Furwaggle Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Impatient Lesson.
Impatient Lesson.
In the fictitious land called Furwaggle the sun always comes up shining even when it rains. This morning was no exception.
The sun shone magnificently over the mountains at the east end

“I don’t think we should take our morning walk today. My leg is still a little stiff”, said Wiggles to Fluffy. The memory of yesterdays adventure was still fresh in his mind and a kink was still in his leg. “I agree”, replied Fluffy. “I’m not going any where until I finish eating. Haven’t got a good breakfast since the cook started using that new cookbook”, Fluffy complained. “COOKING FOR HIKING, now what kind of a book is that. It just isn’t civilized.” Wiggles just shook his head. He could always count on two things in the morning. A beautiful sunrise and a complaint by Fluffy. “Food, food, is that all you can think about ?” asked Wiggles as he limped over to where his friend was eating. “You could try to make something yourself. Then it would be cooked just the way you like it”. “You know that I am sensitive and singe easy, besides I’m a eater not a cooker”, snorted Fluffy. With that he went back to eating his breakfast. Between mouth fulls he asked, “where you been”, gulp, “aren’t you going to eat ?”, gulp. “I have had my two coffee beans already, and that’s my limit for the morning”, said Wiggles. Then with a smile he added, “You know you're supposed to chew every now and then.” The implication went right over Fluffy’s head. He was insensitive to sarcasm.
Wiggles then said something that got Fluffy’s full attention. “I went over and checked the mail”. Fluffy jerked his head up with a snap and sputtered. “is the mail in, huh, huh ?”. “Yes, fluffy, the mail is here. The mail pigeon made an early run this morning”, replied Wiggles. “The mail’s in, the mail’s in” yelped Fluffy, as he started to run around in a small circle like he was trying to catch his tail. “Did I get any, did I, huh, huh ?”. Wiggles was amused at Fluffy’s excitement and curiosity about if he had received mail. “I got to go see, got to go see.” Yelled Fluffy, as he took off at a full run in the direction of the mailboxes. In all the excitement he had forgotten all about food. Fluffy was rather spoiled, young, and defiantly impatient. He was also Wiggles best friend.
The mailboxes were over a little rise and at the bottom of the hill near the road. Fluffy was at a full gallop as he started down the slope straight for the mailboxes. As he neared his goal he tried to stop. Now, there was still a little dew on the grassy slope and it was very slippery. This Fluffy found out too late. The more he tried to stop the more he slid. With a bang and a yelp, Fluffy went right into the mailbox, head first. Wiggles had started off following Fluffy at a slow pace. His leg still was sore and his eyesight was still bad, so he just limped along after him. By the time he reached the crest of the little hill he could hear Fluffy but still couldn’t see him. What he did was hear a muffled whine. That was enough to tell Wiggles that Fluffy was in trouble again. That boy had an insatiable appetite for food and trouble, thought Wiggles.
When Wiggles finally got to where the sounds were coming, he was dumbfounded. Then his expression turned into awe as he figured out the predicament that Fluffy had gotten himself into. There was Fluffy, stuck head first up to his shoulders into the mouth of a mailbox. His feet were kicking in the air and muffled cry’s were coming from inside the box. “Woo is me, I’m stuck and I can’t get out”. Wiggles hobbled around very slowly and methodically viewing the latest predicament of his friend. “Would you like to have me help you ?”, Wiggles asked, his voice low and soothing. He was trying to calm his friend and at the same time not breakout laughing. “Oh yes, please, please, help me.”, sobbed Fluffy. “If you don’t get me out I will be stuck in here forever”, whimpered Fluffy. “Don’t be silly”, snapped Wiggles. “You just got a little something stuck on your head, that’s all”. “But it’s dark and scary in here.”, whined Fluffy. Fluffy’s legs squirmed snakelike in the air like he was trying to walk. Wiggles realized if he didn’t do something soon he would do some serious damage to the mailbox and probably to himself too. But just how was he going to help him out of this dilemma. It was hard to believe that Fluffy could get stuck so tight in that box but then again he did have a way of doing the most unusual things. “Listen to me, stop all that trashing about. You’re not helping any with your legs failings wildly in the air like that. I got to think and you're distracting me.”, barked Wiggles. His mind raced over all the different things he could do to try and free his friend. That’s when he spotted a big stick laying on the ground at his feet. It was a good thing it was so close, other wise Wiggles wouldn’t have seen it. He lifted the stick up and clenched his fist around it. Then he took a practice swing in the air. “Yep, that ought to do it”, said Wiggles with a smile. He then gleefully whacked the side of the mailbox. There was a big boom, just like he had hit a drum.
“Aaaayyiieeee!, Fluffy screamed as the sound ripped through his head. “That hurt…”. “Easy, boy”, Wiggles soothed. “Relax, it was just a bad idea.” Apologized Wiggles. Fluffy trusted him and heeded his advice. Even if he couldn’t hear him. His head was hurting and his ears didn’t feel too good either. He took a deep breath, exhaling it noisily and then be began whimpering again, that was followed by a little sneeze. “What’s the matter now ?”, asked Wiggles. “What did you say, AHCHOO…?”, sneezed Fluffy again. “Can’t hear you my ears are still ringing.”, Fluffy sputtered. “I SAID WHAT’S WRONG NOW ?” YELLED Wiggles. “AHCHOO…, it’s dusty in here and… AHCHOO…, its making me sneeze…”, sniffed Fluffy. “Well, don’t go and get panic on me”, cautioned Wiggles. “What ?”, coughed Fluffy. “NEVER MIND”, yelled Wiggles. He was just about to give the mailbox another whack with the stick, but then another idea popped into his head. Remembering about Fluffy’s allergies, Wiggles started to walk around looking down at the ground. “You still there Wiggles ?”, Fluffy called out. “Yes, I’m here”, Wiggles called back as he continued on his search. “What ?”, called Fluffy. “NEVER MIND, YOU JUST STAY RIGHT THERE, I’LL BE BACK IN A MINUTE !”, Wiggles called back. “Sure, like I was going somewhere”, snapped Fluffy. Then he added another sneeze. After a few more minutes Wiggles found what he was looking for. A big patch of ragweed. “This will do just find”, mused Wiggles as he bent over and grabed up two big hands full. When he straighten up and looked around he couldn’t see Fluffy, the mailbox or anything. With his bad eyesight he couldn’t see much of anything if he wasn’t almost standing on top of it. Then he yelled out, “FLUFFY, WHERE ARE YOU ?”. He could then hear the muted responds of his friend. “I’m right where you left me, and I’m still stuck in this mailbox”, replied Fluffy. With Fluffy’s grumbling as a guide Wiggles found his way back to Fluffy and the mailbox. “Get a good whiff of this”, said Wiggles as he poked the ragweed around Fluffy. “Ohhh, nooo !”, Fluffy wailed as his lips began to drool and his eyes rolled with tears. “What is that I smell ? AHCHOO ?…”. “You didn’t… AHCHOO…, AHCHOO…”, the rest of what Fluffy was trying to say was lost in a hail of coughs and sneezes. By then, Wiggles had stuffed all the open space between Fluffy and the sides of the mailbox full of ragweed. Yelping frantically, between all that coughing and sneezing, “I’m going to die !”, howled Fluffy. “When is you gonna, AHCHOO…, stop fooling around and, AHCHOO…, get me out of here ?” he moaned. Faster and faster his sneezes came, like a steam engine racing to the exploding point. His coughing and sneezing became more furious. His body quaking uncontrollable, he was now in a uproarious sneezing fit. Wiggles was waiting for that one magnificent all-powerful sneeze. “There she blows”, yelled Wiggles. He grabbed the outstretched legs of his trapped friend and gave a frantic tug just as Fluffy erupted in a fiery blasting sneeze. “AGHHHH !, OHHHH !, AGGGHHHHOO !”. Under the tremendous pressure of the extraordinary sneeze, and the pulling of Wiggles, Fluffy popped out of the mailbox with a WHOOSH… He landed about four feet away with a resounding thump. Fluffy snorted out of his nose and in a frenzy state jumped up, looked around and then fell with exhaustion to the ground. As he breathed, ragged noisy rumbles came from his mouth. “Fluffy, are you all right”, cried Wiggles. His legs weren’t too steady either, so he too plopped down beside the puffing Fluffy. Fluffy just sat there with a mindlessly embarrassed look on his face. “I’m going to rest awhile” was all he said. He closed his eyes for a second, his head was still stuffed and spinning senselessly !
For a while the two friends just sat there on the ground and said nothing. The silence was only broken by a cough or sneeze every now and then from Fluffy. Finally Wiggles spoke, “Now, that is what I call an earth-shattering experience”. Then, Fluffy shaking his head whispered, “I’m so embarrassed, how will I ever face anyone again ?”. “Don’t be embarrassed”, Wiggles said quickly. “it could have happen to anyone. And besides, I’m not going to tell…” “Are you teasing me ?”, sputtered Fluffy. “I wouldn’t tease you about something like that.”, said Wiggles as he reached over and patted Fluffy on the head. This was most reassuring to Fluffy, the only thing he liked better than a pat on the head was to be scratched behind his ear. His tail was wagging furiously.
With that, Wiggles got up on his feet and said, “Think its time we went home.”. While he was helping Fluffy get up on his wobbly legs, he noticed that Fluffy was clutching something. “What’s that ?”, asked Wiggles pointing to a rumpled piece of paper. “That’s my mail”, replied Fluffy with a final sneeze. “It’s an advertisement for insurance”. With a grin Wiggles said, “You know old buddy, maybe you just might look into that”.
The two them started back toward home. Fluffy, began his complaining again and Wiggles limped along side, nodding his head in that agreeing gesture. Tomorrow just has to be a more peaceful day.
My tiny mind sees the moral of this tale as haste makes waste and sometimes gets you stuck where you don’t want to be…
Continued… (maybe)