Furwaggle Chapter 18
Chapter 18
One door closes, another one opens
The air is always clean, even when there is foggy, foggy dew in this magnificent fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle. Today started out with a little fog but it is clearing up and now there is only a slight mist in the air. By mid morning all will be clear and shiny, unlike what happens in the real world.
Fluffy has a wide smile on his face after just finishing his second breakfast. He is followed closely by Zorba as he steps out of the chuck house door. Just as the door swings closed, Zorba is sidetracked by one of his adoring fans, so he turns to wave and doesn’t notice what is happening behind him. The door slams closed and puts a mighty squeeze on Zorba’s tail. Zorba lets out with a high pitch squeal that could be heard all over Furwaggle. Fluffy spins around and seeing what has happen, he rushes to help his friend’s trouble. But just at that time Al the Gater has kicked the door open from the inside. The door swings open with a mighty bang, freeing Zorba’s tail, but at the same time

Fluffy sat there holding a piece of ice on his nose, and from time to time someone would stop and chat awhile. The latest visitor was June Bug; he was always getting in a good word or two.

Wiggles asked, “Fluffy, what have you gotten yourself into now?” Fluffy whimpered back, “It wasn’t my fault this time. It was Zorba’s tail in the door that started it and I just got in the way”. “Yea, there is a lot of that going around these days”, snickered Wiggles. Then Fluffy said, “Not you too Wiggles, so far I’ve been told that I look like Rudolf, that I will be able to see in the dark, and even that it is an improvement to my face”. With a chuckle Wiggles said, “Well if you wouldn’t sit there whimpering, maybe they wouldn’t be making fun of you”. “But it feels so good to whimper, that’s what I do”, replied Fluffy. He went on to say, “Besides that, I’m going to be first in line for lunch”. As if by magic, the lunch bell rang and the chuck house door swung open. Fluffy said, “See you later Wiggles”, as he cautiously entered the chuck house door. He wasn’t going to be hit twice, at least not in the same day. With a laugh Wiggles went on his way.
My tiny mind thinks that it’s a good thing to keep your nose out of other peoples business unless asked. Even then, think twice.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you: