Furwaggle Chapter 7
Chapter 7
The sounds of music.
The sounds of music.

A crowd was beginning to gather as the band was tuning up. There was Chirpy on the drums, the Bovine sisters on the clarinets, Charley Hooter on the trombone, and there was even Fluffy on the hollowing base. But the real attraction tonight was to be Twister the Whistler. It is said that he could whistle notes that only Fluffy could hear.
A hush fell over the crowd as Wiggles, the Master of Ceremony, came to the microphone and addressed the audience, “Tonight we have a real treat for you, by special request, straight from his command performance at the Airport Bar and Grill in Real World Quebec City Canada, here is Twister the Whistler, accompanied by our own local Tweeter Band.” With that the crowd went wild.

Twister went into a medley of music that had everyone clapping in time to each note and even a few were dancing and hopping. Even old Charlie Gator was doing a jig. Twister then hushed the audience with some old time sentimental tunes that captured everyone’s romantic side. Miss Bunny’s mother, Mrs. Hopper’s eyes crossed and she even swooned a little; she didn’t notice Porky slipping up along side of Miss Bunny.
At intermission there were cookies and punch serviced at the far end of the barn that attracted a lot of attention. But most of the young girls and some not so young rushed the stage to get an autograph from Twister, even Fluffy got asked for an autograph by Miss Collie. This so enthralled Fluffy that for the rest of the night he sported a big grin and his tail wave to and fro like a leaf in the wind.
The rest of the concert were duets of the locals and the Twister. The last one was Wiggles on the fiddle playing a foot stomping blue grass with Twister hitting some high notes that made Fluffy’s ears stand up and utter a string of uncontrolled whimpers. The concert ended with a solo by the Twister of “Good Night Ladies”, which brought the barn down with applause and hoots plus some moos from the herd.
Early the next morning a large crowd gathered at the train depot to see Twister the Whistler off on the rest of his whistling tour. For the rest of the day there was whistling all over Furwaggle, everyone was in a good mood and wanted the feeling to last as long as possible. There were some interesting side effects, one was Fluffy, he kept on scratching his ears, claming he could still hear a high pitch whistle in his good right ear. Wiggles also seemed to be effected; he had picked up a little skip to his walk and a big smile on his face. All in all it turned out to be a good thing for Furwaggle and everyone in this fictitious dreamland.
My tiny mind thinks that having a whistling toot is better than no toot at all.
Continued… (maybe)
Here is a simple little teaser for you: