Furwaggle Chapter 42
Chapter 42
The Cure
There is a wonderful fictitious land called Furwaggle. In this mythical place everyone can talk and understand each other regardless of who or what they are.It is mid morning and as usual Piggly Wiggly is taking his daily mud bath. One of his favorite

Wiggles and Fluffy started walking off down the path and in a short while they came to Doctor

Wiggles wattles over to the pond and jumps right into the water. As he comes up for air Wiggles hears a raspy voice say, “Hay there duck, you're

Meanwhile Doctor Chicken has turned his attention to Fluffy and is working on his problem. “Tell me Fluffy when did you first get this Whooping Cough”, asks the doctor. “It's not a Whooping anything. Its an allergy from being in a field of sneezeweed”, explains Fluffy. “Ok, I can fix that”, said the good doctor as he pulls a pocket watch with a chain attached from his doctor bag. He begins swinging the watch back and forth in front of Fluffy and chanting, “You are getting sleepy and you can only hear my voice. When you awake you will not sneeze or cough any more instead you will softly bark”. When the doctor started to sway the watch Fluffy got that dear in the headlights look which went away when the doctor snapped his fingers to bring Fluffy back to normal. “Thank you doctor I feel much better now”, softly barked Fluffy.
Just then Wiggles waddled up and fluffing his feathers asks, “Well doctor, looks like we are all cured, or at least cured enough. What do we owe you for your services”? The doctor replied, “That will be dime for you, Wiggles and a nickel for Fluffy”. As Wiggles hands over the money he asks, “How come I’m charged more than Fluffy”? With a grin the Doctor Chicken says, “Fluffy will be back”. With that Wiggles and Fluffy waved good by and started back to the barnyard. Wiggles was waddling and Fluffy was doing a sequence of soft barks.
My tiny mind also gets spotted sometimes.
Continued… (Maybe).