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All comments are welcome and appreciated.

If you are a first time Furwaggle reader then scan down to Chapter 1 to start at the beginning.

Thoughts in my tiny mind.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 20


Chapter 20
A talking stick

The air is alive with the sounds of chatter in this fictitious dreamland, called, Furwaggle. Because everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of whom or what they are, there is always a lot of banter going on, just like in the real world, today is no exception.
There is a small group over by the watering trough talking about the wind, rain and other such stuff. Little Squeaky Mouse is going on and on, “yadda, yadda, yadda”. Zorba jumps in with, “I've traveled a lot and….”. But before he can say more he is interrupted by Hopper the Cricket, “Let me tell you, even a little dew is no good for any jumping”. This goes on and on. Everyone is talking but no one is saying anything for long.
Standing off to one side is Isaac the Owl, Fluffy and Wiggles. Isaac remarks, "What we need is a talking stick". With a puzzled look Fluffy asked, "You got a stick that talks like a parrot"? Wiggles thinks to himself, “You’re going to be sorry Isaac”. With a sigh Isaac said, “No, it’s a stick that you hold when speaking”. “Oh, I see, it’s a puppet”, replied Fluffy. Isaac is now beginning to feel that it was a mistake to bring this up. So, very carefully he begins to explain, “A talking stick is a Native American tradition used to make possible an orderly discussion”. At about that time Zorba comes walking up and asked, “Hi guys. What’s going on”? Before Isaac could say anything, Fluffy blurts out, “We are talking about a stick that you beat others with, so you can talk”. “Hey, that’s not a bad idea”, replies Zorba. Isaac is thinking that this is getting more and more hopeless, and he is beginning to lose control of himself. He starts jumping up and down and shouts, “No, No! The Talking Stick is a stick that is passed around and only the one holding the stick is allowed to talk without interruption. It’s best used when holding a Pow-Wow gathering, or having a storytelling circle”.
Fluffy thinks for a moment and then says, “Don’t sound like much fun to me”. “Maybe instead of a stick, we should use a burning candle for those long winded talkers”, remarks Zorba. “A burning match might be even better”, adds Fluffy. Isaac just shakes his head and without saying a hoot, waddles off toward the sanity of the forest. “What do you think Wiggles”, asked Fluffy? “I think, where is that dinner bell when you need it”, Wiggles replies with a quiet chuckle.
My tiny mind thinks that there are times when a Talking Stick could be a good thing. When all else fails, Fluffy's idea of how to use it, could be right.
Here is a simple little teaser for you.
Sudoku Word Puzzle

Friday, September 21, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 19


Chapter 19
Story Time

It’s one of those special days in this magnificent fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle. Today is story-telling day. It is like a contest of tales, except there is no winner nor is a prize given; the reward is in the telling. Each resident is encouraged to tell a tall story to everyone else, like what happens in the real world of politics.
All over Furwaggle there are small groups, with each member taking turns narrating their fable.
When all in a group have had a turn, then they will breakup and join another round table of storytellers. In one group, Al the Gater is relating how he had added some color to Fluffy by giving him a red nose. In another, Mrs. Frog is describing with much fan fair how she defeated the fox in the henhouse. Even Wiggles has joined in the fun by telling of his encounter with a mysterious little
green man.
After having his say, Wiggles moved on to
another group where Fluffy and Zorba are preparing to tell their story. Zorba starts off first, “A few years ago I was giving a command performance for the heads of state of North Dakota”. Fluffy just had to butt in, “What do you mean, heads of state”? Zorba snaps back with, “It was the King and Queen of North Dakota. Now don’t interrupt me”. Wiggles whispered with a quiet chuckle, “There isn’t any King or Queen of North Dakota”. Zorba pretended not to hear Wiggles and continued on with his tale, “As I was saying, at the conclusion of my performance there was a rousing round of applause. After the clapping and whistling had died down, the King invited me to join him and his royal family for dinner and the celebration of his son, Prince Toad, latest achievement. It was a festive party, with fine food and lively entertainment”. At that, Fluffy just couldn’t hold back, “Now that sounds like my kind of party”. Zorba gave Fluffy a dirty look but went on with his story, “Near the end of the party the King stood and raised his arms for attention. He then made a toast to his son and praised him for his founding of South Dakota. Again there was a rousing round of applause and cheering. Later as the party wound down, I was able to talk to Prince Toad. I asked him about the founding of South Dakota, and told him that I thought others had found it a long time ago. He agreed, and said that he didn’t claim to be the first to find South Dakota. He had just discovered it while on one of his explorations. And in pursuit of being a great explorer, he plans to found Wisconsin but may have to found Minnesota first, because it’s kinda in the way”. With that Zorba concluded his fable.
Fluffy said, “Well, I’m glad that’s over, I think next year there should be a time limit”. Zorba snapped, “Ok Fluffy, lets see what you can do”. With that
Fluffy started his story, “I don't have much to say so I will keep it short and besides it’s near dinner time. You know the expression, “Glad pigs can’t fly”, well they can’t but horses can. Just the other day while I was out in the cornfield I heard a great buzzing in the air. When I looked up there it was, a flying horse. He circled me twice and then did a dive down and just missed my nose. Then with a great flapping of his wings he climbed high in the sky and flew off toward the mountains”. Zorba said, “I never heard such nonsense”. Just then there was the call to dinner. Wiggles said, “Saved by the bell”. As they all walked off toward the chuck house, you could hear Zorba and Fluffy exchanging comments about each other’s story.
My tiny mind thinks that one should keep their story short and not drag it out to exhaustion.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Furwaggle Chapter 18


