Furwaggle Chapter 4
Chapter 4
From the mouth of babes.
From the mouth of babes.

But now all is well in dreamland and we find our two long time friends Fluffy and Wiggles out by the split rail fence. This fence wasn’t there to keep anything in or to keep anything out, it was just there. Wiggles was majestically perched on a top rail soaking in the evening sun and Fluffy was busily digging in the ground below. Wiggles asked Fluffy “what are you doing down there?”. Fluffy stopped his digging, cocked his head to one side to get some dirt out of his ear and replied, “I’m digging me a hole.”. “Yes, I know that”, snapped Wiggles, “but why all this hard-working mess?”. After a sneeze or two to get some more dirt out of his nose Fluffy said, “I trying to find a bone that I buried out here some where last week.”. “Well be sure to fill them in after you’re finished. I don’t want to be falling into any potholes and break something important.”, warned Wiggles. “I can’t fill them in cause then I won’t know where I already dug”, answered back Fluffy.
Wiggles may have very bad eyesight but his hearing was far above average. On the eye scale his hearing was 20, 20 and then some. He could hear the breeze in the trees, the babble in the brook and the marching of little feet. “Is that you Annie and your little family?, asked Wiggles. From far down on the ground came a squeaky little reply, “Sure is”. “and what is you a doing

All of a sudden Fluffy let out a bark, “I found it, I found it…. It’s big and round, bright and shinny…. and I found it”. With a chuckle Wiggles said, “sounds like a headlight from a 1948 Buick to me.”. He then jumps down from his perch and called to Fluffy, “come on it’s getting late, lets go home.”. As the sun slowly sinks behind the mountains our two friends began to walk back to the barn. Wiggles with his waddle and Fluffy with a dejected look, but he just has to add, “You know Annie might just be right, you can never have enough food.”.
My tiny mind also thinks that Annie just might be right.
Continued… (maybe)
Here is a simple little teaser for you: