Chapter 33
A leap of faith
While trust and bravery are rare noble qualities, there are many other traits that are not so rare, such as confusion and misunderstanding. These errors can happen even when the same language is spoken between animals such as in the fictitious dreamland called Furwaggle
Fluffy has finished his breakfast and decided to go out into the barnyard to chase some butterflies.
He just gets started playing this game of snap and fly when Zorba comes walking by. He calls out to Fluffy, “Good morning Fluffy, what are you up to this fine morning?” Fluffy calls back as he spins around and snaps at a fleeting Butterfly, “I’m playing catch with some friends of mine.” With a puzzled look Zorba said, “Fluffy I don’t think that is the kind of catch that is normally played. Usually it is played with a ball and….” Fluffy interrupts with, “Look you play catch your way and I will play it my way.” Then Fluffy notices something about Zorba that is new. He asked, “What is that you got tied around your neck? It looks like a rope, you planning on
making a swing or something?” It is true Zorba did have something wrapped around his neck and draped over one shoulder. With a chuckle Zorba said, “It’s not a rope, it’s a bungee cord.” Smugly Fluffy asked, “You going to tie up a bungee. Don’t think you’re going to have much luck, there aren’t any bungee around here.” Zorba replied, “No, no it’s not for tying up anything it’s for bungee-jumping.” “Oh I see, you’re going to play jump rope”, said Fluffy. “No”, replied Zorba, “It’s for jumping off of things.” With a shocked look Fluffy blurted out, “Sure, that doesn’t sound quite right to me.” “It is.”, protested Zorba. “Come on lets find Wiggles and he will tell you that I’m right.”
The two of them started off toward the barn where they knew Wiggles normally hangs out. And sure
enough there was Wiggles sitting in his favorite rocking chair. Wiggles knew it was too good to be true, that he would have a peaceful morning when he heard Zorba and Fluffy coming in his direction. Sure enough in a few moments Fluffy calls out, “Wiggles wake up, we need you to explain something.” Wiggles slowly opened his eyes and said, “I’m not asleep, I was just resting my eyes. Now what is the problem this time?” Both Fluffy and Zorba started talking at once, one was barking and the other squealing. All that Wiggles could make out was something about jumping rope with a bungee and a few other words that made no sense at all. Wiggles fluffed his feathers and interrupted the two with, “Ok, one at a time. What is it you want to know?” Zorba spurted out before Fluffy could say a word. “Would you please explain to Fluffy what bungee-jumping is?” Wiggles was sure that this was going to lead to no good but he cleared his beak and said, “Bungee jumping is a really dumb sport that involves jumping off of something high while connected to a long, thick, elastic rubber bungee cord.” Then Fluffy asked, “You mean jumping out of the top of a tree or maybe the roof of the barn?” It was Zorba's turn to add something to the explanation, “No Fluffy, something like a real high platform or bridge.” “Well that puts a kink into it.” Remarked Fluffy, “There isn’t anything like that around here.” There was a period of silence then Zorba perked up and with a twinkle in his eye said, “There may not be any tall bridges but there sure are some
mountains and they have some very tall cliffs. Come on it's just a short little walk to a Bungee jump.” Wiggles was right, no good would come of this. So he said, “Just so you are clear about this. I will walk along with you but I’m not doing any jumping. I fly but I don’t jump. What about you Fluffy?” Not to be out done by Zorba and a rare chance to show up Wiggles, with gusto Fluffy said, “Not only will I walk along, I’ll Bungee as well.” With that the threesome start the trek to the nearest mountain.
The first mile was easy walking because the ground was pretty level and flat but from there on, it was an up hill climb. By midmorning there was a lot of huffing and puffing coming from the group as they slowly made their way up the mountain. Between wheezes, Fluffy remarked, “There must be a better way. Isn’t there a road or trail or something?” Zorba who was in the lead called back, “Keep you eye out for Hillbillie the Goat, he can put us on the right path.” No sooner had the words got out of
Zorba's mouth than Hillbillie stepped from behind a large bolder chomping on something. He stopped in mid chew and said, “Well, hello boys. Aren’t you a little lost? I don’t normally see valley types this far up on the mountain.” Wiggles flopped down on a rock to get his breath and then said, “You must be Hillbillie the Goat.” Still munching on some grass the goat replied, “Yep, but I prefer to be called Billie. Now just what is it I can do for you lost kids?” By now Fluffy had got enough wind back in his lungs and he starts blurting out, “Well we come up the mountain to do some Bungeeing and we need an easy path to the very top.” With a look of disbelief, Billie said to Fluffy, “I don’t know what a Bungee is, but I’m sure I’ve never seen one up here and as far as going to the top of the mountain, good luck. No one, not even us goats go any higher than we are right now. It’s too steep and you would most likely fall off.” With a tone of self-importance Fluffy barks back, “Oh no, we won’t fall, we are going to jump.” Billie took a step backwards in shock and said, “You mean you’re going to… But you will be… Oh my.” Fluffy butted in with, “Look just tell us how to get to the top.” Billie then realized that no amount of logic or words were going to do any good on these valley types. So he just shook his head and said, “You want to get to the top, well just climb up and when there is no more up then you’re at the top.” With that Billie turned and started down the mountain.
After another hour of climbing and many huffs and puffs the threesome found that there was no more up. In fact they were standing at the very top of the mountain, it was all down from here. Zorba walked over to the edge and looked over. “Yes, this will do just fine”, he remarked. Wiggles and Fluffy joined him and all they could see was a whole lot of straight down. Wiggles took a sharp breath and said, “It sure is a long way down.” But Fluffy didn’t say a word; just a little whimper or two as he flopped down on his belly and began to crawl backwards. Zorba then asked, “Ok, who is going to be the first to Bungee?” Wiggles replied, “Remember, I said I would walk but not jump.” Fluffy could only whine while his paws covered his eyes. “Looks like it’s up to me”, Zorba said as he began to tie one end of the Bungee cord around his waist and the other end to a large rock. He then bravely walked to the edge of the cliff. Wiggles figured he would try to bring some sense to all this madness, but before he could say anything, Zorba had taken a big leap off the cliff. All was silent for a moment then Zorba could be heard, “Yahoooooo”. Wiggles rushed to the cliffs edge and peeked over. By this time the Bungee cord had stretched out to its maximum and had started to bounce Zorba back up toward the mountaintop. All that Wiggles could say was, “Wow”. Fluffy was still rolled up in a ball with his paws over his eyes but he called out, “What’s happening?” Wiggles couldn’t take his eyes off of Zorba as he bounced up and down on the Bungee cord like a Yo-Yo. So Wiggles just called over his shoulder to Fluffy, “Come take a look.” Fluffy whimpered back, “I can’t, tell me what is happening, no don’t tell me.” By now Zorba had stopped his Yo-Yoing and had started climbing up the Bungee cord. This was an easy task for a circus-performing Monkey. When he reached the top where Wiggles and Fluffy were, he said, “What a trip. Anyone else want to give it a go?” There was dead silence. So after a few moments Zorba added, “Ok, might as well pack it up and head back to the barnyard.” Both Wiggles and Fluffy nodded their heads and the threesome started down the mountain. Zorba said, “That was something else.” Then Wiggles chimed in with, “It could have been a disaster.” And Fluffy added, “It was a disaster I missed lunch.”
My tiny mind thinks that bungee jumping belongs in that special group of things like Skydiving, hiccups and running with scissors.
Continued… (Maybe).
Here is a simple little teaser for youDemon Maze

1 comment:
Dale, I've read this one three times now and it still makes me laugh when Zorba jumps. Great story, great humor, great characters.
More, more! :o)
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