Chapter 18
One door closes, another one opens

The air is always clean, even when there is foggy, foggy dew in this magnificent fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle. Today started out with a little fog but it is clearing up and now there is only a slight mist in the air. By mid morning all will be clear and shiny, unlike what happens in the real world.
Fluffy has a wide smile on his face after just finishing his second breakfast. He is followed closely by Zorba as he steps out of the chuck house door. Just as the door swings closed, Zorba is sidetracked by one of his adoring fans, so he turns to wave and doesn’t notice what is happening behind him. The door slams closed and puts a mighty squeeze on Zorba’s tail. Zorba lets out with a high pitch squeal that could be heard all over Furwaggle. Fluffy spins around and seeing what has happen, he rushes to help his friend’s trouble. But just at that time Al the Gater has kicked the door open from the inside. The door swings open with a mighty bang, freeing Zorba’s tail, but at the same time
hitting Fluffy square in the nose. Now there are two who are jumping around whimpering and screaming. After awhile things calm down and are almost back to normal, well at least quieter. Fluffy cries, “Oh my poor nose.” “Your nose, my poor tail, its broken, I’ll never be able to swing again, what to do, what to do”, wails Zorba. Fluffy said, “why don’t you go see the Chicken Doctor, he can work wonders”. “Ok, come on lets go”, said Zorba in a trembling voice. “No, you go on, I’m just going to put a little ice on my nose and sit here and whimper awhile. Besides I don’t have a bur in my paw”, said Fluffy. With that Zorba started off toward Doc Chicken’s place of mending, holding his tail in his arms.
Fluffy sat there holding a piece of ice on his nose, and from time to time someone would stop and chat awhile. The latest visitor was June Bug; he was always getting in a good word or two.
“Hello Fluffy, I see you have been putting your nose into some where that it didn’t belong”, June said snidely. “No, it was the chuck house door on Zorba’s tail, and Big Al Gater”, stammered Fluffy. June Bug went on with, “Yea right. You know Fluffy, with a nose like that you could be Rudolf in the Christmas play next year and guide Saint Nick’s sled around the barn yard”. “Look June, why don’t you just buzz off and torment someone else. You’re making my nose hurt”, pleaded Fluffy. At about that time Wiggles came walking up. Hurriedly June Bug said, “Got to be going. See your nose later”. June was never sure if Wiggles was a bug eater or not. In any case he wasn’t going to take any chances and took off with a high-speed buzz.
Wiggles asked, “Fluffy, what have you gotten yourself into now?” Fluffy whimpered back, “It wasn’t my fault this time. It was Zorba’s tail in the door that started it and I just got in the way”. “Yea, there is a lot of that going around these days”, snickered Wiggles. Then Fluffy said, “Not you too Wiggles, so far I’ve been told that I look like Rudolf, that I will be able to see in the dark, and even that it is an improvement to my face”. With a chuckle Wiggles said, “Well if you wouldn’t sit there whimpering, maybe they wouldn’t be making fun of you”. “But it feels so good to whimper, that’s what I do”, replied Fluffy. He went on to say, “Besides that, I’m going to be first in line for lunch”. As if by magic, the lunch bell rang and the chuck house door swung open. Fluffy said, “See you later Wiggles”, as he cautiously entered the chuck house door. He wasn’t going to be hit twice, at least not in the same day. With a laugh Wiggles went on his way.
My tiny mind thinks that it’s a good thing to keep your nose out of other peoples business unless asked. Even then, think twice.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you: