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If you are a first time Furwaggle reader then scan down to Chapter 1 to start at the beginning.

Thoughts in my tiny mind.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Furwaggle Chapter 28

Chapter 28
Shoo Fly

There is always something that is annoying. Sometimes it is a person or sometimes it’s just a thing, even a place can be irritating. It is common for this to happen in the real world. But even as uncommon that it is, it does happen some times in the fictitious dreamland, called Furwaggle.
Today we find Wiggles leisurely rocking in his rocking chair. He has picked an out of the way place in the shade on the far side of the barn. This is so he will not be disturbed by the everyday hassles of the barnyard. (Good luck…)
Even when Wiggles had his glasses on, anything that was more than a few feet away was a fuzzy haze. Most would not like such poor eyesight, but Wiggles found it to be very comforting not to be bothered by the need for rubbernecking. He figured that what he couldn’t see couldn’t hurt him. Anyway, what he lacked in sight he more than made up in hearing. It was well known that his hearing was the sharpest in all of Furwaggle. It has been said that he could hear a pin drop before it hit the ground.
It wasn’t long before Wiggles' tranquility was broken by a yapping sound coming from the far side of the barnyard. He couldn’t see anything but a blurred figure running toward him. But there was no question in Wiggles mind as to who it was. No one could make a sound like that, but Fluffy. His bark was a
tell-tail signature of his furry little friend. This time there was something a little different; sort of a buzzing sound was added to the normal yap.
Out of breath Fluffy came to a sliding halt right in front of Wiggles. With a gasp Fluffy blurted out, “Wiggles, save me… pant, wheeze”. With a dubious look Wiggles asked, “And just what seems to be your problem now”? Fluffy was still out of breath but he was able to come out with, “Flies, flies, they is after me… huff puff… “. Wiggles looked around and then with a smile he told Fluffy, “I don’t see a fly anywhere. But I can spray some of magical fairy dust on you if it will make you feel better”. By now Fluffy has got his breath and with a look of despair he said, “I don't know when the last time you've seen anything, but I know that there was a swarm of flies all over me. Also I know there isn’t any such thing as fairy dust, magical or not”. Even with the fact that everyone knew about Wiggles poor eyesight, Fluffy’s referring to it made Wiggles cringe a little. So with a somber look Wiggles said, “I was just trying to pop some sense in the oven. Fluffy there really aren't any flies around now”. “Well”, snorted Fluffy. “They must of seen you and that scared them away. They didn’t know that you are a corn eating vegetarian”.
With a squeak the barn door opened just enough for Don
Quixote Donkey to stick his head out and ask, “Are the flies really gone. I can’t stand to have flies on me. They make me a little crazy”. With a chuckle Wiggles said, “Clearly you’re not the only one”. With assurance Fluffy proclaimed, “Yep, Mr. Shoo Fly Wiggles got them to go off some place else”.
From the nearby grass came a croaking sound, as Mr. Hopping Fog jumped into view and landed at Fluffy’s feet. With a
questioning croak he asked, “Are they really gone. I was looking forward to a nice lunch”. “Yes, you are a little late”, answered Wiggles. With a sad croak Mr. Hopping Fog asked, “Any idea where they are at now”. Pointing with his beak Wiggles said, “Well I can’t be sure but it sounded like they were headed toward the apple trees over in the orchard. If you hurry you still might be able to have lunch”. Without even a croak Mr. Hopping Fog started off toward the apple orchard.
Fluffy’s face lit up, this happens whenever he gets an idea. He turned to Wiggles an asked, “If they are off hunting apples then they won’t see me if I make a dash for the safety of the chuck house. Will you come along and protect me Wiggles”. Wiggles was already rocking in his rocking chair, but he answered Fluffy with, “Look old buddy, this is something between the flies and you, so you’re just going to have deal with it”. “Ok, here I go”, announced
Fluffy as he started off toward the chuck house on a dead run.
My tiny mind thinks that each one of us must make our own peace in the world we live.
Continued… (maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Circle Maze

1 comment:

JC Car said...

Dale, this series just gets better and better. I love Furwaggle and wish I could live there. Fluffy and I have a lot in common - we're both blind without glasses, and half-blind with them - flies are invisible to me too...unless they land on my nose. :o)

Furwaggle Forever!