This is a family safe and friendly blog.
All comments are welcome and appreciated.

If you are a first time Furwaggle reader then scan down to Chapter 1 to start at the beginning.

Thoughts in my tiny mind.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 24


Chapter 24

The air is getting colder and the leaves are falling off the trees. It's a sure sign that winter is coming to the rest of the world. But it is always warm here in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle.
Today we find Wiggles and Slithering Sam chewing the fat over how bad it will be if the weather turns chilly. “Whenever it gets cold my beak locks up and I can’t talk, let alone eat. I just wna run away and hide from it all.” Remarks Wiggles. “I know what you mean”, replies Sam. “I'm speechless and can’t even hiss whenever the temperature drops below a normal slithering point”. At that point Fluffy walked up and said, “I'm not sure what's going on, but, I would like to join in on some important talk”. With sarcasm, Sam asked, “why, are you bilingual"? With confidence, Fluffy looks up at him and says, "Meow!" With a chuckle, Wiggles said to Fluffy, “we are discussing how good it is to have nice warm weather and what happens when it get cold in winter”.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but there is one good thing about winter”, said Fluffy. “Yea, and just what would that be” asked Sam? With a twinkle in his eye Fluffy said, “Well, Christmas of course”. With a shock both Sam and Wiggles said together, “Of course”. Then Fluffy continued with, “and the best part is when Santa comes with
goodies for everyone”. Just then, Zorba walks up and asks, “for everyone”? With a surprise Fluffy said, “sure, why not”? Then Zorba explained, “Santa Claus listens all year to hear who has been naughty or nice, and you can guess who gets the goodies”. “Oh”, said Fluffy with a sad look. “I think I’m in trouble”. “Oh, Fluffy don’t worry”, said Wiggles. “You’re not naughty, youthfully naive maybe, but not naughty”. “You guys are confusing me. I don’t know much about Christmas, but is Santa Claus and Santa the same guy that is giving out all these Christmas presents”, asked Sam? “Sure”, said Zorba. “He is called many names besides Santa Claus and Santa, such as, Saint Nick, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, and possible a few more depending where you come from or live”. Tell me more about this Santa guy that gives out gifts on Christmas”, asked Sam. It was Wiggles turn to answer, “Santa lives at the North Pole, where his Christmas-gift workshop is also located”. Then Zorba interrupts with, “Santa Claus has a white beard, and puts on his red jacket and pompom-topped cap, goes out on the night before Christmas in his sleigh, pulled by eight reindeer, and climbs down chimneys to leave his gifts to those who have been nice”, and for Fluffys' benefit he added, “or naïve”. “Well, if you’re so smart, can you name all of Santa’s reindeer”, ask Wiggles? “Sure can”, replied Zorba. “The original eight reindeer are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. And if it is a snowy over-cast, zero visibility night, then Rudolph is added because he is a red-nosed reindeer that can light up the path for the rest”. With admiration Wiggles said to Zorba, “you sure do know your reindeer stuff, I’m impressed”.
“Well, if you really want to know about Santa and the night before Christmas, give a listen to this”, came a voice down at Fluffys' feet. It was Charlie
Book Worm. He didn’t wait for an answer but began to read from one of his ever-present books. “This is a poem, "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
By Clement Clarke Moore” started Charlie.
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night."
“Wow”, exclaimed Fluffy. “I think I’m going off and start trying to be nice so that I can get some goodies come Christmas”. All the rest nodded their heads as they started off toward the barnyard.
My tiny mind wants to express to you all, “Merry Christmas”.
Continued… (maybe).

Here is a simple little teaser for you.
Maze Puzzle

Monday, October 29, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 23


Chapter 23

Today, there are happy feet in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. Everyone has polished up their dancing shoes and out in the barnyard showing off their snappy steps. That is, everyone except Fluffy. He is sitting on the chuck house porch munching on an apple. He had heard
that vigorous dancing is a good way to blow off steam. Fluffy figured that it must be some kind of therapy but he already had his daily growl at the cook for serving him too small of a breakfast and that is all the healing power he needed for today. Anyway, dogs don’t dance when they can sit on the sidelines and laugh at others that try to shake a leg.
A good example of odd-looking dancers is Wiggles. Yes, even Wiggles is putting on a show for all to
see. He is all dressed up in his hippie garb and doing a popular sixties fowl step. This kind of suggests that he may have had a much different kind of lifestyle when he was younger. In any case, he was pretty good for an old duck with arthritis and being half blind. But Fluffy knew, come tomorrow, Wiggles would be back to his old normal self. Maybe have a few stiff joints and a little bit of a limp, but none the less normal.
Over in the corral there is Old Joe Baker, kicking up his heels to show the others how it’s done. It could be that the one reason he is so active is that
Busy Bee is performing a ballet over his head. He always did his boogieing inside the corral because if he got carried away and stepped on someone it was a really big ouch. Outside of the occasional visit of an elephant or dragon, he weights more than any ten other dancers put together. Horses aren’t light you know and also they have big feet.
There wasn’t much of a band for the dancers to dance to. As a matter of fact there wasn’t any band at all. It would be kind of hard to play music that would be good for all of the different kind of dance steps that was going on. For example, there was the triple ants doing their stick dance. It was kind of like western line dancing except they carried a long
pole to help keep then in line. Then there was Zorba, doing his Greek soft shoe routine. There just wasn’t any music that would go with both, let alone all the other dancing styles that were going on at the same time.
All of a sudden the dinner bell rang, and it was a good thing too, because the dancers were just about wore out and couldn’t go on much longer. That is, all but Fluffy; he jumped up and was the first one in the chow line. You can’t keep a good dog down.
My tiny mind thinks that dancing is a good way to express yourself. Talking is good too.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you.
Maze Puzzle

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 22


Chapter 22
Practice, Practice

It is good to know your limitation even in a place like this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. You never know when something will come up that will test your skill or knowledge, just like in the real world. One should always strive for improvement.
Wiggles is on one of his daily walks, when he
comes upon the tree where Zorba hangs out. And sure enough, there is Zorba hanging by his tail. Wiggles calls out, “Hello Zorba. What are you up to?” Zorba calls back, “I’m up a tree, can’t you see?” Wiggles snaps back, “Ok, don’t be smart with me. I know you're up in that tree. The question is why?” “Sorry Wiggles, I’m trying to improve my act for the up coming festival”, replies Zorba. With a shock, Wiggles remembers that about this time each year there is a fair where everyone does something to entertain everyone else. Then Zorba asked, “What kind of an act are you planning to do Wiggles?” With a sad look Wiggles said, “Well, it’s not going to be like last year. With a sly grin Zorba asked, “And what was that”. Wiggles sleeplessly replied, “I took a long run, flapped my wings and flew upside down around the barnyard while whistling a snappy tune”. With awh Zorba said, “That sounds cool. How did it work out?” “You see my bent beak don’t you”, snapped Wiggles.
Just then a loud flaying of wings could be heard overhead and a large shadow was cast over the landscape. “What is that”, yelled Zorba, as he tried to climb even higher in the tree. Wiggles looks over his shoulder and saw a huge creature looking down at him. It was so tall, even Timmy the Giraffe would have had to look up to see the top of this
thing. Then a booming voice came from this giant, “HELLO”. “Hello there, is that you Puff”, said Fluffy as he came walking up to this little gathering. “Do you know this…this gigantic err… Puff”, stuttered Wiggles. “Sure, Puff provided the fire at last months' BBQ. And it was a tasty affair too”, replied Fluffy. Then Fluffy turned to Puff and asked, “What you doing here Puff”? With a sheepish grin and a much lower voice Puff said, “Well you see I had a flameout coming over the mountains and had to make an emergency landing”. Fluffy asked, “Is there anything we can do to help you”? This time with a big grin Puff boomed, “Sure, my boiler is out and I need to get the flame started. Do you happen to have some gasoline or kerosene or even a lump of coal would do”. “Sure”, proclaimed Fluffy. “Come on over to the chuck house and we can fix you right up”. Then Puff said, “Come on jump on my back and I will give you a ride”. With a little hesitation Fluffy asked, “Can you fly without fire”? With pride Puff assured Fluffy by saying, “Sure, I’ve been practicing flameless low level stuff and there will be no problem. As a matter of fact, I’m getting pretty good at this stealth flying”. As the two took off Wiggles and Zorba could hear Fluffy yell, “Wheeee…”
As Zorba swung down from the tree he proclaimed, “Now wasn’t that something. You know I think I’ve had enough practice for one day. Let's go back to the barnyard”. “Sounds good to me”, replied Wiggles. “Who knows what we will run into next, a flying whale”?
My tiny mind thinks that it is good to understand what you know and what you don’t know. Then fix what you can.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you.
Sudoku Letter Puzzle

