Furwaggle Chapter 40
Chapter 40
Fire in the sky
It’s late in the day; the sun is just about over the horizon in the fictitious land of Furwaggle where animals can talk and understand each other. Our two friends,
Wiggles and Fluffy are heading back toward their home at the barnyard. Fluffy has been dragging his feet. He isn’t like his normal
preppie self. Wiggles just figured it has been a long day of walking and that Fluffy is just weary but he should be better when they get back to the chuck house and a little snack. At least the day had been uneventful with no surprises.

All of a sudden Fluffy stops dead in his tracks and stands transfixed looking at the sky. He then lets out a little whimper but doesn’t move an inch. His fur stands up and the whimper changes to a low groan. Wiggles starts to ask what is wrong but Fluffy jumps up and runs around to hide behind Wiggles. “Ok Fluffy, what’s the matter with you? ”, asks Wiggles. With a gasp Fluffy whispers, “Did you see that? “ “See what”, asks Wiggles. With a few more whimpers Fluffy again whispers, “Up there, the sky is falling”. “Oh come on”, utters Wiggles, “the sky isn’t falling. You sound like Chicken Little”. With indignation Fluffy snaps back, “I’m not like that little chicken, I got fur not feathers. And I did see a big chunk of the sky fall down over by the orange grove. It was on fire and everything”. “No way”, snorts Wiggles. Then with a little compassion he then said, “Come on let’s get back to the barnyard where you can get a little something to eat. That should calm you down a little”.
The walk continues, with Fluffy looking over his shoulder at the sky from time to time and Wiggles keeping a close eye on Fluffy. They had only gone a few steps when Fluffy yells out, “There it is again, the sky is
falling some more, look, look”. This time Wiggles turns and looks where Fluffy is pointing. After a moment he snorts, “The sky isn’t falling, that’s just a falling star”. “See I told you, the sky is falling”, said Fluffy as he jumped up and down on one foot”. Very calmly Wiggles says, “That’s a meteor that’s falling, not the sky”. With glee Fluffy says, “See I knew something was falling. Call it what you want but I seen what I seen and from now on you will believe me when I see something”. With a snort Wiggles turns to continue on the trip home, with Fluffy skipping along behind.
My tiny mind also sees things from time to time. 
Continued… (Maybe).
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