This is a family safe and friendly blog.
All comments are welcome and appreciated.

If you are a first time Furwaggle reader then scan down to Chapter 1 to start at the beginning.

Thoughts in my tiny mind.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 31


Chapter 31
Spring Time

The best thing about winter is when it's over and is replaced by spring. When the season’s switch from winter to spring, that is when we trade-in frostbite for hay fever. In the real world this swap is celebrated with great feelings of joy. But in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle it is never too hot or too cold, it’s always just right. But there is still gladness for the new crop of flowers and newness to the land.
It is early morning and Wiggles is still cuddled in his straw nest
up in the hayloft of the barn. He is not really asleep nor is he awake. He is just jelling, with his eyes closed and his brain randomly wondering over good thoughts. But then, there is an interruption to his tranquility. Wiggles is doing his best to not pay any attention to his name being called from the barn door. It is like a buzz saw in his brain and he can’t ignore it any longer. He slowly opens one eye but all he sees is a blur. He then opens his other eye and it’s a double blur. Wiggles then puts on his glasses and things clear up a little but the name-calling is still there and so is his poor eyesight. Wiggles stands up, ruffles his feathers as he calls out, “Who is it that’s bringing noise to my morning”. There comes a reply, “Its me, Zorba”, “and its me Fluffy. Come on its daylight and its breakfast time”. Wiggles figures he might as well get up because these two aren’t going to go away and anyway, he had lost his jell. So he climbs down the ladder to the barn floor and joins his two friends on the short walk to the chuck house.
Breakfast goes on as normal with a lot of munching and slurping sounds, mostly from Fluffy. At one point Fluffy asked, “Zorba, what is it that you’re eating”. “Well if you must know”, answered Zorba, “it’s a banana with cream, and a big dash of hot sauce”. With a puzzled look Fluffy asked, “do all circus monkeys eat that for breakfast”. Zorba shot back, “I don’t know about that but this circus performer does”. Fluffy ignored Zorbas sarcasm and asked. “Do you want to know what I ate for breakfast”? With disdain Zorba replied, “No, I really don’t want to know”. By now Fluffy had finished his breakfast and was licking the bowl clean. He noticed that Wiggles plate was still about half full, so he asked, “What’s the matter Wiggles, don’t you like your corn this morning”. With a scornful look Wiggles said, “Naw, it’s a little tough, I don’t think it’s been cooked enough”. With that they got up and went out on to the chuck house porch.
Once on the porch Fluffy immediately lays down with his head resting on his paws and Wiggles heads for his favorite chair for some peaceful rocking. These two are getting set for a little after breakfast relaxation but not Zorba; he does a double black flip off the porch. After landing with a flourish, he calls out, “Come on you two, up and at them, you’re burning daylight and there are things to be done”. Fluffy's eyes are at about half-mast and Wiggles is just getting comfortable in his rocking chair. “Not me”, mumbles Fluffy, “I got spring fever”. Mockingly Zorba shoots back, “Looks more like gold-bricking to me”. Wiggles inquires to Fluffy, “What is it with him this morning”. Fluffy lifts up his head and says, “I think it’s that hot sauce he had for breakfast, that is doing it”. Wiggles realized that there is no way that Zorba is going to let him do any jelling, so he asked him, “Just what is it that you want to do”. With glee Zorba answers, “It’s about time you woke up to what is going on. It’s springtime and there is a new crop of flowers over in the valley just waiting for us to enjoy. Come on with me and see what Mother Nature has made for all to see”. Reluctantly Wiggles and Fluffy get up and start following behind Zorba as he skips down the dirt road toward the valley of the flowers.
At about the halfway point to the valley, Fluffy suddenly stops and barks out, “Say, do you two smell what I smell”. Holding his nose Wiggles says, “I don’t know, but it sure isn’t the perfume of flowers that I’m smelling”. As the odor gets stronger, Zorba has his tail rapped around his nose and he points down the road and says, “I don’t know what it is but it’s coming toward us”. Sure enough, coming down the road, walking in the direction of the trio is Baby Skunk. As he gets closer, Baby calls out, “Hi
there fellows. Are you going to the valley of the flowers? If you are then you’re in for a treat because they smell fantastic”. With that Baby Skunk passed by the threesome and their only responses are a wave and some coughing but each has a private opinion. Wiggles was, “How would he know”, Fluffy's mind could only come up with, “That’s sure no recommendation” and Zorba's thought was, “I hope he didn’t leave anything behind”. With that they hurried on down the road where the air was fresher.
After a little more walking they crest a little hill and there it is, the valley of flowers. It is a sea of yellow cornflowers, all aglow as far as the eye can see. With a hoop and a yell Zorba
immediately runs out into the field of flowers, while Fluffy and Wiggles stand on the road enjoying the magnificent view. Then Zorba’s yelling takes on a whole different tone. It has more a tone of pain than joy. “What is the matter”, calls out Wiggles. Fluffy adds, “Did you step on a thorn”. While holding one foot and hopping on the other, Zorba shouts back, “No, something bit me”. Then there came a squeaky high-pitched little voice, “and it serves you right, stepping on me the way you did”. Fluffy is the first to realize whom it was talking to Zorba. “Gee”, said Fluffy, “I didn’t know flowers could talk”. Then the flower said, “Well let me tell you something, my name is Sunny and I’m of the sunflower clan and we take it very personal when some big footed dummy steps on us. And yes, we can talk, all you have to do is clean out your ears and listen”. By now Zorba had hopped back onto the road. Still holding one foot he blurts out, “Well I don’t know about the flower talking thing but he sure can bite”. With an apologetic tone Wiggles says, “Look Sunny we are sorry about the stepping on you thing and we will be more careful”. This seemed to calm Sunny some and he said, “I know it shouldn’t need to be said but have you ever been told that it is ok to look but don’t touch and definitely no stepping on anything”. Wiggles then turned to Zorba and Fluffy and said, “I think it’s about time we started back to the barnyard”. “Sure is”, said Fluffy, it’s getting close to lunch and we sure don’t want to miss that”.
With a wave goodby to Sunny, the three start back up the road toward home. Fluffy is out in front mumbling, “I didn’t know flowers could talk”, he is followed by Wiggles who is helping the limping Zorba.
My tiny mind thinks that it is a good thing to look but don’t touch, most of the time.

Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Block Maze

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 30


Chapter 30
Game Day

Through-out the real world sports is a treasured pastime. Depending where you are, the national sport may be baseball, football, soccer, or even car racing. In the fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle, most of the commonly known sports are played. Today is soccer day and tomorrow it may well be something else.
It is the semifinals match of Dog River High school versus Cat Fur High. It will be an interesting match up, speed against agility, a real fur raising game. This will surely bring out a crowd, instead of the normal 5 or 6 spectators there will be at least 11 or 12, this includes the relatives of both teams.
Wiggles doesn’t attend any of these games due to his poor eyesight. He never can tell who has the ball or even where the playing field is. Zorba did play one game early in the season, but was banned from playing because he would pick up the ball and run with it. Seems that the idea of how to make a score was somewhat different than the official rules of soccer. But Fluffy on the other hand was an avid sports fan.
Fluffy never really played the game; in fact he didn’t even go onto the playing field. He would run up and down the sidelines and bark at the ball. But if the ball did go out of the playing field then he considered it to be fair for him to chase it and do his best to bite or otherwise render it out of action. Tearing the ball into little pieces was Fluffy’s favorite part of the game. This was one of the reasons many spare balls were on hand. Another oddity was that the umpire had lost his whistle and would use a duck call to officiate the game. This worked pretty well but from time to time the playing field had to be cleared of the wild ducks that responded and used the field for a landing place.
The game was about half over when someone kicked the soccer ball out of bounds. To Fluffy that was a call for action. He took off after the ball as it bounced off into the tall grass. After a few bounces Fluffy had almost caught up to it and he lowered his nose for a final leap upon his victim. There was a mighty leap but not at the ball, it was straight up into the air and was punctuated with a howl that could be heard for miles. When Fluffy landed he began to run in a small circle and the howl got
even louder. This of course brought the spectators to see what all the ruckus was about. One of these spectators was Doctor Chicken and he knew Fluffy well enough to know that that howling was his normal hurting yowl. When the good Doctor got to where the hubbub was at, he noticed Porgy Porcupine was in the center of the circle that Fluffy was making. Porgy’s cried out, “Get that crazy pup away from me”. “What happened”, asked Doctor Chicken. Timidly Porgy replied, “I was just setting there minding my own business watching the game and all of a sudden I felt this cool nose run into me”. Doctor Chicken said, “Ok I get the picture. Now we have to see if we can put a stop to all this howling”. After a little coaxing and the help of 5 others holding on to Fluffy he was penned down. There was Fluffy lying on his back with 4 porcupine quills sticking in his nose. With the help of pliers the doctor was able to pull out each quill one at a time. As each quill was removed Fluffy let out another ear splitting yelp. When the last quill was extracted everyone let go of Fluffy and jumped back so as not to be within biting range. Fluffy jumped up and put both paws to his nose and let out another yap as tears ran from his eyes. He turned to Doctor Chicken and said with a cry, “Doc my nose still hurts”. With a very professional tone Doctor Chicken said, “Well Fluffy I suggest you put something cold on that runny nose of yours. And I will be sending you my bill tomorrow”. With a little whimper Fluffy started off toward the chuck house.
Wiggles was sitting on the chuck house porch as Fluffy arrived. With a little chuckle Wiggles called out, “Seems that you have a little problem. Have you been sticking you nose into other
peoples business”? Fluffy didn’t stop to chat, he just went on into the chuck house and as the door closed behind him Wiggles said to himself, “Yep, been putting his nose where it doesn’t belong”.
My tiny mind thinks that it is OK to be curious but not to be nosey
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Spider Maze

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 29


Chapter 29
Blue Snow

There are many wonders in the world, some man made and some made by nature. There are Pyramids, Grand Canyons, and deserts; there is even a Stonehenge. These and many more are found in special places in the real world. Even in the fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle, there are the Boarder Mountains that bounds this amazing paradise. These majestic mountain peaks are covered with snow the year around and are a sight to behold.
It is early morning, right after breakfast and Fluffy is standing engrossed on the porch of the chuck house staring far off into the rising sun as it comes over the snow covered peaks. He is soon joined by a few others to watch the coming of the morning sun. One of the new arrivals is Wiggles; he has a toothpick in his beak to clean the breakfast corn out of his teeth.
After standing and looking at the view for a while and picking his teeth, Wiggles removed the toothpick from his beak and turning to Fluffy said, “What do you see Fluffy”? Fluffy knew that all Wiggles most likely could see was a fuzzy haze. A bright fuzzy haze, but a fuzzy haze none the less because of his poor eyesight. Fluffy answered,” Well it is a wonderful morning, the sun is coming up over the blue snow on the peaks of the Boarder Mountains and….”. Wiggles interrupted with, “Woe, hold your flapping tong there a minute, snow is white not blue. I thing you are in the need of some glasses?”. Fluffy snapped back with, “What do you know Wiggles, you can't see past the end of your beak. I guess I know what I see, and I see blue snow”. Again Wiggles said, “Snow is white not blue”. With a sigh Fluffy added, “Well if you’re so smart, where does the white go when snow melts?”.
Just then, there came a booming voice, “You two don’t know
what you’re talking about”. Both Fluffy and Wiggles looked down at their feet and saw Mr. Gabby Snail. Wiggles was always amazed at the resonant sound that came from such a small creature as Mr. Gabby Snail. Fluffy spoke first, “Ok, Mr. Snail know it all. Don’t you see the blue snow on the peaks of the Boarder Mountains or are you the one that needs glasses?”. Wiggles then joined in with, “Are you trying to tell me that Snow isn’t white?”. With that, Gabby started in with, “Ok, you two listen up. Snow can be white, blue, green, or most any color. It all depends on the sunlight and the reflection, refraction and absorption of the snow. Also…. Blab, blab, and then there is the effect of…. Blab, blab… and so on. So now do you understand?”. Fluffy couldn’t take it anymore and he shouts out, “Ok, Ok, already. That’s enough. You are raining on my parade and my mind is soaked”. Wiggles whispered to him-self, “You’re not the only one Fluffy, my mind is over loaded and about to pop”. With a humph and a grump Mr. Snail said,” Well, if you two don’t want the facts of the matter then I will just go on my way”. “Well you don’t have to be so grumpy about it”, replied Wiggles. But the Snail didn’t hear, he had already slid off into the grass and didn’t even look back.
Wiggles turned to Fluffy and said,” I’m going to the water trough and soak my head to see if I can wash my mind clear”. With a shocked look Fluffy said,” Well I’m not going to do anything as radical as that, but all this has made my stomach hungry. I’m going to see if there are any leftovers from breakfast”. With that he turned and went back into the chuck house. Wiggles wattled off toward the nearest water while shaking his head from side to side.
My tiny mind thinks that too much of anything is not necessarily a good thing.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Diamond Maze

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 28


Chapter 28
Shoo Fly

There is always something that is annoying. Sometimes it is a person or sometimes it’s just a thing, even a place can be irritating. It is common for this to happen in the real world. But even as uncommon that it is, it does happen some times in the fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle.
Today we find Wiggles leisurely rocking in his rocking chair. He has picked an out of the way place in the shade on the far side of the barn. This is so he will not be disturbed by the everyday hassles of the barnyard. (Good luck…)
Even when Wiggles had his glasses on, anything that was more than a few feet away was a fuzzy haze. Most would not like such poor eyesight, but Wiggles found it to be very comforting not to be bothered by the need for rubbernecking. He figured that what he couldn’t see couldn’t hurt him. Anyway, what he lacked in sight he more than made up in hearing. It was well known that his hearing was the sharpest in all of Furwaggle. It has been said that he could hear a pin drop before it hit the ground.
It wasn’t long before Wiggles' tranquility was broken by a yapping sound coming from the far side of the barnyard. He couldn’t see anything but a blurred figure running toward him. But there was no question in Wiggles mind as to who it was. No one could make a sound like that, but Fluffy. His bark was a
tell-tail signature of his furry little friend. This time there was something a little different; sort of a buzzing sound was added to the normal yap.
Out of breath Fluffy came to a sliding halt right in front of Wiggles. With a gasp Fluffy blurted out, “Wiggles, save me… pant, wheeze”. With a dubious look Wiggles asked, “And just what seems to be your problem now”? Fluffy was still out of breath but he was able to come out with, “Flies, flies, they is after me… huff puff… “. Wiggles looked around and then with a smile he told Fluffy, “I don’t see a fly anywhere. But I can spray some of magical fairy dust on you if it will make you feel better”. By now Fluffy has got his breath and with a look of despair he said, “I don't know when the last time you've seen anything, but I know that there was a swarm of flies all over me. Also I know there isn’t any such thing as fairy dust, magical or not”. Even with the fact that everyone knew about Wiggles poor eyesight, Fluffy’s referring to it made Wiggles cringe a little. So with a somber look Wiggles said, “I was just trying to pop some sense in the oven. Fluffy there really aren't any flies around now”. “Well”, snorted Fluffy. “They must of seen you and that scared them away. They didn’t know that you are a corn eating vegetarian”.
With a squeak the barn door opened just enough for Don
Quixote Donkey to stick his head out and ask, “Are the flies really gone. I can’t stand to have flies on me. They make me a little crazy”. With a chuckle Wiggles said, “Clearly you’re not the only one”. With assurance Fluffy proclaimed, “Yep, Mr. Shoo Fly Wiggles got them to go off some place else”.
From the nearby grass came a croaking sound, as Mr. Hopping Fog jumped into view and landed at Fluffy’s feet. With a
questioning croak he asked, “Are they really gone. I was looking forward to a nice lunch”. “Yes, you are a little late”, answered Wiggles. With a sad croak Mr. Hopping Fog asked, “Any idea where they are at now”. Pointing with his beak Wiggles said, “Well I can’t be sure but it sounded like they were headed toward the apple trees over in the orchard. If you hurry you still might be able to have lunch”. Without even a croak Mr. Hopping Fog started off toward the apple orchard.
Fluffy’s face lit up, this happens whenever he gets an idea. He turned to Wiggles an asked, “If they are off hunting apples then they won’t see me if I make a dash for the safety of the chuck house. Will you come along and protect me Wiggles”. Wiggles was already rocking in his rocking chair, but he answered Fluffy with, “Look old buddy, this is something between the flies and you, so you’re just going to have deal with it”. “Ok, here I go”, announced
Fluffy as he started off toward the chuck house on a dead run.
My tiny mind thinks that each one of us must make our own peace in the world we live.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Circle Maze