Furwaggle Chapter 39
Chapter 39
Bug in the grass
Today we find our two friends, Wiggles and Fluffy walking across a grassy Bug in the grass

Fluffy just shrugged his shoulders and shuffled his feet as he prepared for another butterfly leap. Again there came that deep rumbling sound but this time it was a voice saying, ”Watch it buster, you are about to step on me”. With a high pitch whimper, Fluffy jumped behind Wiggles looking for protection. Wiggles yelled at Fluffy, “Stop that whimpering so we can hear what is making that rumble”. Wiggles began to look around, and Fluffy stayed behind him. Then Wiggles spotted a little movement in the grass. This was unusual due to his very poor eyesight; he rarely saw anything, even his own feet. “There it is”, Wiggles said. Fluffy yelled, “Step on it, step on it, squash it”. Wiggles snapped back, “Do not be foolish, it is just a little creepy-crawly in the grass”. There came another deep rumbling voice from the grass, “I’m not a creepy-crawly, I’m a Bug and I do not want to be stepped on by either of you big-footed monsters”. With an apologetic voice Wiggles said, “Sorry little Bug, we just did not see you down there in the grass”. Back came the rumbling voice, “My name is not little bug, it is just

Wiggles then asked, “Tell us Bug where do you come from”? “Well”, Bug rumbled,” I’m just not sure. You see I was up in a tall tree, looking around, when this big gust of wind came along and swept me up. I was blown all over for days. I saw mountains, big lakes and rivers as I was carried along by the wind. I even saw some really big forest. Then today the wind died down and I was dropped into this grassy field. So not only don’t I know where I come from I don’t know where I’m at”. Indignity Fluffy shot back, “Wiggles told you, you are in Furwaggle”. “Yes, but where is that”, rumbled Bug. This time Fluffy puffed up his chest as he explained, “Well, it starts over there and it ends way over there”. All the time pointing with his finger and waving his hand about. “Well, now that I know all that, just how do I get out of here and go on my way”, asked Bug in his normal rumble. “Well”, replied Wiggles, “I figure it should take you about ten or twenty years to walk to the edge of Furwaggle. That is if you don’t stop and talk so much. Then you could fly on the wind like you came here”. “Ok, do you have any big trees around here”, asked Bug. Fluffy pointed across the field and said; “Sure, don’t you see right over there is a tall one at the edge of this field”. Again with a rumble Bug snapped, “I don’t see so well from down here”. With sarcasm Fluffy said, “Then you should either get yourself some seeing glasses or stilts”. Wiggles interrupted with, “Hold on you two, just how high can you jump Bug”? “Well, I can jump all over you that’s for sure”, said the rumbling Bug. Under his breath Fluffy muttered, “See, I told you we should have stepped on him”. Looking down at Bug he said, “Well then, jump up on my back and I will carry you over to the big tree”.

With a mighty jump Bug landed on Wiggles back and the three started off toward the big tree. It was a sight to see, Wiggles with his waddle, Bug hanging on to a bunch of feathers and Fluffy following behind. After a bit they all were at the tree. “Here we are”, remarked Wiggles. Bug said in his normal rumble, “Yes, from up here I can see. Now if you would just stand a little closer to the tree I will go about my business”. Wiggles moved a little and Bug did a big jump, landing on a low hanging branch. Then with a rumbling goodbye, Bug scampered up to the top of the tall tree. With awe Fluffy remarked, “For such a little fellow he sure can climb”. Just then Bug did a leap of faith and was picked up by a light breeze. The last Wiggles and Fluffy heard was a big rumbling, “Yahoo”, as the wind carried Bug out of sight.
“Ok, enough of this bug stuff. It must be time for dinner. With that the two headed back to the barnyard.
My tiny mind also takes wing from time to time.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
An Animal Maze
An Animal Maze