Furwaggle Chapter 1
Chapter 1
A short imaginary walk.
Like all mythical stories this tale takes place far, far away before there was time, in a land call Furwaggle. This fictitious place had many wonderful magical features. One of them was that everyone could talk and understand each other regardless of who or what they were. Cats could talk to dogs, fish could talk to mice and even grasshoppers could talk to toads. We now join two of the residents of this special land.
As usual Fluffy and Wiggles were on their morning walk about

They took their normal route, out the barnyard, across the meadow, and up the little hill toward the tree line. Everthing was run-of-the-mill as usual. Fluffy was just getting wound up about food and Wiggles was nodding his head in that, I agree gesture, he used while walking. Suddenly fluffy stopped dead still. His mouth snaped shut and the grumbling quit. It took Wiggles a few steps before he realized that he could no longer hear fluffy. He could hear the wind in the trees, he could hear a grasshopper talking to a butterfly nearby but he didn’t hear Fluffy. He stopped too, so as to better hear his friend. He listened for that whining nasal sound to tell where or what was up with Fluffy. Nada, nothing at all from his furry friend. “OK, what’s it going to be ? Steak and Eggs ?” “Where are you ?” Fluffy had been standing so still that he had even been holding his breath. The mention of Steak and Eggs from Wiggles snapped him out of his trance. Even then all he could reply was a very soft whisper, “ We have a problem”. Now what, thought Wiggles. This wasn’t like the time Fluffy got his nose caught in a mousetrap. That was a very loud problem. Nor was it like the thorn in the foot problem. That was not only loud but a lot of whining problem. No, this was different. Anything that could shut up Fluffy, had to be a big, hide your head in the hay, kind of problem.
Wiggles said “I don’t hear anything”. “What do you want it to say, take me to your leader ?” Whispered Fluffy back. Oh my word, thought Wiggles, this boy’s been staying up too late at night watching TV. Time to put a stop to all this nonsense. “Just what is it you see ?”, snapped Wiggles. “Well… it’s small… its green… it has a little funny ear and it’s… smiling at me…”, that was all Fluffy could get out. What ever else Fluffy was trying to say was lost in a stuttering kind of low whimper. “You’re either describing a funny green rabbit or a happy turtle with ears” cracked Wiggles. “No, it’s not a rabbit, and I never saw a turtle stand on its back legs before”. “Besides it don’t have but one ear”. “Well, I don’t have any ears and I can hear you just fine.” replied Wiggles. “Get on with it boy, tell me just what it is”, Wiggles was getting tired of this game. He would have slapped Fluffy upside the head if he could find him, or hit that green little thing a time or two if he could see it. But all he had to go on was what little his friend could get out between breaths. Fluffy was either hyperventilating or had a fur ball that was cutting off the oxygen to his tiny brain. What ever was the case he wasn’t getting much help. Then Wiggles got an idea and said to Fluffy, “try growling at it !”. “Are you crazy, it might throw green smelly stuff all over me… us…”. Fluffy hoarsely replied. “So what we have here is your typical small green one eared skunk”. Wiggles said with a sarcastic grin. “ and where is this little bit of your imagination located ?” “Just because I haven’t ever seen it before don’t mean that I don’t see it now !” growled Fluffy. “It’s as real as you or me… and it’s about 10 steps behind you”. Now it was Wiggles turn to be surprised. “Are you pulling my tail feathers ?” “No, it’s really there, right behind you and it’s watching every move you make.
Without any more bantering, Wiggles spun around and started forward. With each step Wiggles would take, Fluffy would plead with his friend to stop this foolishness and tuck his tail and run. Wiggles would have none of it, he marched steadily forward,… 8 steps, 9 steps, 10 steps and then he stopped. “Ok, that’s ten, now where is your little green friend”, call Wiggles. “He’s right in front of you, you’re nose to nose, and he’s no friend of mine”, cried Fluffy. By now his fur was standing straight up. This was more from fright than anything else. Needless to say he wasn’t the braver of the two friends. Wiggles wasn’t really all that brave either. He just couldn’t seen anything to be afraid of. That’s mainly because he just couldn’t see anything. Wiggles now started to poke his head forward for a better look. Zap, Crackle, Pop… His head hit something. To say it was a shocking experience would be an understatement. It wasn’t just his head, his whole body shared in the adventure. His toes began to tingle, his body began to shake and a small puff of gray smoke rose from his tail feathers. The next thing that happened was truly amazing. Fluffy couldn’t believe his eyes. Wiggles was ejected about 10 feet into the air, not in a graceful flight but more like a rocket zooming from some launch pad. There were even some trailing sparks following his trajectory upward. At the peak of his climb he did a full double flip and started earthward. In the meantime Fluffy had started to run in a circle around his friend and the little green thing. When Wiggles started his flight, Fluffy began to increase the size of his running path. Ever wider grew his circle of travel. By the time Wiggles made his unceremonious landing, Fluffy was running a full 30-yard circle around the proceedings. He was also wailing at the top of his lungs. It sounded more like a siren than anything a mammal could make. Wiggles didn’t guide in for a three-point landing, it was more a straight splat into a muddy spot, type of an approach. His head hit first, that’s what saved him from any body damage. Fluffy, seeing his friend hit the ground, made a sharp turn and headed in his direction. By the time he got there, Wiggles had pulled his head out of the wet dirt and was spitting mud out of his mouth. “Wiggles, Wiggles, are you all right?”, cried Fluffy. “I would be, if you would stop all that yelling, I got a terrible headache”, moaned Wiggles.
Fluffy helped his friend to his feet and then looked around for the little green thing. What ever it was, it’s gone now and that made Fluffy feel much better. He had no urge to take one of those flights or get all shook up like he had just witnessed. Both of the friends agreed that this was enough excitement for one day, and started back toward home. Fluffy, began his complaining again and Wiggles limped along side, nodding his head in that agreeing gesture. Tomorrow has to be a more peaceful day.
My tiny mind thinks that you shouldn’t rub noses with little green men that you don’t know.
Continued… (maybe)
Here is a simple little teaser for you:
Circle Maze