Today, there are happy feet in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. Everyone has polished up their dancing shoes and out in the barnyard showing off their snappy steps. That is, everyone except Fluffy. He is sitting on the chuck house porch munching on an apple. He had heard that vigorous dancing is a good way to blow off steam. Fluffy figured that it must be some kind of therapy but he already had his daily growl at the cook for serving him too small of a breakfast and that is all the healing power he needed for today. Anyway, dogs don’t dance when they can sit on the sidelines and laugh at others that try to shake a leg. A good example of odd-looking dancers is Wiggles. Yes, even Wiggles is putting on a show for all to see. He is all dressed up in his hippie garb and doing a popular sixties fowl step. This kind of suggests that he may have had a much different kind of lifestyle when he was younger. In any case, he was pretty good for an old duck with arthritis and being half blind. But Fluffy knew, come tomorrow, Wiggles would be back to his old normal self. Maybe have a few stiff joints and a little bit of a limp, but none the less normal. Over in the corral there is Old Joe Baker, kicking up his heels to show the others how it’s done. It could be that the one reason he is so active is that Busy Bee is performing a ballet over his head. He always did his boogieing inside the corral because if he got carried away and stepped on someone it was a really big ouch. Outside of the occasional visit of an elephant or dragon, he weights more than any ten other dancers put together. Horses aren’t light you know and also they have big feet. There wasn’t much of a band for the dancers to dance to. As a matter of fact there wasn’t any band at all. It would be kind of hard to play music that would be good for all of the different kind of dance steps that was going on. For example, there was the triple ants doing their stick dance. It was kind of like western line dancing except they carried a long pole to help keep then in line. Then there was Zorba, doing his Greek soft shoe routine. There just wasn’t any music that would go with both, let alone all the other dancing styles that were going on at the same time. All of a sudden the dinner bell rang, and it was a good thing too, because the dancers were just about wore out and couldn’t go on much longer. That is, all but Fluffy; he jumped up and was the first one in the chow line. You can’t keep a good dog down. My tiny mind thinks that dancing is a good way to express yourself. Talking is good too. Continued… (maybe). -------------------------------------------------------------
Here is a simple little teaser for you. Maze Puzzle