Furwaggle Chapter 10
Chapter 10
It’s a water and mud day.

Despite the fact that Fluffy doesn’t care all that much for water even he is playing with his friends,

Wiggles on the other hand, does like water but doesn’t see the need to play in such childless games. He is quite content to sit on the sidelines and just watch. From time to time he calls out to Fluffy words of encouragement and support. Things like, “You dumb mutt you’re getting all muddy, or Keep your nose up out of the mud.”
After awhile, everyone was dog-tired, in particular Fluffy. All the players made their way over to the dry path for a breath of air and a rest. “I’m glad that you have come to your senses and stopped all this messing around”, Wiggles said to Fluffy. “What?”, said Fluffy. “I said you are a dumb dog, and you have no sense”, replied Wiggles. “Speak up Wiggles, you’re mumbling”, answered back Fluffy. Wiggles with a look of anguish on his face shouted, “YOU GOT MUD IN YOUR EARS AGAIN!” At that Fluffy began shaking his head to clear his ears. Then with a snort he sputtered, “and I got it in my nose too”. Then Fluffy looked around and asked, “Hey where did everyone go? Is it lunch time?” Wiggles laughed, “What’s the matter? Do you have mud in your eyes too?” With a hurt look, Fluffy said, “No I just didn’t want to miss anything, especially lunch.” Then with a twinkle in his eye Wiggles said, “They have all gone to take a shower to wash off the mud.” “You mean a shower….with water?”, whimpered Fluffy. “Yes”, snapped Wiggles, “You know that wet stuff that flows all over and makes you clean. It’s a new rule by the Imperial grand wizard of the beautification counsel, you can’t have breakfast, lunch or dinner unless you’re clean. That means ears, face, and paws,.” Fluffy wailed, “even my ears too?”. With that Wiggles said, “Come on, go shower before all the hot water is gone.”.
As the two friends start off for the bunkhouse Wiggles smiled to himself, “Fluffy won’t find out that there is no such thing as a clean rule for at least a day or two.”
My tiny mind thinks that a clean ear is a good thing before eating.
Continued… (maybe).