It’s the start of another wonderful day in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle, where the sun always shines in the day time and the moon always glows at night. It’s Saturday and on Saturday everyone sleeps late. That is except Fluffy. He has just exited the chuck house after finishing his early breakfast. He always is the first in line for the morning feed so he can come back again later and chow down some more. He lives by the saying that two breakfasts are better than one, and the start of a good day is if he has three. As usual he goes over to the barn to wake up his friend Wiggles because he is one of those late sleepers. Just as he nears the barn he looks up and sees Wiggles asleep perched on the very top of the barn. With a gasp he softly calls out, “Wiggles, wake up.” The only response from Wiggles is “ZZzzs”. So he tries again louder, “Wiggles”. Still nothing, now Fluffy really bellows out, “WIGGLES, WAKE UP”. This brought a response from Wiggles, first he scratches behind an ear, then gently opens one eye and mumbles, “Hello Fluffy, what you doing down there?”. “More important, what are you doing up there?”, replies Fluffy. At that both of Wiggles eyes popped wide open and he let out a cry that would make a bull elephant proud, “HELP, GET ME DOWN…”. “Now just take it easy”, said Fluffy in a very calm voice. “I’ll see if I can find a ladder”. In a panic Wiggles hysterically yells back, “Get me a ladder…, get the fire department…, GET ME A PARACHUTE…!”. Not to be out done Fluffy called back, “How about a bungee cord?”. “Oh, you just wait, when I get down you’re going to get it.”, snapped Wiggles. Fluffy whimpered back, “I wasn’t the one that got you up there and by the way just how did you get up there? Did you fly?”. Wiggles snapped, “You know I can’t fly since they took away my pilots license because of my bad eyesight. Now quite fooling around and help get me down from here. I’m beginning to lose my hold on this slippery roof”. With that Fluff wondered off, and returned dragging a very long ladder. “Hurry up, I can’t hold on much longer.”, yelled Wiggles. Fluffy only grunted as he lifted the ladder into place. “Ok, the ladder is there, now the rest is up to you.”, said Fluffy. Wiggles gently reached over the edge of the roof and took a hold of the ladder, then tenderly lower one leg, then another, on and on until he was safety on the ground. Fluffy ask, “Are you ok?”. Wiggles only response was, “I’m alive…”. There was a long silence, and then the sounds of hoofs followed by a chewing. “What’s up boys?”. With a start Fluffy turned around and there stood Betsy. While Fluffy held the all time record for the most eating, there was little doubt that Betsy had a clear hold on second place. “Well hi Betsy, it’s Wiggles that’s been up, you see….”, but Fluffy was interrupted by Wiggles, “There is no need to go into that now, and burden Betsy with our little adventure.”. “Have you been running with scissors again?”, ask Betsy. “No”, answered back Fluffy, “It wasn’t me this time, it was…”. Wiggles interrupted again with, “Fluffy can’t you read the fine print, we aren’t going to talk about that NOW!”. “As John Wayne would say, I get the picture pilgrim.”, Fluffy said as he trudged off in a huff. Betsy hadn’t paid much attention to the exchange between Wiggles and Fluffy. She had been busy nibbling on a tuft of grass. She looked up just in time to see Fluffy stomp off. “What’s the matter with Fluffy”, asked Betsy. “Oh he will be ok, just a little Saturday morning hunger pangs”, replied Wiggles. Then he asks Betsy, “Where are you going this fine morning?”. “Well I have the same kind of pangs. I think it’s a side effect of an education, I’m been going to night school you know”, said Betsy with a proud smile on her face, between chews.”. Betsy wanted everyone to know that she was working for a higher degree in milkology. She continued with, “thought I would mosey on up to the north pasture. I hear that there is some new mown hay up there. Do you want to come along, there could be some grain too”. “No”, said Wiggles, “I got to go look after Fluffy. He did me a really big favor this morning and I need to thank him.”. “Oh”, replied Betsy, “you mean about you up on the barn roof?”. With surprise Wiggles asked, “You know about that?”. With a little smile Betsy said, “Sure, everyone knows about it. You could be heard all over Furwaggle. Say isn’t your pilots license cancel because of bad eyesight?”. Sheepishly Wiggles said, “Yes, but I don’t think it counts when I’m a sleep and my eyes are closed.” With that Betsy turned and started off toward the hay fields. Just before she was out of sight, she turned her head and with a grin yelled back to Wiggles, “Don’t forget to ware your parachute.” Wiggles walked over to where Fluffy was and said, “I’m sorry for cutting you off back there I didn’t know that everyone already knew about my little trouble. Also I want to think you for getting me off that roof.” With a serious look Fluffy said, “Ah that’s ok. But you have to do something about that walk or is it flying in you sleep.”. With a serious look Wiggles said, “Yes, I’m going to start tying one of my legs to the barn door.”. Then Wiggles said, “Come on, lets go see if they are still serving breakfast.”. At that Fluffy perked up his ears and with a big smile said, “Sounds good to me pilgrim.” My tiny mind thinks that it’s not good to fly with your eyes closed or to imitate John Wayne. Continued… (maybe). -------------------------------------------------------------
Here is a simple little teaser for you: Circle Maze