tries to say something but all that comes out of him is a stammering, “Wha, wha, what’s that…” The ball of fur lets out another growl followed with a little snarl. Wiggles begins to take a few steps backward, but Fluffy pipes up with, “Not to worry Wiggles, he isn’t going to bite you.” Wiggles hesitantly asked, “Ok, no bite, but what is it?” With a laugh Fluffy said, “It’s not a it, this is my cousin on my uncles side, and his name is Chopper”. Suspiciously Wiggles remarked, “Fluffy you have some strange relatives. Do all of your uncles brood wear a ribbon or is this just this cousins normal getup?” “Come Wiggles it’s not what you think. Walk with us and I will explain it all to you”, said Fluffy.
With a nod Wiggles starts to walk along with Fluffy and the snarling Chopper, making sure to keep Fluffy between him and the growls, just in case he decides to sink some teeth into something. “Where are we going? And why is your cousin wearing a bow, is he a present for someone?”, asked Wiggles. “Well first off, that’s not a bow or a ribbon. It’s a bandage. Chopper has a chipped tooth and if he tries to talk, it cuts his tongue, that’s why all he can do is make a growling sound”, explained Fluffy. “I know I’m going to be sorry I asked, but how did he chip his tooth”, asked Wiggles. Chopper let out a couple of growls and then Fluffy said, “let me tell it, he mistook a rock for a chew toy and gave it a big bite.” Wiggles rolled his eyes and thought, “
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”
“Well here we are”, said Fluffy. Wiggles looked up and after getting his eyes to focus he realized that they were standing
beside the Chicken Services sign. “You remember Doctor Chicken don’t you Wiggles, he’s the one that fixed your burnt feathers from the little green man”, remarked Fluffy. “Yes, he also is the one that pulls out all those thorns from your paws and cleans out the mud from your ears and nose”, added Wiggles. At about that time Hornblower Chicken, who preferred to be called Doctor Chicken, walked up and said, “What can I do for you boys? Have a special sale on some prime real estate this week”. “No”, said Wiggles, “We are in need of your medical services today”. “Well Wiggles, I don’t see any singed feathers and Fluffy you look normal or at least the same as always, so you just pick which service you need”, said Doctor Chicken as he pointed to the signs listing his many talents. So as not to be ignored, Chopper let out a couple of growls, which got every ones attention. “Oh, I see, it’s a ribbon untying emergency”, remarked Doctor Chicken. “Oh no”, piped up Fluffy, “It’s a chipped tooth with a bandage tied around it, emergency”. “Sounds like a job for Dentist Chicken to me, so just what is it that has a tooth crisis”, asked Dentist Chicken. Wiggles thought, “Here we go again”. Fluffy started in his spiel, “cousin….Chopper…. rock verses chew toy, etc”.
Now that everyone knew everything, Dentist Chicken said, “Ok, lets see just what can be done about that fragmented fang. Come on Chopper, step into my tent,
err, I mean step into the dentist’s office.”. The dentist office was really an old red cross tent that had made it’s way from the real world due to an unusually high windstorm many years ago. The Dentist and Chopper go into the tent while Wiggles and Fluffy take up guard duty to wait for the results of the tooth repair. They couldn’t see what was going on, but they could hear all the combined sounds coming from the torture tent. There was the “humm”, “Lets get rid of this ribbon, err bandage”, a few growls, “Open wide and say bowwow”, “yee hawww, there’s a rock in here”, and then the final “Aaaaiieeeeeeee!!!”. With that the tent flap flies open with a whoosh and Chopper comes running out, shrieking, and screaming. The dentist then comes out of the tent holding a hammer and a pair of pliers with a tooth dangling from it. With a wide smile he says, “There goes another satisfied customer. Ok, who’s next?”. Wiggles and Fluffy look at each other and start to back up while saying together, “Not us, we are just fine. Thank you but we have to be on our way.”. As they quickly walk away they hear the Dentist/Doctor say, “Hay did I tell you I have a special on real estate this week.”.
Wiggles and Fluffy walk in silent, lost in their thoughts about teeth. But they can still hear Chopper way off in the distance screaming. Well at least he’s not growling.
My tiny mind thinks that rocks are not for chewing and dentist are a necessary evil.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you:
Card Maze

Friday, July 6, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 13


Chapter 13
King Day

It’s a special day in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle.
Today is the Kings day holiday. This once a year event starts at sunrise and continues until sundown with the election of a Furwaggle King for a day. On this great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire by campaigning for the only elected office not requiring any special talents or superior quality at all. Sorta like in the real world.
There are celebrations, partying, merry making and fun for all. Well maybe not all, Wiggles finds this event a total waste of time and is the only one who doesn’t throw his hat into this popularity race. Fluffy also doesn’t campaign either but that is because he takes advantage of one of the special extraordinary activities offered this holiday. Food is served from dawn to dusk without stop or interruption. Fluffy has been noted to say, “I don’t like to cook, but I like to eat, enough said, now please pass the vittles”.
Wiggles starts to walk out of the barnyard hoping to find some Peace and Quite. But the mouse brothers, Mickey and Icky, stop him. “Hold on there”, “Where do you think you’re going?” The brothers said in unison. Wiggles was surprised and popped out with, “Ok, what kind of a campaign promise are you two going to make and not keep?” “Look, old dull eyes, we hear that you’re not running for King today”, said Mickey. “And if not we want you to do something.” added Icky. “Now look you two, I’m not going to do anything illegal”, snapped Wiggles. “No, No, we don’t do that kind of thing anymore”, chimed in the brothers in unison. “You see we are responsible for the talent contest and we need someone who is honest, upright, trustworthy….”. Wiggles butted in with, “Ok, Ok, I get the idea, you want some fool to stand up on that stage and do the MC bit, right?” “Yea, kinda sorta, something like that”, said Icky. “You are the only one not in the running. By the way where is Fluffy?”, asked Mickey. With surprise Wiggles asks, “You mean that everyone is running in the King for a day contest?” “That’s right you’re the only one that’s not running, now where did you say Fluffy is? We need to do a little campaigning on him.”, said Icky. With a smile Wiggles said, “Won’t do you any good, he is in the chuck house eating.” “Well we will just wait for him and then give our pitch on how we are going to make his world all better and….”. Again Wiggles said, “I told you that it won’t do you any good, the only way he is going to stop his eating is for them to turn out the lights and lock the chuck house door with him on the outside.”
Against his will Wiggles let himself be dragged along to the barn where every thing was set up for the voting and the talent show. Once inside Wiggles asked, “how is the voting going to take place and where?” “Here is how it goes, we have a big old pickle barrel set up in the middle of the barn and each voter marks a card with his choice for King and drops it into the barrel.”, instructed Icky. “Won’t the ballets get all wet and mushy?”, asked Wiggles. With some pride Mickey said, “On the contrary, oh dim eyed one, we thought of that so we emptied
out all the pickles and juice.” “What”, said Wiggles. “You threw away all those pickles?”. “No, there you go again, thinking the worst of us. We put them into the pig’s trough until the voting is over then we will put them back.”, mocked Icky. Wiggles thought to himself, “Got to remember not to eat any pickles or at least wait until they open a new barrel”. Wiggles then said, “With everyone who is in the running doing a talent act it will take forever, and ever before this thing is over with. It will be into next week before all this talent is rung out”. “Not to worry, it’s the same for everyone, two minutes is all the time each contest gets”, said Mickey. Wiggles protested, “It will take Slimly Snail longer than that to just get onto the stage let along perform”. Together Mickey and Icky prompted, “We said that it was the same for everyone, we didn’t say it was fair to everyone”.
The rest of the evening went about as you would expect, the talent stage hosted dance, song and speeches. Wiggles was glad when that part of the events was over with. Now all that remained was the counting of the votes and the crowning of the King, which should go smooth and fast. Little did he know what was in store for him…. The vote counting did move along fast and then came the long awaited announcement. The head of the holiday committee took the stage and in a clear voice said, “There are 432 contestants and having counted 432 votes, we have a 432 first place tie.” A hush came over the barnyard crowd. Wiggles was the only one not surprised. He grabbed the microphone and said, “I knew it, I knew it, each one of you egotists voted for yourself.” Then from the crowd was yelled, “How about Fluffy’s vote?” The head of the holiday committee answered, “He voted early and it was for the cook.” Someone yelled out, “But the cook isn’t even in the running.” “Don’t matter, it counts”, replied the committee head. He then went on to say, “The only one that didn’t voted is Wiggles”. The crowd got extremely excited at this point and began to chant, “Make him vote, Make him vote….”. The rafters began to shake and Wiggles was sure he was in for a lynching. Then he realized that it was more of a cheer for him. Then the committee head raised his arms for quite and the crowd settled down. And he said, “Wiggles here is a voting card and a marker, you have one vote and one vote only to settle this tie for the title of King.” With a smile Wiggles took the voting material and turned his back for privacy while considering his choices. He rubbed his chin and the only sound he made was a soft, “Hmmmm.”. After a few minutes he started to make marks on the card, then turned and dropped it into the pickle barrel and said, “Okay, I'm Done”. With all the shouting and such, what had slipped under the radar was that the mouse brothers, who had been eager to do their jobs, had put the pickles and juice back into the voting barrel. So when the committee head removed Wiggles voting card, it was all soaking wet and squishy with the vote blurred and unreadable. With that the assembly went into a real tizzy. Wiggles was again sure that this was going to turn into a lynch mob. But again he was wrong, they were yelling at each other, “It was me”, “No, I’m the winner”, Have him vote again”, and so on. At this point the committee head proclaimed, “No, he gets one vote only and that was it. So that’s the end of King for a day holiday.” With sullen faces and an occasional whimper everyone began to slowly leave the barn.
At about that time Fluffy showed up and asked Wiggles, “is it all over? Did I miss anything? ” Wiggles replied, “That was one of the most difficult thing I ever have experienced.” Then Fluffy asked, “Who won?” With a smile Wiggles said, “I’m not telling.”
So ends another normal day in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle.
My tiny mind thinks that politics and talent is best if it is left to the egotist.
Continued… (maybe).

Here is a simple little teaser for you: