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All comments are welcome and appreciated.

If you are a first time Furwaggle reader then scan down to Chapter 1 to start at the beginning.

Thoughts in my tiny mind.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 27


Chapter 27
Water Wet

In the rest of the world it either snows or rains too little or too much. But there is a place where the weather is always just right, and that is in the fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle.
It is just mid-day, the sun is high in the sky and most everyone is taking their mid-day siesta. That is everyone but Fluffy. He is
out at the edge of the barnyard running in circles, chasing his tail and barking. This is not a normal practice for Fluffy, but nothing is ever normal for him. There is one thing for sure he isn’t exercising, Fluffy just doesn’t do that. But just as he was about to catch his tail there came a very loud “Squawk”, and this brought Fluffy to a sudden stop. Fluffy started to look around for the source of the interruption. While looking over his shoulder he sees Zorba walking off toward the shade of the barn. Fluffy yells out to Zorba, “Is that you Zorba making that squawking noise?”. Zorba stops, turns toward Fluffy and with one eye closed says, “I don’t ever squawk and I don’t talk when its my nap time”. With that Zorba continued toward the shady spot he had picked for his little snooze.
Fluffy thought that maybe a little nap might be just the thing to settle his nerves down, because chasing his tail is hard work. So he starts toward the shade of that big tree that he had been near to, while doing his little circle pursuit. Just as he got to the shade he turned his head and gave a final loud bark at his tail. And just as quick, came another very loud “Squawk” in reply. That was all Fluffy could take, he yelled out, “Ok, who is doing all that squawking”. From high in the big oak tree came a reply,
“Up here dummy”. Fluffy jerked his head up to see a big bird sitting on a branch up near the top of the oak tree. Fluffy was never one for the social amenities so he yelled out, “Hay, big bird what is your problem”. “Harrumph,” answered back the bird. “First off, my name isn’t big bird. I go by the name of Jaybird. And second I wouldn’t be squawking if you wouldn’t be barking and keeping me from my noonday nap”. “Ok, Mr. Jaybird, I guess I can bark whenever I want to”. “Well, bark if you must, just do it some place else. I know I’m going to be sorry, but I just have to ask, why are you barking anyway? Fluffy shot back, “At lunch a little while ago someone spilled a glass of water on the tip of my tail and got it all wet”. “So what”, snapped Jaybird. Fluffy straighten himself up to his full height and with all the self-confidence he could muster said, “Well Mr. Know it all Jaybird, you don’t know much about water. Water in a river is bad, water in a lake is bad, water on Fluffy is bad, and just any water wet is bad in general. So there….”. “Hmm, Mr. Whippersnapper, you are full of malarkey. Water wet isn’t bad. It’s good to drink, its good to play in and it’s good to clean”, snapped back Jaybird.
Just then Wiggles walked up and said, “Shush, you two. You’re
making so much noise no one can get a decent daytime nap. I could hear you all the way to my nest in the barn”. Fluffy started with, “Well he started it….”. But was interrupted by Jaybird with, “No, he was barking and….”. With a stamp of his foot Wiggles snapped, “Both of you are in for big trouble if you can’t settle down and be quit making so much noise”. With a soft sniffle Fluffy whispered, “He wants me to get all water wet”. Then Jaybird whispered back, “He was saying water wet is bad”. “Ok Jaybird you go back to sleep and Fluffy you go to the chuck hall porch and wait for dinner, and I’m going back to my nest for a few winks of sleep”.
This seemed to satisfy everyone. Jaybird closed his eyes and right away started to snore. Fluffy wagged his tail as he started off toward the chuck house.

My tiny mind thinks that water is ok if used in the right way.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
9 Number Sudoku

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 26


Chapter 26
Bug Day

The rest of the world celebrates many different holidays and events but in this fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle, there are also some special ones. Today is one of those out of the ordinary events, it’s Bug Day.
We find Wiggles and Fluffy standing on the chuck house porch
after finishing lunch. Fluffy is going thru his normal after meal routine of rubbing his belly. He then remarks, “You know, I haven’t seen Zorba lately. Any idea where he has gone off to?”. “Oh, didn’t you know, he is off on one of his circus tours. He will be traveling around for the next couple of weeks doing his act for different charity functions”, answers Wiggles. With a far off look, Fluffy says, “I would like to do something like that”. Wiggles smiles and says, “I don’t think there is much interest in a act where spectators sit around and watching someone eat”.
With that the two friends step down off the porch and walk out into the barnyard. Fluffy stops for a moment to scratch behind his ear and asked, “Have you noticed that there are a lot more creepy bugs around lately”. “Sure”, replied Wiggles, “It’s a special event day, all the insects are meeting here to celebrate Bug Day”. “Well I sure hope they don't get on me, they make me itch. Those crawly little critters seem to like me too much ”, remarked Fluffy. “Well Fluffy, they aren’t all crawly, some of them fly too”, added Wiggles. With that Fluffy jerked his head up and started looking around in the air. Wiggles saw this and said, “You won’t see many around here, they are mainly out in the north forty where the celebrations are being held. Come on let's go watch the festivities”. With a sorrowful look Fluffy asked, “Do we have too?”.
With a quick waddle, Wiggles starts off across the fields toward the north forty with Flurry reluctantly tagging along behind. Before long they could hear many little high-pitched sounds coming from up ahead. After a few more steps there came a very deep voice, “And just where do you two think you’re
going?”. This brought Wiggles and Fluffy to a sudden stop. Looking around Fluffy sees an ant standing in the pathway and tells Wiggles, “There seems to be a road block ahead”. Wiggles looks down at the ant and said, “We are going to the celebration to watch the fun”. The little ant barked back, “Well you can’t go in, so beat it”. Just then two flying bugs swooped down from the sky and hovered in front of the little ant. He took one look at them and said, “It’s ok you two can pass”. And with that the two flyers took off toward the celebration. With a puzzled look Fluffy asked, “How come they get to go see the fun but we can’t?” With a somber look the ant explained, “It’s ok for you to pass. Cats, dogs, and any thing with hair or fur are welcome. But your friend there has to stay out. We don’t let birds or anything with beaks or feathers to mess things up”. “How come”, quizzed Wiggles. With a sigh the little ant explained, “Last year when the celebration was held at Never, Never Land, two Penguin got in and nearly wiped out a whole tribe of beetles before we chased them away”. With a huff Wiggles strighten himself up to his full height and said, “Look mister ant, border guard or what ever you are, I will have you know that I was the chief specimen at the Harvard School of Medical for two years running. And besides that, I was awarded the Silver Star for my flight training above and beyond the call of duty. Also….”. Before he could continue the ant interrupted him with, “Say, you must be Wiggles, that quacky friend of Zorba who performed here this morning. He told us all about you and there can’t be two whackos waddling around like that. Just put on this muzzle and go on in”. “Muzzle, MUZZLE”, yelled Wiggles. “I’m not wearing any muzzle”. “Me either”, barked Fluffy. “Look feathers, either muzzle up, or shut up. You’re not getting in without it”, barked back the ant. With that Wiggles turned on his heels and in a huff started stomping off, with Fluffy right behind him.
“Harrumph”, exclaimed Wiggles. “I have never been so insulted in my life. I’m going to the water pond and wash off all this verbal abuse”. Hearing the words, water and wash, brought Fluffy to a sudden stop. “Now wait a minute, I’m not doing any water washing”, exclaimed Fluffy. Without stopping his stomping waddle Wiggles called back to Fluffy, “Well you do what you want, but I’m off to the pond”. “Well, I think I will just go over to the barnyard and roll around in the dirt until dinner”, replied Fluffy.With that the two friends part, one stomping and the other skipping.
My tiny mind thinks that muzzles are not right to stop ideas or talking.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you