Furwaggle Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Lost and Found.

Fluffy looks around and then calls out, “Wiggles, where are you?” Normally Wiggles would be perched some where near by waiting for his friend Fluffy to finish stuffing himself. But, today, Wiggles was nowhere in sight. This is odd, thought Fluffy, so he called out again, “Wiggles, where are you?” Still no answer, “well, thought Fluffy, maybe he over slept and missed breakfast.” This is something that Fluffy would never do, but then Wiggles is a quack of a different animal. So Fluffy started over to the barn to check if Wiggles was there. Along the way, Fluffy met Charley Hooter, and asked, “Have you seen Wiggles this morning?” Charley in a grumpy voice answered, “Are you trying to be a smart-mouth or something, I haven’t seen anything in the daylight for twenty years. So what makes you think I could see Wiggles now?” Fluffy started backing up as fast as his full belly would let him. After a few steps, he said, “Sorry Charley, I just wasn’t thinking.” And with that Fluffy hurried on. When he arrived at the barn no one was there but a few of the airmail carriers flapping around the rafters and they were no help in finding Wiggles. All he could get out of them was, “do you want it to be first class or registered mail?” Fluffy wasn’t the smartest pick of the litter but he figured that sending Wiggles a letter wouldn’t be of much help.
As Fluffy was leavening the barn he hears a high pitch voice, “Whoa there, high stepper, what’s the hurry?” With a jerk, Fluffy stops dead in his tracks and looks around trying to find the source of this squeaky sound. He knew that it wasn’t Wiggles and it sure wasn’t someone asking for his autograph. He didn’t see anyone, so he was just about to continue on his search when again, he hears the shrill voice say, “Hey big foot, I’m down here, just in front of your big toe.” Fluffy looks down to see this tiny little speck looking up at him. “Oh”, said Fluffy, “I didn’t see you little speck. Did I step on you? I seem to do that a lot.” Again the sharp piercing voice said, “No way, you missed me by a mile. What are you in such a all fired hurry for.” Fluffy replied, “Well little spot, I’m looking for my friend Wiggles, have you seen him? He is a large white…..” Before Fluffy could finish the shrill voice interrupted him with, “Hold on there buster, my name isn’t little spot, or little speck or even little dot. My name is Tricky

With Tricky well seated on his back, Fluffy took off at a gallop. ”Yahoo buckaroo yelled”, Tricky. While Fluffy, maybe a fast runner, his sense of direction, was, in question. Neither he nor Tricky noticed that they were running in a large circle. That was until they were back at the chuck house. Fluffy seemed to have a sixth sense about, where there was or would soon be food. Realizing where he was, Fluffy came to an abrupt stop, plus the fact he needed to scratch. At about that time the door of the chuck house opened and out stepped Wiggles. Seeing Fluffy, he said, “Where have you been Fluffy and why are you scratching?” With a questioning voice Fluffy shouted, “Where have I been, I’ve been out looking all over for you! What have you been doing?” Somewhat puzzled Wiggles said, “Well the cold water dish washer had relatives visiting, so I just filled in for a little while so he could be with them and why are you still scratching?” By this time, Fluffy was rubbing his back against the hitching post in front of the chuck house. Wiggles could hear a tiny little voice crying out, “Hey, cut it out, you’re hurting me.”
“Just what is that I hear?” asked Wiggles. Fluffy had given up with scratching and was now rolling in the dirt. “Snort, that does it, this isn’t fun any more.” Said a wheezing little voice, as Tricky jumped off of Fluffy and scurried away. Wiggles asked again, “What was that little spot that just jumped off of your back?” Fluffy had settled down enough to answer Wiggles. “That wasn’t little spot, it was Tricky Mite and he was helping me find you.” With a grin Wiggles said, “So you got tricked again and ended up getting bit.” Fluffy was quick to reply, “Well, he said he wouldn’t bite me and besides he’s a vegetarian, what ever that is.”
Just then the lunch bell rang and Fluffy made a dash for the chuck house as he yelled over his shoulder to Wiggles, “Now don’t you get lost again, I’ll be out in about an hour or two.” With that Wiggles wattled over to his favorite perch to settle down and wait for his gullible gobbling friend.
My tiny mind thinks that you shouldn’t give a ride to a stranger that bites.
Continued… (maybe)
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