It’s a not a normal day in this wonderful fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. Even here from time to time there are little obstacles to over come. Like in the real world, into each life a little rain must fall. Wiggles has just exited the barn when he hears a growling sound. He looks around and sees Fluffy standing beside a big ball of fur with a ribbon tied around it. Now, not much surprises Wiggles, but this has him at a loss. He tries to say something but all that comes out of him is a stammering, “Wha, wha, what’s that…” The ball of fur lets out another growl followed with a little snarl. Wiggles begins to take a few steps backward, but Fluffy pipes up with, “Not to worry Wiggles, he isn’t going to bite you.” Wiggles hesitantly asked, “Ok, no bite, but what is it?” With a laugh Fluffy said, “It’s not a it, this is my cousin on my uncles side, and his name is Chopper”. Suspiciously Wiggles remarked, “Fluffy you have some strange relatives. Do all of your uncles brood wear a ribbon or is this just this cousins normal getup?” “Come Wiggles it’s not what you think. Walk with us and I will explain it all to you”, said Fluffy. With a nod Wiggles starts to walk along with Fluffy and the snarling Chopper, making sure to keep Fluffy between him and the growls, just in case he decides to sink some teeth into something. “Where are we going? And why is your cousin wearing a bow, is he a present for someone?”, asked Wiggles. “Well first off, that’s not a bow or a ribbon. It’s a bandage. Chopper has a chipped tooth and if he tries to talk, it cuts his tongue, that’s why all he can do is make a growling sound”, explained Fluffy. “I know I’m going to be sorry I asked, but how did he chip his tooth”, asked Wiggles. Chopper let out a couple of growls and then Fluffy said, “let me tell it, he mistook a rock for a chew toy and gave it a big bite.” Wiggles rolled his eyes and thought, “ We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” “Well here we are”, said Fluffy. Wiggles looked up and after getting his eyes to focus he realized that they were standing beside the Chicken Services sign. “You remember Doctor Chicken don’t you Wiggles, he’s the one that fixed your burnt feathers from the little green man”, remarked Fluffy. “Yes, he also is the one that pulls out all those thorns from your paws and cleans out the mud from your ears and nose”, added Wiggles. At about that time Hornblower Chicken, who preferred to be called Doctor Chicken, walked up and said, “What can I do for you boys? Have a special sale on some prime real estate this week”. “No”, said Wiggles, “We are in need of your medical services today”. “Well Wiggles, I don’t see any singed feathers and Fluffy you look normal or at least the same as always, so you just pick which service you need”, said Doctor Chicken as he pointed to the signs listing his many talents. So as not to be ignored, Chopper let out a couple of growls, which got every ones attention. “Oh, I see, it’s a ribbon untying emergency”, remarked Doctor Chicken. “Oh no”, piped up Fluffy, “It’s a chipped tooth with a bandage tied around it, emergency”. “Sounds like a job for Dentist Chicken to me, so just what is it that has a tooth crisis”, asked Dentist Chicken. Wiggles thought, “Here we go again”. Fluffy started in his spiel, “cousin….Chopper…. rock verses chew toy, etc”. Now that everyone knew everything, Dentist Chicken said, “Ok, lets see just what can be done about that fragmented fang. Come on Chopper, step into my tent, err, I mean step into the dentist’s office.”. The dentist office was really an old red cross tent that had made it’s way from the real world due to an unusually high windstorm many years ago. The Dentist and Chopper go into the tent while Wiggles and Fluffy take up guard duty to wait for the results of the tooth repair. They couldn’t see what was going on, but they could hear all the combined sounds coming from the torture tent. There was the “humm”, “Lets get rid of this ribbon, err bandage”, a few growls, “Open wide and say bowwow”, “yee hawww, there’s a rock in here”, and then the final “Aaaaiieeeeeeee!!!”. With that the tent flap flies open with a whoosh and Chopper comes running out, shrieking, and screaming. The dentist then comes out of the tent holding a hammer and a pair of pliers with a tooth dangling from it. With a wide smile he says, “There goes another satisfied customer. Ok, who’s next?”. Wiggles and Fluffy look at each other and start to back up while saying together, “Not us, we are just fine. Thank you but we have to be on our way.”. As they quickly walk away they hear the Dentist/Doctor say, “Hay did I tell you I have a special on real estate this week.”. Wiggles and Fluffy walk in silent, lost in their thoughts about teeth. But they can still hear Chopper way off in the distance screaming. Well at least he’s not growling. My tiny mind thinks that rocks are not for chewing and dentist are a necessary evil. Continued… (maybe). -------------------------------------------------------------