Furwaggle Chapter 37
Chapter 37
In the real world there is rain. Some times a little and some times a lot, depending on where you’re at. But there is never just the right amount for everyone. In the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle, where animal’s talk to each other, there is always just the right amount of rain. Even this doesn’t please everyone.Rain

Wiggles continues doing his little dance. He jumps from foot to foot while fluffing his feathers and holding his beak up in the air. Fluffy tries to get Wiggles attention but no amount of grunting or making sounds of any kind gets his attention. Finally, he lets out the loudest bark he can make and that snaps Wiggles out of his trance. With his eyes still a little glazed, he said, “Well hello, Fluffy, didn’t see you there and why all the barking”? Fluffy responds with, “Well I had to get your attention because I have seen the most unusual thing”. Wiggles replied, “And what unusual thing have you seen now”. Wiggles knew that Fluffy was always on the strange side of things. Fluffy said, “It’s not me that's doing something odd, it’s Zorba. He is running around with something big and black over his head”. Just then something hit Fluffy again. This time it was a double hit, once in the head and once on his tail. With a growl, Fluffy whirled around and barked out, “Ok, whoever is hitting me had better cut it out or I’m going to give you a licking that’s going to hurt, big time”. Wiggles figured that Fluffy had at last gone over the edge and it was best the he humored him. In a very calm voice Wiggles said to Fluffy, “Now Fluffy there is nothing to be upset about, it’s just a little rain, that is why Zorba is carrying that umbrella and that’s why I was doing a rain dance”. Fluffy got a strange look on his face, and his mouth began to move but no sound came. After a moment there was a few more hits on Fluffy and that seemed to be the trigger that set Fluffy into motion. He began to whirl in a small circle and jabber at the same time. “You mean that it’s raining, that’s WATER and it’s

Later that day after the rain had stopped, Wiggles was sitting in a rocking chair on the chuck house porch when he seen Fluffy making his way across the barnyard. Fluffy was being very careful not to step in any of the mud puddles and at the same time keeping an eye out for any lingering raindrops.
When Fluffy got onto the porch, Wiggles remarked, “Well it looks like you got your bath for this year”. With a snarl Fluffy said, “and I don’t want to ever do that again. Now when are they going to serve dinner”?
My tiny mind now knows that water is wet even if it comes as rain.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
A Pyramid Maze
A Pyramid Maze