Furwaggle Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Puppy love.

No one was more smitten than Porky. Today like most days of

Just then up walked Fluffy and Wiggles, and Fluffy asked, “who is a jockey and why?” With a little giggle Miss Bunny said, “Why Porky wants to be one and ride in the races down in the meadow.” “Well I guess if that’s what he wants to do then…” before Wiggles could finish Fluffy interrupted with, “Don’t be silly your legs aren’t long enough to reach from the saddle to the stirrups.” “There they go”, thought Porky, the leg thing again”. Then with a sniffle he said in a squeaky little voice, “Well they can grow, if they want to.” With a twitch of her nose Miss Bunny jumped in with, “You leave Porky along, he has a right to dream, and he just might be a jockey one of these days.”
Wiggles knew that when a female twitches her nose it’s no place to be. So he said to Fluffy, “Come on, it’s time for us to go, and I mean now.” With that he turned and started to walk away. Fluffy was taken by surprise and stood there for a moment looking at Miss Bunny, then ran after Wiggles. When he got to Wiggles side he said, “I think those two are smitten with each other.” In a low voice so that only Fluffy could hear Wiggles said, “There is too much difference between them.” With an uncertain look Fluffy said, “Why, they are both vegetarians.” Then with a pause he continued, “Oh, you mean it as a church thing, well, maybe one could convert.” Wiggles just rolled his eyes and continued to walk on.
Meanwhile Porky was trying to get Miss Bunny to join him in the sloppy play yard. While twisting her ears into a ponytail Miss Bunny said, “My mother says that nice girls don’t get all muddy.” Porky stammered back, “Are you teasing me?” With a shake of her head Miss Bunny said, “No Porky, my mother says that nice girls don’t tease.” Dejected Porky asked, “Then just what do you want to do?” With a hop, skip and a jump Miss Bunny started off toward the barn but said back to Porky, “I going to see what else my mother has to say.” Before he could blink Miss Bunny was gone. So with a snort, Porky went back to his playing in the mud. He had learned one thing, and that was girls are hard to understand.
My tiny mind thinks that long legs aren’t everything. But they sure make some girls look mighty good !!
Continued… (maybe)
Here is a simple little teaser for you: