Furwaggle Chapter 3
Chapter 3
A ruckus among us.
A ruckus among us.

There was something new, Fluffy wasn't complaining about food. By his good fortune he had sat next to Billy at breakfast. Billy’s favorite meal was canned food. He didn't care if it was canned meat, canned fruit, canned what ever. As long as it was in a tin can. Like most from the hill country he didn't care much for what was inside because he only ate the cans. That means that Fluffy got all the leftovers from the inside of the cans, so for once he got his fill for a little while. The bad news was that Billy only came down off of the mountain about once every six months for a coat trim, so it would be awhile before Fluffy could stuff himself again.
So this morning’s after meal walk was a peaceful one, Wiggles was guided by Fluffy’s occasional sneeze and burp while he quietly rubbed his contented bloated belly. Just as they reached the tree line there came a high pitch screech followed by a loud yell. “What in tarnation was that” cracked Wiggles. Fluffy didn't answer; he was too busy covering his ears with his front paws while trying to bury his head into the sand. He did utter a few muffled sounds but they were mostly just whines. Again there was a high pitch screech but this time a yellow ball came rolling right up in front of Wiggles and stopped. Then it let out a loud yell, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling”. Fluffy’s whines got even louder in spite of a mouth full of sand and Wiggles glasses frosted over and his eyes crossed. Then just as the siren like screech was starting up again, Wiggles began to stomp his feet just as fast as his hefty frame would allow. This stopped the screech but the little yellow ball yelled, “Watch it there big fellow, you just about stepped on me.” Wiggles yelled back, “I would if I could see you, just what is the reason for all this racket?”. The yellow ball puffed it self up and answered, “The sky is falling, and I must tell everyone.”. Wiggles hissed back, “and just why do you think that the sky is falling little red hen?”. “I am not a little red hen, my name is C. Chicken, and the

“All in all it wasn't such a bad day, I think it’s about time we called a halt to all this fun and games before something weird happens”. Wiggles chuckled. Not to be out done Fluffy added, “but I still have sand in my teeth,”. As the two of them started back toward home, Fluffy, began his complaining again and wondered out loud if just maybe Billy would come back for a second helping.
My tiny mind thinks that if you're going to make a commotion be sure that you know what it is you are shouting about.
Continued… (maybe)