Chapter 42
The Cure
There is a wonderful fictitious land called Furwaggle. In this mythical place everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of who or what they are.
It is mid morning and as usual Piggly Wiggly is taking his daily mud bath. One of his favorite
things to do is take a running jump into the deep end of the mud hole. He just finished doing one of his beautiful swan dives, splashing mud high and wide. As he oozes to the mud surface he hears a very angry voice yelling, “Hay, watch it there you little pig. Your getting mud all over everywhere, and some is on me”. Another voice added, “Me
too”, which was punctuated with a, “AHCHOO”. This surprised Piggly Wiggly, because he was not accustom to having an audience while he did his morning mud ritual. He spun around and what did he see but Wiggles and Fluff standing over him. After he composed himself he said, “Sorry boys, I didn’t know that you were there. Besides mud is good for the complexion”. Then his eyes got real big and he jumped backward saying, “Stay away, stay away. I don’t want to catch the chicken pox, or duck pox or what ever you got. I just got over the swine flu and I don’t want your sickness too”. Sarcastically Wiggles replied, “I don’t have chicken pox, I just have paint spots. Have you ever seen chicken pox that were blue, orange, pink or yellow”? Fluffy added with a load “AHCHOO”. Wiggles continued with, “and just how did you get that pig flu any way? Were you rubbing noses with your fellow hogs”? Defiantly Piggly snapped back, “No I didn’t catch nothing from my friends, I got the flu from a traveling musician, Whistling George. He was a part of a musical group that came thru here a couple of weeks ago”. With a grin Wiggles said, “That’s what you get from being down wind from a whistle”. Piggly Wiggly had enough insults from this speckled duck so he pointed toward the trail and said, “You should move along now, go pay a visit to Doctor Chicken, just follow the path and you will be at cures door. And take that sneezing sick dog with you”. Fluffy started to yell something at the Piggly but all that came out was another loud “AHCHOO”.
Wiggles and Fluffy started walking off down the path and in a short while they came to Doctor
Chicken’s sign of business. Not seeing anybody around Fluffy let out a big yell, “AHCHOO, is there anyone home, AHCHOO”. From behind the sign, up popped the head of Doctor Chicken. The first thought that the good doctor had was, “AH, suckers, I mean customers”. Out loud he said, “Good morning gentlemen, this is your lucky day. I have a beautiful condo that has just gone on sale. And just for you I will make…”. Wiggles interrupts with, “We aren’t here for real estate, we need some of your doctoring”. Fluffy chimes in with, “Yes, some doctoring, AHCHOO”. Narrowing his eyes to a squint, Doctor Chicken remarks, “Yes Wiggles, I noticed that you look a little on the spotted side. And I hear some strange things coming out of Fluffy”. With a knowing look Wiggles remarks, “I’m glad you remember us. But what can you do about these spots I have”? “How could I forget my two best customers, now let me see what I have”, Doctor Chicken said as he rummages around in his doctor bag. “Ah, here is just the thing”, he said as he pulls a can of spot remover from the bag. As he hands the can to Wiggles he says in his most official doctor voice, “drink two shots of this and call me in the morning”. “Hay wait a minute, I’m not going to drink this stuff”, yells out Wiggles. “Err, I mean rub on your body twice a day and then call me”, mutters Doctor Chicken. While the Doctor is making his correction Wiggles is reading to himself the directions on the can of spot remover then out load he reads, ”… may cause young children to go bald and feathers to fall off ducks”. “Well I guess that’s not to your liking either. Tell me just how did you come by these spots anyway”? Wiggles explains, “Yesterday afternoon I was watching Zorba do some water color painting and he splashed me with some of the paint”. “Oh, then that makes your cure simple, just go over to the water pond and soak for about five minutes and all that paint will wash right off”, announced the good doctor.
Wiggles wattles over to the pond and jumps right into the water. As he comes up for air Wiggles hears a raspy voice say, “Hay there duck, you're
polluting my pond”. Wiggles sees a green thing sitting on the waters bank giving him the evil eye. “Sorry mister toad, I will only be a minute while I wash off this paint”, explains Wiggles. “First of all I’m not a toad. I’m a frog. And second why don’t you go de-paint yourself in your own pond”, snaps Mr. Frog. “Look I’m getting out now. All the paint is washed off now, anyway”, remarks Wiggles as he climes out of the water. He also notices that the water has a slight silver tint and so does he. He thinks to himself, “Oh Well, being a little silver is better than having a lot of bright spots”.
Meanwhile Doctor Chicken has turned his attention to Fluffy and is working on his problem. “Tell me Fluffy when did you first get this Whooping Cough”, asks the doctor. “It's not a Whooping anything. Its an allergy from being in a field of sneezeweed”, explains Fluffy. “Ok, I can fix that”, said the good doctor as he pulls a pocket watch with a chain attached from his doctor bag. He begins swinging the watch back and forth in front of Fluffy and chanting, “You are getting sleepy and you can only hear my voice. When you awake you will not sneeze or cough any more instead you will softly bark”. When the doctor started to sway the watch Fluffy got that dear in the headlights look which went away when the doctor snapped his fingers to bring Fluffy back to normal. “Thank you doctor I feel much better now”, softly barked Fluffy.
Just then Wiggles waddled up and fluffing his feathers asks, “Well doctor, looks like we are all cured, or at least cured enough. What do we owe you for your services”? The doctor replied, “That will be dime for you, Wiggles and a nickel for Fluffy”. As Wiggles hands over the money he asks, “How come I’m charged more than Fluffy”? With a grin the Doctor Chicken says, “Fluffy will be back”. With that Wiggles and Fluffy waved good by and started back to the barnyard. Wiggles was waddling and Fluffy was doing a sequence of soft barks.
My tiny mind also gets spotted sometimes.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Diamond Maze