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 21


Chapter 21
Boat Trip

Because there are few roads, travel is not easy in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. There is the main mind road over the mountain that allows easy access, because the highway of imagination is needed against reality. But most of Furwaggle is farmland, just like in the real world, long ago.
All thru breakfast Wiggles and Zorba have had a heated conversation, and it continues on outside into the barnyard after eating. Although Fluffy was sitting nearby in the chuck house, he had been too busy eating to pay attention to what the tongue wagging was all about. But now that Fluffy had his number one priority taken care of, he joins his two friends just in time to hear Zorba proclaim, “…and what if it sinks? I can’t swim”. Fluffy blurts out, “So what, neither can I”. Zorba spins around and challenges Fluffy, “Ok, then you go with him”. Fluffy never wanting to be out done, replies with, “Ok, I will. With who and where are we going”? Fluffy had in his mind that they were talking about going down to the peach orchard and having a nice little snack. But when Zorba said, “Go with Wiggles on a boat trip down the river”, Fluffy was shocked. Going some where with Wiggles didn’t bother Fluffy, he was always doing that, but boat and river made his head spin. Then it came to him, “I get it. This is a joke, right? You guys are making fun of me”. Wiggles puffed his feathers up and proclaimed, “No. this is no joke. I want to travel and see all there is to see. I want to explore like Magellan or Columbus. They did it by boat, so how best for me to see the sights than by boat”. “But I can’t swim”, Fluffy blurts out. “So now you’re going to back out”, teased Zorba. Fluffy tried to reply but no words would come. He realized that it was hopeless. He had been out tricked into the most awful thing possible, water. With a wave Zorba turned and skipped off while saying, “You guys have a nice trip and I will see you when or if you ever get back”. With a stern look at Fluffy, Wiggles said, “I will meet you down by the river early tomorrow morning, and don’t be late”.
Wiggles is sitting on a log over looking the river, while he waits for Fluffy to join him. The morning is a little foggy which makes it even harder for Wiggles to see, but he can hear something like chomping coming his way. Out of the brush stumbles Fluffy eating on an apple and carrying a stuffed backpack. “Is that you Fluffy”, asked Wiggles? “Sho is”, answers Fluffy. “You’re late”, snaps Wiggles. “Well I had to stop off at the chuck house to get some supplies, and took a little detour thru the apple orchard for a snack to hold me over for the trucking down here to the river”, replies Fluffy. Then Fluffy looks around for a moment and then asked, “Ok, just where is this boat thing”? Wiggles pointing down the bank said, “That’s it.
Tied up at the river bank, and it’s waiting for us”. With a shock Fluffy blurts out, “Where did you get that tiny thing”? “Wiggles sarcasticly replies, “What did you expect the Titanic? I had the beaver twins, Tooth and Nail, make it for me. Now come before we lose the tide”. With that Wiggles starts to scramble down the bank toward the boat. Fluffy follows him while trying to figure out what a tide is and should he be worried or not.
Wiggles scrambles into the boat and starts untieing the mooring rope. He looks around to see Fluffy pacing back and forth at the waters edge. Wiggles calls out to Fluffy, “Come on, get into the boat, we are burning daylight.” With that, Fluffy backs up a few steps and takes a running jump. He lands with a splat in the river about halfway to the boat. Fluffy starts trashing in the water and yelling, “Help me, help me. I’m drowning.” Wiggles replies with a chuckle, “Stand up, the water isn’t deep enough for you to drown.” Sheepishly Fluffy does what his friend said and sees that the water doesn’t even cover his paws. As he climbs into the boat Fluffy says, “How should I know, all water looks the same to me.”
Once Fluffy is in, he grabs the big pole in the middle of the boat and hangs on for dear life. They drift out toward the middle of the river where the current starts carrying them down stream. The boat begins to rock back and forth, that starts Fluffy to whimper, “We are going to sink !!” Wiggles snaps at Fluffy, “If you would sit down, the boat will be more stable.” With that Fluffy plops down and wraps all four legs around the pole, making him feel much better. Then with a little smile, Fluffy said to Wiggles, “Thanks for having this big pole put in for me to hang on to.” With a wise old smile Wiggles said, “We seafarers call that a mast not a pole.” Fluffy said, “Ok, I will do that, my seafaring captain.” Then Fluffy began to point toward the far bank of the river and shout, “Look over there.” “Where?”, asked Wiggles. “Over here, this side of the boat.”, shouted Fluffy. With a huff, Wiggles said, “That’s the starboard side of the boat”. “Sun side, star side, who cares. Look at the river bank”, barked Fluffy. What Wiggles saw, was a large group yelling and waving at them. With a smile Wiggles said, “That’s our friends, they have come down to see us off”. With a huff, Fluffy said, “ Looks more like a wake to me”.
Almost as if in slow motion, the boat with Fluffy and Wiggles on board graceful floated on down the river. Then all of a sudden there is a bump, as something hits the boat. Fluffy lets out a squeal and stutters, “We have been hit, and it’s not the wind”. Wiggles looks around just in time to see the beaver twins, Tooth and Nail, float by on a great big log. Wiggles calls out to them, “Where are you going with that big log”? Tooth calls back, “We are going to join the rest of our tribe at the dam”. With bewilderment Wiggles yells, “Dam, there’s no dam shown on the map”. This time Nail calls back, “That’s right. We have just finished building it, and it’s a brute”. Just then as they round a bend in the river, Wiggles can see a gigantic structure. It is higher than Fluffy’s mask and goes all across the river. Wiggles stammers, “But…, but, how are we going to get past that? I want to travel down the river and see things”. This time the beaver twins answer together, “This is it. The river stops here. There isn’t any more”.
Zorba is hanging by his tail from the big tree in the barnyard when he sees Fluffy and Wiggles walk into the barnyard. He calls out, “Hi there. I thought you two was sailing down the river to far off exotic places”. “Well, we kinda ran into a little problem”, answers Fluffy. Zorba turns to Wiggles and asked, “What kind of problem? Did you sink? I told you so”. Wiggles doesn’t stop, he just keeps on walking to the barn and
the only thing from him is some grumbling and a hiss or two. Fluffy interrupts the silence with, “Hay, Am I in time for lunch”?
My tiny mind thinks that good planning on land or sea is a must for success in life.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you.
Maze Puzzle

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 20


Chapter 20
A talking stick

The air is alive with the sounds of chatter in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. Because everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of whom or what they are, there is always a lot of banter going on, just like in the real world, today is no exception.
There is a small group over by the watering trough talking about the wind, rain and other such stuff. Little Squeaky Mouse is going on and on, “yadda, yadda, yadda”. Zorba jumps in with, “I've traveled a lot and….”. But before he can say more he is interrupted by Hopper the Cricket, “Let me tell you, even a little dew is no good for any jumping”. This goes on and on. Everyone is talking but no one is saying anything for long.
Standing off to one side is Isaac the Owl, Fluffy and Wiggles. Isaac remarks, "What we need is a talking stick". With a puzzled look Fluffy asked, "You got a stick that talks like a parrot"? Wiggles thinks to himself, “You’re going to be sorry Isaac”. With a sigh Isaac said, “No, it’s a stick that you hold when speaking”. “Oh, I see, it’s a puppet”, replied Fluffy. Isaac is now beginning to feel that it was a mistake to bring this up. So, very carefully he begins to explain, “A talking stick is a Native American tradition used to make possible an orderly discussion”. At about that time Zorba comes walking up and asked, “Hi guys. What’s going on”? Before Isaac could say anything, Fluffy blurts out, “We are talking about a stick that you beat others with, so you can talk”. “Hey, that’s not a bad idea”, replies Zorba. Isaac is thinking that this is getting more and more hopeless, and he is beginning to lose control of himself. He starts jumping up and down and shouts, “No, No! The Talking Stick is a stick that is passed around and only the one holding the stick is allowed to talk without interruption. It’s best used when holding a Pow-Wow gathering, or having a storytelling circle”.
Fluffy thinks for a moment and then says, “Don’t sound like much fun to me”. “Maybe instead of a stick, we should use a burning candle for those long winded talkers”, remarks Zorba. “A burning match might be even better”, adds Fluffy. Isaac just shakes his head and without saying a hoot, waddles off toward the sanity of the forest. “What do you think Wiggles”, asked Fluffy? “I think, where is that dinner bell when you need it”, Wiggles replies with a quiet chuckle.
My tiny mind thinks that there are times when a Talking Stick could be a good thing. When all else fails, Fluffy's idea of how to use it, could be right.
Here is a simple little teaser for you.
Sudoku Word Puzzle

Friday, September 21, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 19


Chapter 19
Story Time

It’s one of those special days in this magnificent fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle. Today is story-telling day. It is like a contest of tales, except there is no winner nor is a prize given; the reward is in the telling. Each resident is encouraged to tell a tall story to everyone else, like what happens in the real world of politics.
All over Furwaggle there are small groups, with each member taking turns narrating their fable.
When all in a group have had a turn, then they will breakup and join another round table of storytellers. In one group, Al the Gater is relating how he had added some color to Fluffy by giving him a red nose. In another, Mrs. Frog is describing with much fan fair how she defeated the fox in the henhouse. Even Wiggles has joined in the fun by telling of his encounter with a mysterious little
green man.
After having his say, Wiggles moved on to
another group where Fluffy and Zorba are preparing to tell their story. Zorba starts off first, “A few years ago I was giving a command performance for the heads of state of North Dakota”. Fluffy just had to butt in, “What do you mean, heads of state”? Zorba snaps back with, “It was the King and Queen of North Dakota. Now don’t interrupt me”. Wiggles whispered with a quiet chuckle, “There isn’t any King or Queen of North Dakota”. Zorba pretended not to hear Wiggles and continued on with his tale, “As I was saying, at the conclusion of my performance there was a rousing round of applause. After the clapping and whistling had died down, the King invited me to join him and his royal family for dinner and the celebration of his son, Prince Toad, latest achievement. It was a festive party, with fine food and lively entertainment”. At that, Fluffy just couldn’t hold back, “Now that sounds like my kind of party”. Zorba gave Fluffy a dirty look but went on with his story, “Near the end of the party the King stood and raised his arms for attention. He then made a toast to his son and praised him for his founding of South Dakota. Again there was a rousing round of applause and cheering. Later as the party wound down, I was able to talk to Prince Toad. I asked him about the founding of South Dakota, and told him that I thought others had found it a long time ago. He agreed, and said that he didn’t claim to be the first to find South Dakota. He had just discovered it while on one of his explorations. And in pursuit of being a great explorer, he plans to found Wisconsin but may have to found Minnesota first, because it’s kinda in the way”. With that Zorba concluded his fable.
Fluffy said, “Well, I’m glad that’s over, I think next year there should be a time limit”. Zorba snapped, “Ok Fluffy, lets see what you can do”. With that
Fluffy started his story, “I don't have much to say so I will keep it short and besides it’s near dinner time. You know the expression, “Glad pigs can’t fly”, well they can’t but horses can. Just the other day while I was out in the cornfield I heard a great buzzing in the air. When I looked up there it was, a flying horse. He circled me twice and then did a dive down and just missed my nose. Then with a great flapping of his wings he climbed high in the sky and flew off toward the mountains”. Zorba said, “I never heard such nonsense”. Just then there was the call to dinner. Wiggles said, “Saved by the bell”. As they all walked off toward the chuck house, you could hear Zorba and Fluffy exchanging comments about each other’s story.
My tiny mind thinks that one should keep their story short and not drag it out to exhaustion.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 18


Chapter 18
One door closes, another one opens

The air is always clean, even when there is foggy, foggy dew in this magnificent fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle. Today started out with a little fog but it is clearing up and now there is only a slight mist in the air. By mid morning all will be clear and shiny, unlike what happens in the real world.
Fluffy has a wide smile on his face after just finishing his second breakfast. He is followed closely by Zorba as he steps out of the chuck house door. Just as the door swings closed, Zorba is sidetracked by one of his adoring fans, so he turns to wave and doesn’t notice what is happening behind him. The door slams closed and puts a mighty squeeze on Zorba’s tail. Zorba lets out with a high pitch squeal that could be heard all over Furwaggle. Fluffy spins around and seeing what has happen, he rushes to help his friend’s trouble. But just at that time Al the Gater has kicked the door open from the inside. The door swings open with a mighty bang, freeing Zorba’s tail, but at the same time
hitting Fluffy square in the nose. Now there are two who are jumping around whimpering and screaming. After awhile things calm down and are almost back to normal, well at least quieter. Fluffy cries, “Oh my poor nose.” “Your nose, my poor tail, its broken, I’ll never be able to swing again, what to do, what to do”, wails Zorba. Fluffy said, “why don’t you go see the Chicken Doctor, he can work wonders”. “Ok, come on lets go”, said Zorba in a trembling voice. “No, you go on, I’m just going to put a little ice on my nose and sit here and whimper awhile. Besides I don’t have a bur in my paw”, said Fluffy. With that Zorba started off toward Doc Chicken’s place of mending, holding his tail in his arms.
Fluffy sat there holding a piece of ice on his nose, and from time to time someone would stop and chat awhile. The latest visitor was June Bug; he was always getting in a good word or two.
“Hello Fluffy, I see you have been putting your nose into some where that it didn’t belong”, June said snidely. “No, it was the chuck house door on Zorba’s tail, and Big Al Gater”, stammered Fluffy. June Bug went on with, “Yea right. You know Fluffy, with a nose like that you could be Rudolf in the Christmas play next year and guide Saint Nick’s sled around the barn yard”. “Look June, why don’t you just buzz off and torment someone else. You’re making my nose hurt”, pleaded Fluffy. At about that time Wiggles came walking up. Hurriedly June Bug said, “Got to be going. See your nose later”. June was never sure if Wiggles was a bug eater or not. In any case he wasn’t going to take any chances and took off with a high-speed buzz.
Wiggles asked, “Fluffy, what have you gotten yourself into now?” Fluffy whimpered back, “It wasn’t my fault this time. It was Zorba’s tail in the door that started it and I just got in the way”. “Yea, there is a lot of that going around these days”, snickered Wiggles. Then Fluffy said, “Not you too Wiggles, so far I’ve been told that I look like Rudolf, that I will be able to see in the dark, and even that it is an improvement to my face”. With a chuckle Wiggles said, “Well if you wouldn’t sit there whimpering, maybe they wouldn’t be making fun of you”. “But it feels so good to whimper, that’s what I do”, replied Fluffy. He went on to say, “Besides that, I’m going to be first in line for lunch”. As if by magic, the lunch bell rang and the chuck house door swung open. Fluffy said, “See you later Wiggles”, as he cautiously entered the chuck house door. He wasn’t going to be hit twice, at least not in the same day. With a laugh Wiggles went on his way.
My tiny mind thinks that it’s a good thing to keep your nose out of other peoples business unless asked. Even then, think twice.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 17


Chapter 17
All in the family

It is generally quiet and peaceful in this wonderful fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle. But there are rare days when there is some noisy confusion and today is one of those
times, kinda like what happens in the real world.
The sun is just peaking up over the far off mountain range when Fluffy crawls out of his little doghouse and does a big stretch followed by just as big a yawn. He then opens one eye and what he sees causes him to give out a loud scream while jumping up on top of his little house. After a moment or two he realizes what had scared him. Still shaken he said with a whimper, “Oh, it’s you Mrs. Frog. I didn’t recognize you at first”. Mrs. Frog snapped back with, “Fluffy you get down from there this minute, stop fooling around. I have a complaint to make.”. While climbing down from his little house Fluffy explained to Mrs. Frog, “It’s the Imperial Grand Wizard who you should be talking to. He is the head of the complaint department. But right now he is on vacation and should be back in about a year or so”. Mrs. Frog yelled back, “It’s not the Wizard that I have problem with, it’s one of your relatives that’s the problem”. Fluffy tried to explain, “I don’t have any relatives, I was an only puppy and …….”. Mrs. Frog interrupted with, “Don’t you sass me, you young whipper snapper. I know what I saw, now what are you going to do about it?”. Then Fluffy remembered one of Wiggles sayings, “When in doubt, ask about”. So Fluffy in a very calm voice asked, “Mrs. Frog Just what do you want me to do about what?”. Mrs. Frog was now yelling at Fluffy, “All that noise, it’s been going on all night and I didn’t get a wink of sleep.”. Fluffy raised one ear and listened but all he could hear was a cricket down by the pond, and a butterfly flapping his wings over by the apple trees but that is about it. He then thought, “So much for Wiggles sayings.”. He then said to Mrs. Frog, “I don’t hear any noise.”. Mrs. Frog came back with, “of course not now, it quit when I hit it with a rock. And that poor Mother Chicken.”. With a shocked voice Fluffy asked, “You hit Mother Chicken with a rock?”. Mrs. Frog near hysterics when she answered, “No you dummy, aren’t you paying attention. It was your one of your relatives that I hit with a rock, he was prowling around the hen house and Mother Chicken was kicking up a noisy ruckus.”. With a steely glare she followed with,” Now what are you going to do about?”. Fluffy knew that look, it was the kind that gave you warts if you didn’t cooperate. Fluffy knew what was good for him and he said to Mrs. Frog, “Yes, Mrs. Frog, I will get right on it, no relative (cough) of mine is going to get away with something like that.”. With that, Mrs. Frog turned on her heel and started off toward the chuck house. After four or five steps she turned her head and said, in a stern voice, “Well!”. With that Fluffy took off at a trot and didn’t look back.
About half way to the henhouse there was a big tree and Fluffy
sees Zorba hanging from a limb by his tail and a peaceful “zzzz” was coming from him. Fluffy knew that he was going to need some help unraveling this noisy relative thing. So, with a loud bark he set in motion a number of things. Zorbas eyes opened, his tail came lose from the tree limb and he fell, landing on his nose with a thud and then there was a loud squeaky scream. Zorba jumped up and began hopping around in a circle while holding his nose, all the time squealing at the top of his lungs, “Oh that hurts, ouch, ouch!”. At the end of his second full circle of hopping he came face to face with Fluffy. He yelled at him, “What do you mean wakening me up like that?”. Fluffy said, “I’m sorry Zorba. I never new anyone but possums and maybe that bats sleep hanging like that.”. “Well I do”, snapped Zorba. Then he followed with, “Just what is so dank fire important that you wake me and give me a sore nose?”. Fluffy then rattled off, “Noisy relatives, rock throwing Mrs. Frog, and warts.”. Zorba just stood there with his mouth open. At about that time Wiggles came walking up and said, “Hi there guys. What’s going on?”. Zorba turned to Wiggles and said, “Something about a relative, a rock and warts, I think, also Fluffy gave me a sore nose and I may have brain damage because I’m seeing things.”. Wiggles asked, “What kind of things are you seeing?”. Zorba said, “Well for one thing, I see a big question mark above Fluffy’s head and for another I don’t understand a thing he is saying.”. With a laugh Wiggles explains, “Not to worry, few understand Fluffy and the question mark above his head is normal when ever he gets confused. Now where are you guys headed?”. Fluffy jumped in with, “Come on, give me a hand. We are going to the henhouse and fix a relative that I don’t have.” Zorba said to Wiggles, “Come on grab my tail and I will guide you.” With that all three started off toward the henhouse.
When they arrived at the henhouse, all was quite and the chickens were all on their nests. Well, Wiggles said, “I don’t hear any noise, it seems to me that things are as they should be. Do either of you see anything out of place?”. Zorba looked around and said, “Everything looks ok to me, except maybe for that big ball of fur over there in the chicken yard.” “Where, where?”, asked Fluffy. Zorba pointed and said, “Over there. It reminds me of something I saw in a zoo once. Something like a Wombat, no maybe it was a Tiger.” With that Fluffy marches over to the fur ball and demanded, “Are you a relative of mine?”. The ball of fur shook a little and a eye peaked out. Then a raspy voice said, “Are you that rock throwing frog?”. “No, I’m not a rock throwing frog on any other kind of rocking thing.”, said Fluffy. With that the ball of fur stood up and shook it self all over. “That’s not a tiger, it’s a fox.”, said Zorba. Fluffy took a close look and said, “You’re no relative of mine. Who are you?”, challenged Fluffy. “I’m Tricky the fox and I have a big lump on my head.”, replied the fur. Wiggles just had to ask, “Ok Tricky, just what are you doing around here?”. Tricky responded with, “Well you see I was walking along when I spied this building and just to be friendly I stopped to say hello. Then out of no where this frog threw a rock and hit me in the head.”. With a smirk Wiggles said, “So you’re just an ordinary fox in the henhouse, is what you’re saying.”. “So you’re not a relative”, observed Fluffy. And with that the question mark faded from over Fluffy. Then Zorba said, “I think we should be smart as a fox and get out of here before Mother Chicken sees us and we have another rock throwing thing.”. Wiggles joined in with, “Yes, we should be moving along. Maybe go over to the Chicken Doctor and get you all fixed up.”. Fluffy said, “I don’t have a bur in my paw and the punctuation is all gone. I’m not confused any more.”. Tricky answered back with, “I’ve had about all the chickens that I can stand for one day. I’m heading out to Wyoming where I have a job to pose for a statue.”. Tricky then took off at a fast gallop, not even looking back or saying anything. Zorba then said, “Well my nose is all better. And I don’t see anything weird over Fluffy’s head any more but I do hear a ringing in my ears.”. Fluffy perked up one ear and said with joy, “That’s not in your head. That’s the second call to breakfast bell. Come on lets go so we aren’t late.”. With that they started walking toward the chuck house, Zorba added a remark, “I hope they have some more of that oatmeal with peppers. It was sure tasty.”.
My tiny mind thinks that it’s a good thing to keep in touch with your relatives, and don’t play with frogs, you might get warts.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you:

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 16


Chapter 16

There is an open door policy in this wonderful fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle. That means anyone can come and go as they please. There is no need for a passport, visa, or any kind of paper work to visit this make believe haven. This is a place where you can dream and let your imagination run free.
Today starts very early in the morning when Wiggles is woken out of a deep sleep with a start by Fluffy yelling in Wiggles ear. “What’s going on, and stop yelling in my ear. My eyesight is bad not my hearing”, yelled back Wiggles. “Oh, I forget which one is good, the seeing or the hearing”, replied Fluffy. Then he went on with, “Hurry, come see what I got”. Cautiously Wiggles ask, “Is it catching? Maybe you should go see the Doctor Chicken”. Fluffy went on to explain, “I don’t need a doctor, and there’s no bur in my paw. What I got is a grease monkey. With a grin Wiggles thought to himself, “This boy has to stop eating onions for breakfast”. With that in mind Wiggles follows Fluffy off toward the outer barnyard.
“Isn’t it kinda early for an exercise walk”, asked Wiggles. He didn't think of it as an exercise session so much as his war with gravity. But still it was very early in the morning, and he hadn’t had his cup of coffee yet. After about 10 minutes of walking and with Wiggles grumbling all the way until suddenly they came to a halt. That is Fluffy stopped, Wiggles stop was more abrupt, because he tripped on something in his path and fell down rutting his nose in the dirt. There was an instant squeal, followed by a squeaky voice saying, “Hay, don’t be stepping on my tail”.
Fluffy joyfully began jumping up and down, and now and then making a small circle snapping at his own tail. All the time saying, “See, I told you, I told you”. At the same time Wiggles got to his feet, and began to huff and puff. The squeaky voice asks, “Is that a snorting warthog making all that noise”? With a snicker Fluffy said, “He isn’t no kinda hog. He is Wiggles and I’m Fluffy.” With a sneeze Wiggles added, “I’m trying to get the dirt out of my nose.” Then with a final wheeze, and a mighty snort, Wiggles cleared his nose up and could breathe freely. “Now that’s much better. Ok, Mr. Squeaky just what is the idea of tripping me so that I did a nose landing”, Wiggles demanded. The squeaky voice came back with, “Sorry about the tripping thing, but you shouldn’t have step on me tail. And don’t call me Squeaky I hate that. If you’re going to call me anything call me by my name, Zorba”. Then Fluffy butted in with, “Yea, he’s a grease monkey”. Zorba snapped back with, “I’m no grease anything, I’m a primate from Greece and don’t you forget it”. Fluffy came back with, “Yes, a grease thing …..”. Wiggles stepped in with, “Ok you two, this could go on forever. Lets just leave the names at Zorba, Fluffy, and Wiggles. That way we can all be friends and not have a quarrel”. Zorba agreed with, “That’s ok by me”. And Fluffy added, “What ever”.
Then Wiggles asked, “Tell me Zorba just what are you doing in our make believe world?” Zorba explained, “You see I’m a traveler. Been with the circus for the last four years. Performed for the heads of state, kings and queens of many countries. And when I got word of this dreamland, called Furwaggle I just had to see it for myself.” Fluffy just had to ask, “Have you ever performed for Bugger King?” It was almost too much for Wiggles. He was able to hold back a big laugh but he did have a big grin on his face. With a puzzled look Zorba replied, “Nope don’t think I’ve ever been to Bugger Land.” Zorba went on with, “Now, if you boys will just take me to your king I will do a little performance for him.” Now it was time for Fluffy to shine, “We don’t got one.” Zorba was again puzzled and asked, “You don’t have a king, well who is the head of state here?” Fluffy was on a roll, he loved it when he could tell someone something, “We don’t have a king, or a queen, or a head of anything.” This was more than Zorba could take; he just sat down with a dejected look on his face and said, “This is a really strange place, there is nothing like this in the real world.” To try and cheer Zorba up Wiggles asked him, “Just what kind of an act do you do?” That did the trick, with a twinkle in his eye Zorba began with, “Well I whistle, sing, and tell snappy jokes. Then for a finish I do some acrobatics.” Fluffy just had to ask, “What kind of a bat do you do?” Wiggles said, “It’s acrobatics not bats.” “Here I will show you”, said Zorba. With a mighty jump Zorba sprung into the air and at the top of his leap he wrapped his tail around the limb of a near by tree. Zorba then began to swing back and forth, each swing was higher than one before. Then at the peak of his swing he released his tail and did a triple back somersault, and then landed gently on the ground. Fluffy and Wiggles broke into a loud applause and whistles. A near by butterfly joined in by flapped his wings and yelled “Bravo”.
Zorba bowed and said, “I never had a more excited group for its size, in fact I think I even hear a bell”. Fluffy knew what that was and he told Zorba, “Oh, that’s the second call to breakfast. Come on I think they may even have some bananas for you.” As the three started off toward the chuck house Zorba said, “I can’t eat bananas, they give me heartburn, do you think they might have some oatmeal with peppers?”
My tiny mind thinks that it’s a good thing to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.

Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you: