Chapter 34
In the real world there are many goals and milestones. One of the most common is retirement. It comes in many different forms and for many different reasons. But in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle, where animals talk to each other, retirement is a personal choice and taken whenever it is desired. All that is required to retire is to say, “I retire”.
Fluffy was limping across the barnyard when he encounters Zorba and
Wiggles. Zorba calls out to Fluffy, “Good morning Fluffy, why are you limping?” Wiggles added, “you got another
burr in your paw”? Sheepishly, Fluffy answers back, “No, I don’t have a burr, if you must know, I twisted my ankle coming down the chuck house steps”. “You what?”, said Wiggles. Fluffy snapped back, “I just misjudged the number of steps and so I fell”. “Oh, that explains it, you only walk down those steps four or five times a day. It’s an easy mistake
to make by someone with a bad memory”, Zorba, mockingly said, Wiggles just had to add, “He does'nt have a bad memory, he just does'nt use it all the time”. “Ok you guys, stop it all ready. What are you two up to”, said Fluffy. “Well, if you must know, we are going to Annie Owl’s retirement
party”, answers Wiggles. “Why do you want to do a dumb thing like that for? Didn’t she just retire about four months ago?”, said Fluffy. “Yes, this is the third time she retired this year. But there will be food for everyone”, informed Zorba. Fluffy’s eyes lit up and he began to hop on three legs while asking, “Can I come, can I, can I”. “Food always gets Fluffys' attention”, remarked Wiggles, as two of them walked and one limped off toward the fowl yard.
Just as the trio reaches their goal, Fluffy jumps up on three legs and shouts out, “Rat, look there is a
rat”. Off to on side comes a growling voice, “I’m no rat, I’m a cat, and I go by the name of Slinky”. “Well you look like a rat to me”, responses Fluffy. “Wait a minute, I know you. You are Fluffy the one that got flunked out of cooking school for eating all of the cooking vittles”, said Slinky. Humble Fluffy replies, “It was all a mistake, I was just hunger”. In an attempt to restore some peace Wiggles asked Slinky, “Were you a student of Annie Owl”? “Yes, I was in the class of ninety nine”, replied Slinky. And then with a smirk toward Fluffy, he continued with, “I graduated at the top of my class”. Fluffy gave a little growl but before he could say anything Zorba jumped in with, “and what have you been up to since then”? With a smile of pride Slinky said, “Well I sleep in the warm sun, prowl at night and generally sneak up on things, you know the normal cat things”. Slinky then added, “Speaking of sneaking, I see Jelly Belly Porky over there, think I
will sneak up on him like I did in school”. With that Slinky dropped down to his sneaking possession and began to sneak off toward his unsuspecting prey.
“Well that was interesting”, remarked Wiggles. All of a sudden Fluffy sniffed the air, made a quick turn and struck a hunting dog pose. Wiggles saw that Fluffy was acting a little more weird than normal so he asked, “What are you doing Fluffy, what ever it is, cut it out, you’re embarrassing and it’s making me uncomfortable”. Without moving a hair Fluffy said in a whisper, “Shush, you’ll scare the food away”. Zorba joined in with, “You should have known, when Fluffy goes weird it has something to do with food”. Fluffy didn’t say a word; he dropped down to a three-legged sneaking position and began to creep toward the table where the food was laid out. Seeing Fluffy sneaking up on the food, Wiggles remarked, “Well that will keep Fluffy busy for awhile”.
Then Wiggles seen Annie Owl across the fowl yard he turned to Zorba and said, “Come on Zorba I will introduce you to Annie”. The two friends made their way thru the crowd to where Annie was standing. Wiggles said to Annie, “Annie I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Zorba”. Annie shook Zorba’s hand and asked, “Were you in one of the school class’s that I taught”? “No”, Zorba replied, “I went to circus school in a land far, far away”. “Oh”, Annie said with a shock. “You were one of those that rather play than learn”, Annie continued. With that Annie turned on her heel and walked away. Zorba just stood there with his mouth open. Wiggles reached over and patted Zorba on the shoulder and said, “It’s ok, remember she is retired”.
Just then Fluffy walked up with potato salad dripping from his jowls. He asked, “Are you two about ready to go back home”? With a smile Wiggles ask, “What is the matter, have they run out of food”? Fluffy replied, “How did you guess. Come on, let's go”. Zorba said, “I think I have had about all of the retirement that I can stand for one day. Lets go”. With that the trio started off toward the chuck house, two were walking and one was limping.
My tiny mind thinks that retirement can be a good thing and sometimes not.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for you
Card Maze
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